Tips to avoid suicide in adolescents

Tips to avoid suicide in adolescents

Suicide in adolescents is a problem that is taking strength in these last decades. It is a strong blow to families and many times they wonder what they could have done to avoid it.

Next, in this article by De Psychology-online, we will analyze some erroneous expressions that we have listened to some fathers and mothers and that become a problem for raising the children. Some are also offered Family advice to achieve more harmonic interpersonal relationships among their members and have tools to know How to avoid suicide in adolescents.

You may also be interested: how to help a teenager with index depression
  1. Know your child, essential to avoid suicide in adolescents
  2. Avoid justification for behaviors
  3. A quiet home is ideal to avoid suicide
  4. Tract it individually and personalized
  5. Respect your individuality, basic to avoid suicide in adolescents
  6. How to communicate with your teenage son: x tips
  7. The authority, important to deal with a teenager
  8. Message to fathers and mothers
  9. Protective factors to give safety to your health
  10. To the children: Do not make alliances
  11. How to avoid violence in interpersonal relationships

Know your child, essential to avoid suicide in adolescents

"My son has a very strong character". It is a speech widely used by those mothers who complain about their children's behavior, qualified to possess a strong character; strong, thus dry, for the fact of being impulsive, dominant, unable to postpone their wishes or gratifications, capricious. Everything has to be as they want at the time they want. And for these character features they are attributed the alleged fortress.

And these people, obviously, do not have a strong character, but quite the opposite, very weak, because they are Dams of their emotions, their impulses, their whims. The weak character is excitable, tornado, manipulable, it is easily taken out of their boxes. It can also be passive, dependent, timorarate, little tolerant of frustrations, impressionable, suggestible, exciteable, hesitant, etc. The strong character, on the contrary, is one that has various Adaptive possibilities, He does at all times, he is able to inhibit his impulses, if the situation requires it, he owns himself and not a victim of his emotions, is not violent in his manifestations of anger, recognizes his limitations and his strength, and has in account the opinions of others even when they do not show points of coincidence with their own.

Weak people react disproportionately to the stimuli. If they are offended, they can have a disconsolate crying crisis, fainting, going to the offender, running from the place where they are, to perform a suicidal act. Weak people try to demonstrate that they are not through features of the character that hide that weakness among which authoritarianism, violence can be found. They want to have authority but do not know how to obtain it without being authoritarian, violent, dominant, capricious, third.

The people of a strong nature, in the face of an offense, do not let themselves be provoked, meditate on their possible consequences, value the various responses to it and choose the most appropriate, which, usually, avoids major evils. They do not need to demonstrate their authority which emanates from their own behavior, their serenity when facing complex situations, their wisdom; in his way of addressing others with respect, regardless of who is in question; of their attitudes to study, work, family and society.

Many times Things are confused And it is said that a person or another have a tremendous personality because they are colorful, high, strong, well similar, well -dressed people and another series of external aspects. That is not having personality, but having a certain figure. On the other hand, the one who is short, chubby and ugly and does not know how to dress, also has a personality, because all human beings have it, whether normal or with disorder. A subject can be high, strong, good waiter and dress very well and, nevertheless, be a bearer of a hysterical, paranoid, obsessive or other personality, all classifiable as anomalous.

Another subject, chubby, ugly, who does not know how to dress properly, can be a brilliant scientist, lover husband, good father, good neighbor and have an adequate psychosocial adjustment, in other words, be possessor of a normal personality although its external aspect does not be attractive as the preceding example. Then, the manifestation that concerns us should be, from this reading: 'My son has a weak character'.

Avoid justification for behaviors

Another of the advice to avoid suicide in adolescents is to avoid the justification of the facts. "I am like this because of the upbringing they gave me". A very helpful justification for whom, being adults, they intend to responsible for others to behave, in this case, parents.

While it is true that chaotic childhood can influence the formation of the subject, it is not only the family that contributes to the conformation of personality but also the school, work and social environment. But in a fundamental way it is the subject himself who, consciously and deliberately can contribute to his own training being good, regular or bad. We have all been surrounded by things that do not belong to us. Most people respect the property of others, but there is a minority that appropriates the alien because it wishes and does not inhibit such desires.

Many teenagers and young people anywhere in the world have material lacks of all kinds and logical desires to have clothes, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. Most of them tries to work decently to get obtaining little by little and many times not to the extent of their wishes, those material things to which I refer. Others, on the contrary, are prostituted to achieve those same objectives.

As evidenced, Human beings may have equal opportunities to do things well done and to do them badly. ¿Why a group of people lean on this last option and then aims to blame others for what they as adults do?

You can have A very unhappy childhood with deficiencies of all kinds And that negatively influence the way of being. But, ¿That is a fatalism that must drag a lifetime? I think no. The true serious mental illness that invalidates the human being who suffers from it in its vital projections, until today, is not considered caused by a certain type of parenting. If you have a predisposition to suffer from a serious mental illness, you can suffer it even if you have been raised in a harmonic home. If you do not have that predisposition, it will be relatively unharmed after having passed an childhood in an inappropriate family emotional climate.

No one wished him an unhappy childhood or his parents chose him. No one is to blame for that childhood, you either. And that has no solution because we cannot raise it again as I would have wanted.

The important thing is the present and the future and what he is doing now that he is an adult to live in a creative way.

A quiet home is ideal to avoid suicide

Domestic violence exists In not a few of our homes, whether verbal or physical and is the woman in most cases that takes the worst part. Behind these situations there are various issues that deserve to be analyzed.

  • If these are daughters, they are being taught to support vexations, insults, blows, and for the marriage relationship model, they may avoid marriage because the example received is unhappy.
  • If these are children, they can become, as their father, into regular abusers of their partners, because if the father hit the mother and she tolerated him, '¿Why not hit my partner, if it is not better than my mother and she allowed it?'And this reasoning, in addition to turning them into sadistic, will cause marriage instability, without a doubt, because not all women support or allow their husbands to mistreat them.

Tract it individually and personalized

All children love each other. So say fathers and mothers to express that they have no preference for any child. At first glance, it seems to be a fair and solidarity manifestation. However, Sometimes, it is deeply unfair and generator of rivalries and jealousy among the brothers.

The affection of fathers and mothers is like a medicine, whose beneficial activity is framed in the so -called 'therapeutic window', below said threshold, the medication does not exert any effect and above, it causes undesirable effects. Paternal heartbreak is harmful And the excess of demonstrations of affection is also.

¿How can you want children who are different? ¿How can you want children who behave unequally? In my professional practice I have seen children commit crimes to achieve the demonstrations of affection and the support given to another child who had previously done so. I have treated teenagers whose suicide attempt was to obtain from the parents what another child obtained when trying to kill. I have listened to valuable children to regret not having received the attention received by their brother, a deteriorated alcoholic.

All children should not love each other equally, but According to their family and social behavior. If you have a good, affable, noble child, fulfillment of your obligations, respectful, in short, with very good human conditions and have another that is impulsive, aggressive, policyholder of alcoholic beverages, transgressor of the established order, etc., ¿Which of the two deserves greater demonstrations of affection? Obviously the first, whose responsible behavior is giving parents a supreme test of love. And the differentiated treatment could contribute to the other, if you wish, modify your attitudes, because with it the following message is being sent: 'If you do things as you should, you will receive more affection'.

I know there may be many people who do not match this way of thinking, but it is not about agreeing, but about reflecting on the affection that our children deserve and how this can influence their well -being.

Respect your individuality, basic to avoid suicide in adolescents

I live for my children. This statement, listened to many people, There is no doubt that it is little educational. Children are a social responsibility contracted by parents voluntarily. But you and I know that this does not always happen, because there are unwanted or desired children unilaterally, not planned and sometimes used as spearhead or hook to attack or attract the other spouse.

In certain opportunities the children become the center of their parents' life due, not to the needs of those, but for those of the latter. That is to say, It is not so much what children need parents, but what parents need children. And it is in this situation when this expression can be heard more frequently.

Those who pronounce it literally fulfill it, to the letter, subordinating any personal interest to the children. If parents need some garment and children want something to be bought, however useless they may seem, they will make the decision to renounce their project to satisfy that of the children.

If it is a single mother, with the possibility of remakeing her life, achieving her emotional stability with an ideal partner, she postpones it 'not to put the children stepfather' or because she cannot be 'more woman than a mother'. These positions constitute a serious error, since a distorted message is transmitted to the offspring, a wrong teaching, by constantly subordinating the interests of the parents to those of the children, forcing them to careless of their own interests.

If you do not feel performed as a human being, it is very difficult for them to make others feel; If you forget your needs, it is paradoxical to want to teach your children to be concerned about themselves. If you teach them to limit their lives, when they are fathers and mothers, they will also do so.

And the worst part is that that is usually that 'children grow up and leave'. If you have lived for them, when that happens, ¿Who will still live for?

I consider more appropriate to replace the preposition 'to' with 'with' and the pronouncement would be like this: 'I live with my children', which would better reflect reality and each one would be in due course.

How to communicate with your teenage son: x tips

In order to avoid suicide in adolescents, it is important create good communication at home. Adolescence is a stage of life -labeled life, 'critical age', as if the only ones who had gone through it were others and not ourselves, as if it were a stage only lived by those 'difficult adolescents' and Not for others who lived it normally, according to the specific characteristics that give it hormonal torrent, sudden growth, the need for independence, sexual definition and accentuation of secondary characters, the choice or vocational inclination, among the most significant.

Like any period, adolescence is governed by certain principles that should never be forgotten, as this will entail, in most cases, serious difficulties in paternal-philial communication. To achieve good communication with our teenagers, it is prudent to banish certain expressions such as those related:

  1. 'You have to… ' In this case it is preferable to ask what he has thought about, before drawing guidelines outside him. The adolescent must learn to find their own solutions, to handle stress, difficult relationships, etc.
  2. 'Why you didn't do ...' What was not done has no solution because it belongs to the past. It is much better that the teenager learns from the mistakes made and is able to try again, so it must be assured that he is able to do so, that he can achieve it.
  3. 'Many of your age ...' This unfortunate comparison should never be pronounced. The important thing is to accept the teenager such and which one, and to solidarize us with their decisions, which are usually appropriate to their interests.
  4. 'When I was your age ...' Another comparison worse than the previous one, as it will cause a rivalry between parents and children. When you were your age, things were very different from how they are currently. It is smarter to invite him to dialogue on the subject that we consider problematic, or the one that possibly needs some guidance, but never put ourselves as a model that we are not.
  5. 'I would do in your place ...' Another mistake in communication, because we are committing fraud, with the inconvenience that our opinion could have been valid for us, mediated by our past experience that the adolescent does not have and for our value judgments that are not those of him. It is much more sensible to approach him asking him what he thinks about the situation he has and that way we will know how right or not his decisions are. If they are correct they must be stimulated and if they are not, you should be encouraged to handle other more productive options.

These orientations seek to provide the adolescent of emotional and effective relationships, which serve as a support from the new demands that this stage poses, fundamentally, an appropriate social interaction with its fellow men.

This adequate way of communicating with the teenager will allow you to count on you when you need it, not when you want. In this sense, Do not try to be your son's best friend so that he keeps him aware of how much he does, which is an attack on his individuality and intimacy. The intelligent thing is to get the teenager to have his private life, his secrets and only communicate what is confusing, strange, hostile, taking into account that they have to live their lives and us ours.

If you think your child can suffer from depression, we invite you to read this other article on how to help a teenager with depression.

The authority, important to deal with a teenager

One of the most frequent complaints of many parents that I hear in my professional practice is that The children do not respect them and the comparisons with the past times begin: Before the thing was different, you had to treat your parents or tell him lord; Before there were more respect from children towards parents, from boys to adults. And in these comparisons the new generation is very badly planted. I think that the loss of authority of the parents of yesteryear and those of now is due to the same cause: their misuse. To have authority to the children, there is no time to take any course, or be academic or anything like that.

Simply, you need to do a Proper use of that called 'common sense'. And for this the first thing is ... not fear losing it. When parents fear losing their authority, they begin to make irrational, excessive, unjustified use of it, so that the children realize that they are the ones who have it. But surely they will interpret that excessive authoritarianism as the strongest evidence that you are using it in an anomalous way, which no longer knows how to send. And here is the second advice, to maintain the authority with the children, make a rational use of it.

In this regard, it is necessary let our children live, Well, they are doing an non -transferable process, which consists in living their own life and no one, including parents, can vary that reality. Therefore, take care of being constantly setting guidelines, giving orientations at every minute, warning him at all times how to do everything. Whenever someone attends my consultation with such a situation I give you the example of boxing coaches, who train their pupils the best they can, with all the possible love and dedication, but whoever faces the adversary is not the coach, it is not the one who trains, but the pupil, the trained, who received the training. And every time a round or assault ends, the coach gives him new instructions, corrects alleged failures and the boxer returns to combat, not the coach. And sometimes, the coach says or shouts some strategy from his corner and the boxer is wrong the tactic and loses the fighting, by CSR or by knockout. And the coach did not lose it, the boxer lost her.

And in life The parents' function resembles that of a coach. We must prepare the children to celebrate their fight with life and leave victorious to that difficult opponent. But you cannot live life for your child and aspire to do so, it is another position that threatens your authority. Tell him more or less what to do and how, but let him put his personal seal and if he wants to look for other ways and ways, much better. Stimulate it.

If you do not want to lose authority to your children, I don't be afraid to lose it, Do not be authoritarian, do not use it badly, be flexible, keep in mind that every day your children will need it in a different way, although it seems that they no longer need it.

Message to fathers and mothers

Yo. Drugs have become a scourge for humanity, mainly among adolescents and young people of almost all latitudes. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and marijuana occupy the first places among the most common. Although each of them has a different clinical picture, addictive behavior is the common denominator to all. And about this particular deal with the advice that we provide below.

Addictive or dependence behavior It is characterized by the inability to detach something (or someone), which limits the freedom of the subject in relation to that something and whose absence causes various physical and psychological discomforts, of severity and duration variable, which can be reverted by the addict or dependent.
Therefore, any behavior with these minimum requirements can predispose the subject for the development of a drug dependency. Of course, sometimes this behavior is normal in part of the child's life, such as her dependence on the mother as a source of protection and nutrition, or in the adolescent, her dependence on the group of peers or a certain partner, the Classic Bustee or Friend Friend. It is not to these normal features that we refer.

Rather, these are other harmful evidence in the adolescent's attitude, in natural appearance. For example, when you consume your time in unimportant activities such as the game in any of its forms: billiards, computerized machines, races and animal fights, dice, decks, etc., To the detriment of others of greater utility: the study, the healthy recreation, the family, etc. This type of entertainment becomes addictive when money and time are spent on more than what the subject is proposed, or when it is repeated despite the disorders caused, such as absences to classes by the game, debts, conflicts against conflicts The impossibility of paying them or theft of money to relatives to settle them. When all this happens we are facing the so -called 'pathological game', because there is already dependence on it, it is a disease control disease.

In these individuals there are greater possibilities for the installation of other units than in those who do not present these problems.

Parents must dose this type of activity and avoid by all means the realization of bets, which can act as reinforcers of that behavior, both when successful and played to continue achieving it, and when it is lost and it is about recovering what lost.

Another manifestation of addictive behavior is the use of television as an evasive way, when the adolescent remains for many hours immersed in such a world, outside of reality, which prevents him, even temporarily, thinking or reflecting on his own problems. The same dependence is observed in many related to music, especially with hard rock or hard rock, by which suicides have predilection. In these cases it is prudent that the adolescent develops various interests, that he has several friends and family support, necessary conditions to avoid such abnormal behaviors.

They can also assume an addiction in our adolescents, changes in behavior, for example the habit of smoking, when I had never done it before, the consumption of alcoholic beverages with frequently growing, signals of punctures on the forearms or the anterior face of the Thighs, ulcerations or nasal bleeding for cocaine aspiration, progressive demand for money to pay debts, theft or theft of important sums of money to family members, change of friends, replacing them with others who also consume drugs, use of the marginal language of these groups , or the jargon of the substance that consume different for each culture. Faced with any of these manifestations, the most advisable, before assuming a punitive attitude, is to ask for specialized help, because drug addiction, as a serious behavior disorder, is also a multiple cause disease, which requires medical treatment.

II. The adult condition offers us the possibility of planning our life, to assume an active attitude towards difficulties and their solutions. That does not happen in child.

The role of parents in the conformation of the personality of the children is of capital importance, and on many occasions, if there is no correct family emotional climate, the consequences on the children can be serious and determine the appearance of various degrees of pathology mental.

There are a group of risk factors, which increase the possibilities of manifesting a disorder, disease, anomalous behavior.

For example, The divorce of the parents or the separation, negatively influences the psyche of the children, causing them various types of problems, among which the emotional, such as depression, feelings of guilt for disagreement, the rejection of the parent that remains and the longing for the that has gone; the appearance of difficulties with school performance, nonexistent before the break; Insecurity when losing a source of protection and support, which can trigger anxiety, disorders of dissocial or antisocial behavior, as well as feelings of incompetence in communication with their same.

Bad relationships between parents, Without the rupture being reached, they also involve serious contrarities for the children, who can begin to present an aggressiveness, very similar to the one they are contemplating, in their relationships with other children, in the home itself and in the school. They can initiate symptoms such as enuresis, that is, they urinate in bed, they begin to eat their nails, the appetite and sleep are affected, hair loss appears in the form of pesetas or sacks, or falling eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows, Tendency to isolation or to solidarity with the victim parent, and experience excessive fear towards which the discussions or fights begin.

Child abuse or abuse is another very frequent and very harmful problem for the victim. For the abuse of their parents, many children have died or suffered serious complications derived from this behavior of their parents. Initially, when parents treat a child bad He will suffer. And among the most frequent disorders are the development of an abnormal personality, which can manifest itself with antisocial trends; various habits to mitigate the pain of its existence or lead a alienated life; depressions; suicide attempts in search of a way to end their sufferings.

The image that children have of their parents can also be a risk factor, especially when it generates variable degrees of discomfort in them. In fact, an emotionally absent father of his children, not interested in his achievements and failures, who is not by his side in 'Greens and mature', very little or no security can generate in his offspring. A father or mother who in his way of life includes frequent crying as a way of communicating and relating to others, or assuming victim roles, very little chance will give his children and adolescents to entrust his problems and intimacies, And they will grow with feelings of loneliness. It is also necessary to mention parents with behavioral problems, transgressors of social norms, who can transmit them to their children and they present them by simple imitation.

You are the most important person for your child, For its physical, mental and social development. That responsibility should never forget it.

III. Just as there are already indicated risk factors that have an adverse impact on the development of the child's personality, There are also the so -called protective factors or conditions to give security cheers.

Protective factors to give safety to your health

In order to avoid suicide in adolescents, it is important that your children have High self -esteem and that they feel security. Therefore, here we leave you some tips that are worth taking into account:

  1. Love between parents and of these towards the children. A united family is a security source for all its members, so there will never be many efforts to achieve this goal. As part of this love is the acceptance of each one in their individuality and differences. This costs a lot of work, because parents pretend their children to be in their image and likeness; It is the mistake of wanting to recriminate through the children, and if the father wanted to be a doctor or engineer and could not, then he puts all his efforts and efforts for the son to become what he could not.
  2. Have significant people to trust. It is not prudent when our children tell us their difficulties, take repressive measures or assume alarmist attitudes, which will silence their future confidences.
  3. Children also need to have parents who impose certain limits to their behavior, and thereby avoid a disorderly use of freedom, so harmful to these ages. The limits must be rational, not excessive or arbitrary, because they harm as much or more than the absence of limits.
  4. The children need feel attended in your difficult times, such as school, loving difficulties or when they suffer from a disease. This will increase your safety, your self -esteem.
  5. Have a positive opinion of themselves, a high self -esteem. For this, it is important to highlight their good qualities instead of defects, teach them diverse skills to face stress and solve their problems, which will favor the emergence of favorable feelings towards themselves; Develop in them the ability to control and modulate their emotions, to avoid manipulation of their affections or give an impulsive or unthinkable response.
  6. The intolerance of parents in the face of deviant behaviors. Allowing them is a stimulus to be repeated and turned into a bad habit. In this case, the unity of criteria in the whole family is important by disapproving certain maladaptive behavior and not only the disapproval of a part of it, since the child or adolescent will make alliances against those who reprove their behavior, sympathizing with those who approve or They stimulate. In addition to rejecting deviations, it must be frequently controlled so that they are not being presented, and thus its occurrence will be dismissed.
  7. It is indispensable for children The parents' behavior: If parents grow up to difficulties; If we own our emotions; if we are stable in social behavior (family, work, neighborhood); If we know our loose points, our limitations; If we are good workers, creative, not routine; If we know how to be responsible, reliable; If we know how to enjoy, we will surely be a good model to imitate for our offspring.

To the children: Do not make alliances

This issue is especially intended for children whose parents have marriage problems and are about to separate and divorce. It is directed, of course, to those children who are teenagers or young people, but not to children who in most cases will make logical alliance with the mother, their source of nutrition, protection and security in these ages.

Generally, if there are females and men between them, a Distribution in alliances. Some will defend the father in his reasons and others, the mother. The United to the Father will have problems in their relations with the mother and with the brothers who support her. The others will suffer the reprimands of the opposite group.
But they cannot be forgotten that they have formed alliance with their father, against their mother and vice versa. That is, they do not form it with a loved one against an enemy, but against another loved one, hence its inconvenience.

The teenager or the young man who joins one parent against the other, will have from that moment a parent and an enemy, instead of two parents. This should not be, but it happens.

An intelligent posture would be try not to interfere in those matters And just do it if they are asked for opinion, which must find an impartiality to foolproof. I know that it is difficult for a teenager or a young man does not take sides in this type of situation, but they must take care of their own matters and leave adults to solve the problem alone in a civilized way.

Even if your parents are, remember that old saying that says 'Between husband and wife, no one should meddle'. And that is also valid for you.

In addition to the inconveniences caused by these alliances in the subsidiary relationship, the same occurs among the brothers, who will establish personal quarrels, disputes, grudges, and this, logically, will mark them from now on.

The fights can influence unfavorably, because a parent can attack affect the image of the other and deepen even more relationship problems in the family. Finally, in addition to the anterior saying that is valid, as being a judge and part '. And this other saying comes to you, teenager or young with parents in marriage conflicts, such as 'Finger ring'.

How to avoid violence in interpersonal relationships

Greater emphasis is made in The visible aspect of violence, that is, in physical or psychological abuse, In the violent behavior, it manifests in the form of screams, threats, soece words, insults, blows, shoves, more severe physical aggressions that can cause damage, mutilate and sometimes compromise the life of the attacked. However, there are other types of violence, more subtle, but no less harmful, patents in interpersonal relationships, between subjects who, in appearance, do not sympathize with violent behavior or practice it consciously. To this guy is the one who wants to refer.

That's how it is, There are normal forms of behavior, which are violent, They try to force a situation at will; For example, when we interfere in the life of others without asking us for a criterion or opinion, just because that person is not acting as we would, as if we were the model to follow, and consider everything different from that supposed 'model' model normal ', as something to modify, change, rebuild.

Another way to manifest domestic violence is when the couple's positive attributes are unknown or are mocked. Thus, a professional with successes in her scientific life complains about her husband's recrimination because 'the only thing you do is studying and writing lately', despite her to have been able to complement her scientific activity with family care.

Sometimes, Silence is a form of violence in interpersonal relationships, They deprive human beings of the necessary communication. This becomes more evident when couples do not live alone, but with the family of one of the spouses. In this case, the spouse that encourages silence, maintains the deal with the other members of his family and leaves 'abandoned to silence' who has no family in that environment. While he can talk with other cohabiting, the quality of communication will be committed significantly.

Another form of violence in interpersonal relationships is when it comes to subordinate the interests of the family to those of one of its members, when they are not even the important ones at that time. Thus, for example, you want to put everyone based on the sick child and it only has a common cold. Or that the husband expects his partner to go to work, when she usually arrives delayed. Or that children and adolescents suffer the loss of a loved one with the same manifestations of grief as the adult.

It is also violent behavior sex manipulation, that is, use sexual relations as a weapon against the couple. And it is the case when a spouse bothers the other and stops having sex for several days, although the trouble could well be resolved in five minutes. Unnecessarily prolong the dislikes, it is another form of violence, the discomfort is dilated to have advantages in the relationship. This must be complementary, not competitive, and when this occurs in the couple it is a very destructive form, by the way. Each spouse must try to have the greatest success in what it does and who has less possibilities for one or the other reason, should feel happy because your partner has succeeded, this does not always happen and success becomes a reason for differences and misunderstandings On the part of the one who obtains them and sometimes, from whom he could not obtain them.

Another manifestation of violence is When family tasks are not shared And they recharge in one of its members or when the tasks are not distributed logically, so that each can make a more rational use of their time.

Definitely, Violent behavior has many ways to manifest And we must prevent anomal from being part of our behavior.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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