Huntington Korea or the San Vito dance

Huntington Korea or the San Vito dance

In 1872 Dr. George Huntington (United States, 1850-1916) first described this strange disease. A mother and daughter presented involuntary and abnormal movements, continuous mental deterioration and suicidal trends. Dr. Huntington baptized this disease as "hereditary Korea". Korea is a term from the Greek and its meaning amounts to dance. It is a concept used to express patient movements. Currently, it is a disease is known as Huntington Korea or San Vito's dance.

Apparently, those affected by this disease, undertook a pilgrimage path to the chapel of San Vito, in Ulm, a German city located on the banks of the Danube. Names such as "Progressive Chronic Korea" have also been used to clarify and emphasize that it is a degenerative disease.


  • What is Huntington's Korea?
  • Etiology
  • Treatment
  • Psychological Support
    • Bibliography

What is Huntington's Korea?

It is a neurodegenerative disease whose main characteristic is the loss of normal functioning of neuronal brain connections. This failure causes, little by little, the person presents a series of characteristic physical disorders. Among them are the Difficulties in walking and moving control. The loss of movement control causes problems in the patient's day to day, preventing satisfactory autonomy. They can also present difficulties to swallow.

As Arnedo, Bembimre and Triviño (2012) point out, "Patients begin with ICTs, especially at times of greatest agitation, and progressively increase choreic movements, which end up extending to the head, neck and limbs". The authors emphasize that symptoms such as rigidity, slowness or inability to start movements voluntarily are also frequent.

However, not only motor disorders appear, but also cognitive. Patients affected by the Huntington Korea have difficulties in learning new things. At the same time, they also It is difficult to plan and usually manifest a series of psychological and psychiatric disorders. It is a genetic and hereditary disease.


Different research suggests that Huntington's Korea is due to the atrophy of the base ganglia. Specifically, by the degeneration of neurons with thorny dendrites of the striated body (Arnedo, Bembibre and Triviño, 2012).

One of the functions of the basal ganglia is the regulation between the frontal cortex and the surrounding structures responsible for the beginning and the end of both voluntary and involuntary movements. Thus, When the striated body is stunted, there is an increase in involuntary movements.

Mental and emotional fatigue


To date there is no treatment that ends Huntington's Korea. However, this does not prevent it from intervening at different levels with patients to try to improve their quality of life. Interventions are carried out at the motor, cognitive, emotional and behavioral level.

Frank and Jankovic (2010), highlight the pharmacological treatment of this disease. These authors state that Tetrabenazine treatment and typical or atypical neuroleptics decrease involuntary movements and slow down motor degeneration.

Antidepressants such as fluoxetine can also be prescribed to improve depressive symptoms that these patients may show, as well as aggressiveness and irritability.

Psychological Support

The Espinoza-Suárez team (2016) exposes the Importance of psychological support in patients with Huntington Korea. There are several concepts to be taken into account: anxiety, depression, apathy, impulse control and irritability.

  • Anxiety. Due to the anxiety that this disease can produce in the patient, It is advisable to establish predictable routines and, in this way, make life easier. It is convenient to try to minimize the patient's difficulties and concerns to prevent states of anxiety that can sharpen the symptoms more.
  • Depression. Depression can be associated with this disease, so the psychologist's intervention will be essential to maintain a good mood of the patient. If necessary, a joint intervention of psychologist and psychiatrist would also be assessed.
  • Apathy. The patient frequently loses motivation and interest in day -to -day activities. Apart from impacting its mood, it can also influence its environment generating demotivation. It is important to participate to the family and closest friends in therapy, and make them aware of the psychological repercussions that the disease entails. In this aspect it will be important to organize a schedule with different activities to carry out. In this way, it will be tried to be animated through different tasks and exercises.
  • Impulse control. In this case, the patient would move away from possible harmful stimuli as dangerous objects. Substance abuse such as alcohol or tobacco would also be prevented. As well as establish control over your economic expenses.
  • Irritability. It is important to show a calm attitude to patients with Huntington Korea. If you shout we will ask you to stop shouting; If it is irritated, we will be calm. Routines will be offered to try to avoid unforeseen stimuli that can trigger explosive behaviors.


  • Arnedo, m., Bembibre, j. And Triviño, M. (2012). Neuropsychology. Through clinical cases. Madrid: Pan American Medical Editorial.
  • Espinoza-Suárez, n., Palacios-García, j. and Morante-Osores, M. (2016). Palliative care in Huntington's disease: Perspectives from primary health care. Neuropsychiatry Magazine, 79 (4).
  • Frank, s. and Jancovic, J. (2004). Adavances in the Pharmacological Management of Huntington's Disease. Drugs, 70, 561-571.