Know yourself

Know yourself

Know yourself It is a sentence that appeared in the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi. Has become popular in its Latin form as Nosce you psum. 

In this article We offer you some introspective keys to reflect on you And it helps you ask you the right questions so you know who you really are.

The reality is that we do not know completely. Most people live outside their own inner reality, which fell frequently in vital errors and crises. In fact, it seems that we would like to compensate for that lack of depth living "out". That is, letting us be carried away by materialism and hedonism, the body, the physical and the earthly.

However, on many occasions we see that to find the Holy Grail of Happiness and vital satisfaction, often A person must make a trip to self -knowledge. Embrace the universe within oneself. As an old classic saying said: "Know yourself and you will know everything".


  • Know yourself through these keys
    • 1. That I am?
    • 2. How am I?
    • 3. Where I am?
    • 4. What is my way of being? Because I'm so?
    • 5. Know yourself asking you: how am I here? What is my role in all this?
      • Your life is your own project
    • 6. Who I am?
    • References

Know yourself through these keys

1. That I am?

  • A human being, Not one thing. I am a subject, Not an object. Therefore free, with volitional capacity and to discern. Similarly, with the necessary resources to take actions and modify my next environment.
  • I am a rational being. Therefore, I am endowed with reason. My thinking can translate into concrete ideas and representations.
  • A symbolic being. We all interpret our reality symbolically. We all pursue myths, dreams. What archetype chasing consciously or unconsciously?
  • I am a sexed being, man or woman, but that integrates elements of both sexes into their being: Soul and Aimus
  • A conscious being, Equally endowed with self -consciousness (knows about his own existence). We all ask ourselves transcendental questions about ourselves and the reality that surrounds us
  • I am an emotional being, expressive, who wants to know and understand the universe

2. How am I?

You should ask yourself What are you done, what are the elements that make up your personal reality.

  • You are a triadic being with three planes, which are: Body, Soul and Spirit
  • The soul (psyche) is also triage: Memory, Intelligence and Will

In human essence it is imbued in the essence of the natural and the supernatural; The absolute and the relative. What is the latter?

  • Absolute represents the infinite and eternal, being, the transcendent, the essence
  • The relative represents the temporal, the perishable, the conditioned, the phenomenological

The spirit is the deepest of being; It is your center, your most sacred core. On the contrary, the physical and the psychological is the superficial, it shakes it.

As for the personal self, we have:

  • THE GREAT SO: What is your real self; that is, the spiritual, transcendent and eternal
  • The ego: It's your false self. It is small, illusory, ephemeral, nothing reliable

One of the greatest tragedies of our time is that many people do not know how to distinguish between the real self and the false self. And, what is worse, many are identified and defined under the false self. They are people who do not know each other, they are superficial and live out. There is a viking saying that says:

The less internal the person, the more external becomes his life. The more people lose their internal part, the more extravagant their external manifestations are, and they will be their government, laws and cult (they will emerge as separate ideas)

3. Where I am?

I am within the creation, of a universal order. Therefore, I am part of the cosmos. I am a microcosm. Know yourself With these questions: why am I here? Who has brought me to this world?

You should know that there is a place for you in this cosmic order. However, you must find your position inside him. Therefore, you must remember that the cosmos is present in you, and that you have to live in harmony with him.

You have to keep in mind, in the good times and in the moments of weakness that are part of humanity. And as such you occupy, together with others, a central position in existence, then The human being is the intermediary between God and the world. Therefore, the human being has the universal service mission.

4. What is my way of being? Because I'm so?

You must ask yourself:

  1. How is my personality configured and what elements compose it?
  2. How am I in the present? How was I in the past? Finally, how will I be in the future?
  3. What should I do to be as I should?

You have to know about two fundamental realities: Your person and your life. You have to worry about knowing and working both aspects. On the other hand, You have to be who you are and the one you are called to be. To do this, keep in mind the following facets:

  • Temper: Inherited part of the personality
  • Character: part of the personality forged in interaction with the environment
  • Vocation: What attracts you and excites you
  • Aptitudes: What is best for you
  • Attitudes: Your predisposition to act
  • Training, culture, instruction
  • Values
  • Mundo or vision of the world
  • Personal introspection: How I see myself
  • Surrounding analysis: How do I see my context and others

5. Know yourself asking you: how am I here? What is my role in all this?

For the human being, who is an itinerant being in this world world, nothing is definitive. Change is the only constant in life. However, we all follow a path, but: Where do you carry the path you are following?, What is the path you should follow?

The fundamental issue is that you have to find your own path and, if it does not exist, manufacture it. Luckily or unfortunately no one can walk the way for you. However, it is not as terrible as it seems. After all, everyone has to do it sooner or later.

Now ask yourself: 

  • Where do I come from?
  • Where I go?
  • What have I come to do in life?

Your mission is your path. You should keep in mind that you come from eternity and go towards eternity. Therefore, being one with God (good, being, the way) is your last goal. You come from being and tend towards being. Life is the search for being.

Your life is your own project

Above all, You have to find your vocation and your destiny:

  • What do you want to do with your life
  • What and how do you want to be
  • How do you want to live
  • What objectives you will guide your life

6. Who I am?

The fundamental objective here is to discover your own identity, your true essence, your nature. You can start asking you through these questions:

  • Who am I really
  • What is behind my name, my body
  • Who is the individual who is now reading these lines
  • What makes me as I am
  • What makes me alive
  • What or who keeps me alive and how

Nosce te ipsum et nosces universum et deos: Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods.


  • Medrano, a. (nineteen ninety six). Tao light. YATAY.
  • Medrano, a. (2002). The path of honor. YATAY.
  • Medrano, a. (nineteen ninety six). Magic and mystery of leadership: the art of living in a world in crisis. YATAY.