Self -confidence and security, the key to personal appeal

Self -confidence and security, the key to personal appeal

Many times you will have wondered What is the key to being attractive. After all, it is something that all people seek: like others more. What if I told you that confidence and self -confidence is key to being attractive?


  • Why are the safe people of themselves
  • The difference between self -confidence and vanity
  • How to win security in yourself and be more attractive?
    • Watch your thoughts
    • Control your emotions
    • Take care of your body posture consciously

Why are the safe people of themselves

Surely you have also realized that there are people who, although they are not especially physically attractive, have a "something" that makes us look especially at them.

That something can be called many ways. For some it is charm, for others it is spell, for others it is charisma. The word we use is the least, because they all refer to the same: The security that person has in themselves and in their abilities.

These types of people accept and love themselves as they are, without wanting to emulate others and without the need to try to hide defects.

This self -confidence makes those who feel good about themselves are less afraid to leave their comfort zone, and this kind of "safe unconsciousness of itself" He has a natural magnetism that makes people come.

The difference between self -confidence and vanity

However, despite the above, It is important that self -confidence and self -confidence is not confused with vanity.

Vanity, in fact, appears when self -esteem and self -confidence is missing. It is a form of "covering" insecurities under a sor of self -sufficiency. But rarely vanity can compete with self -confidence.

That is why people who are vainly rare.

And, in reality, vanity is a very poor imitation of self -confidence. While the safe person of himself makes decisions, The person with vanity is carried away, so as not to assume responsibilities.

If those decisions go well, the safe person assumes it normally and humility, while the person with vanity will try to attribute merit. And, if those decisions go wrong, the vain person will say that he did not make the decision, while the person with self -confidence will assume the error and its consequences.

In the same way, The person who has self -confidence has no problem accepting a certain risk portion, because he has faith in himself. However, the vain person rarely does this, because, in reality, he does not trust himself.

And, of course, when both are silent, it is when differences are most noticeable. The person who is sure of himself can be detected without the need for his mouth to open, which does not happen with the vain person.

Because? For body language. The vain smile less and have a more "shrinking" posture (although they try to falsify it), while people with themselves smile and show themselves openly, with the upright posture and tranquility.

Self -esteem: don't we love each other? Or do we not know each other?

How to win security in yourself and be more attractive?

Let's see some keys to gain security in yourself and be more attractive to other people. But, remember, in the end, all this is a mental and emotional issue. At the same time you follow these tips, you will have to solve your problems.

Watch your thoughts

People produce more than 50.000 thoughts a day and more or less half are negative. These negative thoughts usually fulfill the function of warning us of dangers, but the truth is that they rarely have the basis in current societies.

People safely dominate these negative thoughts and eliminate them. Especially, you have to be able to stop the negative thoughts that have to do with ourselves, because they will negatively affect our self -esteem.

Control your emotions

People safely control their emotions and do not let them control them. Thinking with the heart is not a good idea if what you want is to dominate what happens around you, so try to stay cold in situations where others lose their stirrups.

Take care of your body posture consciously

There are studies that have shown that showing a triumph body posture leads to having hormonal levels more related to triumph, Welfare and self -safety.

Therefore, You can deceive your brain by adopting a winning body posture instead of getting carried away by the negative.

As you can see, the fact of Having self -confidence and security makes other people see us as more attractive. After all, have someone resolutive next to each other and who is able to manage difficult situations, in the long term, it is better than having a pretty face.

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