Crows in El Maizal

Crows in El Maizal

Cuervos maizal

A renowned ornithologist, in describing the habits and sagacity of the birds, says that he witnessed how a flock of crow , and through movements they launched a silent signal code that kept all the informed flock of any danger.

Take sixty -four points as centers of the squares of an 8 x 8 dash or diagonal; And so that the shotgun man cannot give three birds with a single shot.

The riddle is similar to a well -known problem that consists of placing eight ladies on a chess board so that none is attacked by another, but this is improved. There is only one way to solve it, while the other has twelve different answers.


The attached diagram shows the correct way in which the eight crows can be distributed so that each bird has a vision without obstructions of all others, and without two of them in the same row or diagonal.

Cuervos Maizal Solution

In addition, it is impossible for the hunter to discover a place from where he can have three birds in the same shooting line.