When a friend betrays us what can we do?

When a friend betrays us what can we do?


  • Overcome betrayal
    • Analyze why it happened
    • Not be hard
    • Do not save resentment
    • Accept the situation
    • Take some time
    • To be honest
    • Forgive
  • Signs to detect a false friend
    • Very fast intimacy
    • Disappears in bad times
    • It criticizes you
    • It is pessimistic
  • Tips to recover someone's trust
    • Admit the error
    • Explain why you did
    • Change
    • Have patience

Overcome betrayal

One of the most painful betrayals is that of friends, because they are people in whom we have deposited all our trust and take advantage of it to harm us. Has it ever happened to you? Today, we talk about it.

Next, we mention the main keys to overcome a betrayal:

Analyze why it happened

At first, you will feel hurt and shocked and you will not be able to think normally. However, over time, you should rationally analyze the circumstances of betrayal. It is good to do self -criticism. Maybe you also did something wrong.

Not be hard

Do not feel bad about feeling anger or sadness. It is normal that, after a betrayal, these feelings appear. In fact, the bad would be that they did not appear. So you are not too hard with yourself. Be compassionate with you and go to the next point.

Do not save resentment

Rencor is not a good way to channel feelings. It is normal that, at first, you have feelings and desire for revenge. But, over time, the best way to overcome this type of problem is not saving resentment.

Accept the situation

The situation has changed. The sooner we get used to the new situation, before we can recover well -being, health and mental stability. Stop recreating in frustration and accepts the new reality. Only then can you start taking steps on the new path.

Take some time

Everything we have mentioned so far can take time. It is not normal that, from one day to another, all the previous steps are taken. Therefore, you are not in a hurry. Simply let the previous points happen.

To be honest

It is important that, throughout the entire process, you are sincere both with yourself and with the other person. Otherwise, you will be hiding reality (or hiding from it) and you will not improve.


Finally, you should forgive the other person. Not for the other person, but for yourself. Forgiving is a great way to release the load we carry. Of course, freeing does not have to resume the relationship with that person.

Signs to detect a false friend

Next, we mention the main signals that will allow you to detect a false friend (And, with that, potential betrayals later):

Very fast intimacy

Most people build friendships for a long time, and intimacy is something that is won with that time. However, false friends try to get that intimacy and trust quickly. If this happens, distrustful.

Disappears in bad times

A good friend is there in good and in bad times. However, the false friend is only there when things are going well. When they go wrong, disappear.

It criticizes you

Another point that characterizes the false friend is that he is dedicated to criticizing you. Not necessarily behind your back (although also), but constantly highlights your mistakes, points your failures and tries to make you feel bad continuously. These types of people are also known as emotional vampires.

It is pessimistic

In general, the person who creates false friendships is a pessimistic person by nature. And, as you know, it is better to keep those people away, because they end up infecting their negative way of seeing the world.

Body neutrality and non -body positivity

Tips to recover someone's trust

And, finally, we do not want to avoid the fact that, perhaps, you are that someone who has betrayed a friend (perhaps uninfused or for his good). Therefore, we also bring you some Keys about how to recover that person's trust:

Admit the error

The first thing to do is admit the error. If it is evident that you have committed it, the least you can do is admit it and apologize for it.

Explain why you did

The second step is to explain why you committed that betrayal. Perhaps it was due to a good reason that, although right now the other person cannot understand, in the future it will allow him to see it in another way.


Logically, if your behavior has not been the best, you should try to change and show those changes. It is useless to apologize to continue exactly the same.

Have patience

If you want to recover the confidence of the other person, you must be patient. These types of wounds are the most hardly closed, so the passage of time is essential.

As you can see, The betrayal that a friend can carry out is the most painful of all, For the aforementioned reasons. The only thing that can be clear in this regard is that, as far as possible, it is convenient to overcome such betrayal and learn from it.