Grow with a pet its benefits

Grow with a pet its benefits

Did you know that growing next to a pet brings very important benefits for children? Not only in your Personal development, but also at a social and affective level.

In this article we will tell you what are the main reasons why pets and children are best friends. If you want to know about why it is so beneficial to grow with a pet, keep reading!


  • Children and pets
  • Issues to take into account before adopting a pet
    • Choose the appropriate pet
  • 4 Benefits of growing with a pet
    • 1. Securities learning
    • 2. Fellowship
    • 3. Better social integration
    • 4. Anxiety regulation
  • In conclusion
    • Sources

Children and pets

Numerous studies have shown that having a home domestic animal is beneficial. The link with an animal Bring joy to the home, reduces stress, increases longevity, facilitates recreation and preserves mental stability. Now, in young children in particular, growing with pets has proven to be extremely favorable.

Growing together with a domestic animal favors their personal development by instilling values ​​and increases their self -esteem and social integration. It also reduces stress and improves their quality of life, giving them teachings on respect and companionship.

The purpose of this article is to raise awareness about the great impact that growing with an animal can have on the life of a child. Of course, we will develop these ideas without forgetting that animals are living beings, their adoptions must be responsible and we must take into account the commitment that leads to assume the care of an animal.

Those of us who have grown up with pets, know that there is much to learn from them, and how important they can become for families. Become one more member, like any other.

Issues to take into account before adopting a pet

As we advance in the previous section, making the decision to bring an animal home should not be an impulsive issue. On the contrary, adopt a pet must be done knowing what responsibilities they must assume, How things for everyone will change and be aware of the needs that the animal will have. Thus they can reflect on whether or not they are ready to take the step that an animal implies to a home.

While this article is focused on the impact that pets have on children's growth, Adults are responsible for making decisions and transmitting small values. That is why in this section we will talk about the issues to take into account when deciding to adopt an animal.

You have to know that beyond the needs to be met from our pets, The adoption process is an instance of adaptation for both parties: Animals and humans.

The pet will be taken to a house, an atmosphere that does not know, which should be used to. Of course, who receives the animal must also adapt to the presence of a new being in that space. Above all, you have to keep in mind that you must carry An education process Go ahead, where The animal learns the rules of the house, since in principle this will be difficult, more than anything if it is puppies.

They must also know that Each type of animal will have different needs, and they must know them before bringing one to the house. It is not the same to educate a dog, a cat, bring home a turtle or some fish home. They are all different and will need different things.

Knowing this and assuming the responsibility that involves taking care of a living being, we assure you can enjoy all the benefits of having a pet that, above all things, has in children.

Choose the appropriate pet

The first step at the time of adopting an animal will be to think which is the most appropriate according to how they are handled at home.

For houses in which people spend a long time outside, a fish or a hamster Maybe they are the best options. They are more self -sufficient pets than others and require minors care. You leave their food and water and self -administer. Although, of course, they require as any animal and responsibility animal.

Cats and dogs These are the options that have tried more to have to accompany the growth of small children. But also are the most demanding options. They need company to feel good, in addition to special foods that can be more expensive, regular medical checkups and, above all, love.

Once they are aware of what needs they can meet sincerely and which are not, they can thus decide what kind of animal is most convenient for you when adopting.

Beware of depression signs in children

4 Benefits of growing with a pet

Now we will go to the purpose of this article. We will tell you for what reasons it is beneficial for children to grow next to a pet.

1. Securities learning

Since children are in contact with an animal that they give their care, they will learn very important values ​​without the need for constant explanations. We talk about values ​​as empathy, respect, understand the importance of responsibility and commitment.

The best thing is that the process will occur spontaneously and naturally.

2. Fellowship

The link between children and pets, commonly, ends in the formation of a new friendship. Both the child and the animal end up benefiting with company and mutual love.

Especially, this point is good at the times when children are going through emotional ups and downs, even depression. Your pets are usually the source that allows them to find happiness when they are sad.

3. Better social integration

It has been proven that children who grow up with a pet, when facing socialize with other children, are benefited from them since for them social integration is easier. They have already learned values ​​such as respect and empathy, fundamental to face healthy relationships with other people.

4. Anxiety regulation

Pets have also proven to be a great help for children in times of restlessness. Collaborate for reduce anxiety and stress levels. That is why, for some particular cases such as children with autism, therapeutic treatments with animals are carried out.

In conclusion

We hope that, after reading this article, they have been able to understand how favorable it can be for a child to grow with a pet at home. But also, that they know how to understand the responsibility and commitment that entails assuming the adoption of a domestic animal, as well as that not all homes can meet the needs of all kinds of pet.

Once these issues have been assumed, you can know if they are ready to adopt an animal and which is indicated. Thus your children will benefit growing next to a pet.

Pets to overcome depression


  • Waisman, i. Consensus: Children and pets.
  • SCHENCKE, c., & Klein, C. F. (2012). Study of the link that school children have with their dogs and the socio -emotional effects of this link. Psychological Summa Ust9(1), 23-32.
  • Be Martín, M. D. (2016). Benefits of animals assisted with animals in autistic spectrum disorder.