Natural cosmetics, what is 15 main ingredients

Natural cosmetics, what is 15 main ingredients

Natural cosmetics is one of the most popular options today, since many people want to take care of themselves, but they fear some components that can contain traditional cosmetics.

'Cosmetics' comes from the Greek 'kosmetics' and refers to ornaments that for many eras they have been used to guarantee beauty.

There have been many cultures, throughout humanity, which have left signs of how much they worried care. Egyptian culture is one of them.

Today, natural cosmetics is a tendency again thanks to all its benefits and low toxicity, since all its ingredients come directly from nature, without being added chemical.


  • Natural cosmetics: an alternative full of options
    • Methods for the preparation of natural cosmetics
    • Natural cosmetics ingredients
    • Bibliography

Natural cosmetics: an alternative full of options

Natural cosmetics is not only recommended for those who wish to wear radiant skin or look good, but also, It can become beneficial to health.

This is indicated by a study led by Irene Dini, and entitled Nutricosmetic: a brief description, in which he points out that nutrichetic is the tendency of the moment in the well -being and beauty industry.

The followers that nutrichetic has gained is because people are more aware, not only with what they consume, but also with what they apply in their skin, and these natural products have the potential to offer health, in addition to beauty And, best of all, they do it without generating adverse effects.

But what is natural cosmetics? In this type of Cosmetics The use of products that are manufactured without parabens is contemplated, which are harmful to the organism.

In addition, ecological or natural cosmetics differs from the conventional by the methods used in the manufacture of products, in which those that have been treated with preservatives or chemicals are excluded, so that allergies can be mitigated.

Another benefits of natural cosmetics is that In its preparation and manufacturing process there is no experimentation with animals, A sensitive issue that worries many people. Some products do not even include animal derivatives.

It is called natural because all its principles are in nature and most come from plants. The collection is also preferred to do in a flowering season so that the plant does not suffer. Subsequently, glass containers are packaged.

Methods for the preparation of natural cosmetics

There are many options to prepare natural cosmetics products; Some of them can be done at home. However, some ways to prepare them are the following:

  • In infusion: As if it were tea. It is left at rest for a few minutes, submerged the plant in warm water until its active ingredient distils.
  • Dust and Pasta: To use, generally, externally.
  • Decoction: In this case, the plant is added to the water just at the time of boiling.
  • Distillation: They are usually obtained from the maceration in alcohol.
  • Cold infusions: In the case of aromatic plants.

In addition to these methods, there are many others, as well as an infinite possibility of combining them and creating cosmetics for all skin types.

Many of these cosmetics They are elaborated considering the European Organic Agriculture Regulation, among other regulations that regulate its production. For example, the use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides or other chemicals is prohibited, in addition to needing certification to be able to enter the market and be sold.

Natural cosmetics ingredients

The majority of the ingredients used in natural cosmetics, whether of the main modes or as the basis, are as follows:

  1. Waxes;
  2. Plant extracts;
  3. Clays;
  4. Salt;
  5. Eucalyptus;
  6. Honey;
  7. Garlic:
  8. Thyme;
  9. Orange blossom;
  10. Hypericum;
  11. Rosemary;
  12. Ginger;
  13. Basil oil;
  14. Lavender oil;
  15. Sweet almond oil, among others.

These ingredients, in addition to helping the skin look radiant, They also allow obtaining other benefits, such as relaxation, hydration, antiseptic properties, hair strengthening, toning and others.

For each type of skin there is an ideal ingredient. For example, for sensitive skin, lavender or geranium is recommended. In the case of dry skins, chamomile is convenient. If the skin is fat, some products could contain lemon.

The junión next to the lemon are used to treat acne and carrot for eye contour care.

Natural cosmetics offers endless possibilities to look with beauty, both men and women and, in addition, take care of health.



  • Mayor, t. (2008). Natural and ecological cosmetics. OFFARM27(9), 96-102.
  • Dini, i., & Laneri, S. (2019). Nutricosmetics: Brief Overview. Phytotherapy Research: Ptr33(12), 3054-3063. https: //
  • Gómez, J. TO., & González Mejía, D. (2010). Biodiversity and Development: An opportunity for the natural cosmetic sector in Colombia. Cosmetic Magazine, June97, 1-7.
  • Hernández Castillo, J. R., & Pardo Ruíz, J. D. (2015). Monographic study of the use and application of natural products in the natural and ecological cosmetic industry (Bachelor's ahesis).
  • Ledesma, m. L. (2015). Natural Elements: Natural and healthy cosmetics. Linking magazine.