Quarantine routine to lose weight and put into shape

Quarantine routine to lose weight and put into shape

As you all know from their own experience, the quarantine It is a mandatory confinement period in a closed place to prevent an epidemic from expanding. It is one of the last resources to which the health authorities of a country can go.

It is clear that, for the majority, this situation of quarantine You live with fear and resignation. It is not surprising that there is a rebound in cases of anxiety, depression, sedentary lifestyle and weight gain, which results in the emotional state, which worsens it even more.

From Psychoactive, Not only do we want to give you guidelines for your emotional well-being, because we understand that the human being is a bio-psychocial facet. Therefore, we want to share a Routine to lose weight, with which anyone can, in turn, get fit without leaving home.


  • Quarantine: Routine to lose weight and get fit
    • 1. Planks
    • 2. Classic abdominals
    • 3. Flexions
    • 4. Squats

Quarantine: Routine to lose weight and get fit

Next, the fiancee Routine to lose weight and put into shape during quarantine. This routine is made up of 4 different exercises: Planks, abdominals, flexions and Squats.

  • Important! You must increase the series progressively, Once you master basic training. It is useless to "beat up" in one day, since you will only make your whole body hurt
  • This routine is very demanding, therefore, we encourage you to follow the instructions, be constant and rise progressively at level
  • You can make the routine 5 or 6 days a week while the quarantine lasts. Rest, at least one day a week
  • Respect the times and breaks between series. Between exercise and exercise, make a 2 -minute break
  • Routines are specified for beginners and advanced, but not for medium level. We let the person himself progressively increase the level according to their skills and needs

1. Planks

This exercise is highly effective to lose weight and put yourself in shape. Not only activates metabolism and burns calories like none, it also helps you tone the abdomen and other upper and lower muscle groups.

  • Start doing 3 30 -second series, With 30 second breaks between series, in case you are beginner
  • For those who are familiar with the exercise or are already in shape and want to stay, you can get to do 6 1 minute series, With 1 minute breaks between series

2. Classic abdominals

Yes Planks They have not finished with you and you want to underpin the work of the Core, Make abdominals of the way we indicate. Obviously, after the previous exercise, you will notice that it costs you much more to do them ... it is a good sign. Try to do them well, and not stay in a mere neck movement.

  • For starters: 3 abdominal series. Leave a 45 -second pause between series and series
  • For the most advanced: 5 abdominal series, leaving a 30 -second pause between series and series

3. Flexions

It is another complete exercise, which Not only does it keep you in shape, fat burning and tone, above all, the upper part of your body (torso and arms), it also helps you gain enough strength.

  • For those who start, you can try to do 4 series of 5 strict flexions, With 30 second breaks between series and series
  • For those who accept the challenge of bringing their resistance to the limit, the most advanced, try to do 5 series of 20 repetitions (100 flexions in total, yes), leaving a 1-2-minute break between series and series

4. Squats

In the world of sport, without a doubt, Squats, are One of the best known and most practiced exercises by those who want to tone buttocks and legs, activate metabolism and burn fat.

  • Beginners: 3 series of 10 Squats strict, With 1 minute breaks between series
  • Advanced: 4 series of 25 Squats strict, With 1-2 minutes between series