Lolita complex, an older man falls in love with a young woman

Lolita complex, an older man falls in love with a young woman

Why does an older man fall in love with a young woman? What do you feel? What attracts an older man of a teenager? Today we are going to break up everything that surrounds the known as Lolita complex.

The attraction that an older man feels towards a young girl is not an unusual situation. But, if the couple establishes an emotional or sexual relationship, problems that will affect both parties can arise and, in the end, those problems will end many times for destroying their relationship.

Since the publication in 1955 of the novel "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov, This name is used to refer to any teenage girl who is attractive to an older man.

The original novel described "The Lolita Complex" with humor and sensitivity, but the normal thing is that such a relationship is seen with disapproval or even repulsion by society, which will create great difficulties for man and girl in question.


  • What is a man called teenagers?
  • What does an older man feel with a young woman?
  • Why does an older man fall in love with a young woman?
  • What attracts an older man of a young woman?
  • Is the attraction of an older man for a young woman common?
  • Why does the Lolita complex constitute a problem?
  • How are the women "Lolita"?
  • Why the relationship between an older man and a young woman does not usually work
    • Stop working for man for ..
    • Stop working for women for ..
  • How should you react to a relationship between an older man and a young woman?

What is a man called teenagers?

The sexual attraction that an older man feels for a teenager is known as ephebophilia or hebephilia.

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What does an older man feel with a young woman?

When this situation appears, the man who falls in love or feels a strong sexual attraction for a teenager usually experiences great feelings of guilt.

As this is also a taboo theme among adults, man will be equally difficult to talk to friends or relatives. You may feel that it is a potentially dangerous type of love and not yet considered themselves capable of dealing with your own feelings.

Before or after, he will end up finding the little satisfactory relationship, because a young girl is not able to offer mature love, understanding and friendship that most men seek and hope to find in an adult sexual relationship.

Why does an older man fall in love with a young woman?

It may happen that, due to complications in the relationship with his mother, the man has never been able to have satisfactory sexual relations with an adult woman. If women of his age scare him, he can very well transfer their wishes to a younger one, for believing that he has more chance of being accepted when he manifests his sexual needs.

Some men are able to maintain normal sex until they reach maturity, at which time the so -called "male menopause" begins. Then, they can torment with the idea that their sexual capacity is decreasing and that they are less and less attractive to women.

Once again, a girl is more likely, due to her lack of sexual experience, of being less critical in relation to the performance of her partner. Other men completely lose the desire to have adult sex and discover that they are only sexually excited looking, being close or fantasizing about young girls.

For a small minor. The fact that these relationships are disapproved and condemned by society will provide them with the necessary stimulus to recover their decreased sexual appetite. And, although they will probably have to maintain the relationship secret, their ego will be gratified for the idea that a young girl still finds them attractive.

What attracts an older man of a young woman?

Since so much importance is granted to the fact that women dress and make up to please men, it is not surprising that most of these are attractive and stimulating the presence of a “very colorful” young girl and behaving with coquetry.

Although most men sexually want a much younger woman at one time or another of their lives, those who consider bringing such desire to practice, usually experience feelings of sexual inadequacy in regard to women.

Is the attraction of an older man for a young woman common?

It is possible that almost all heterosexual men experience the desire of "a lolita" at one time or another of their lives. In the past, young girls were jealously protected, and accompanied by “carbines“ when they went out and kept them away from contact with men.

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Today, teenagers are considered sufficiently formed to go out and move on their own and, nevertheless, too young to have sexual relations. In this age "undecided" they are still experiencing with their own sexual feelings, many times without really knowing what their effects are on older men.

Why does the Lolita complex constitute a problem?

There are few adults already mature, whose sexual relations work well all the time And when the couple is formed by a very young girl and an older man, the situation is very likely to end in a failure. First, if the girl is a minor, the man is in danger of being sentenced to go to jail in case of discovering his relationship.

And if the matter reaches the courts, the girl may suffer a strong emotional trauma, even in the case of seeing her protected name of unwanted advertising. It is a generalized opinion that, when a relationship is established, the young girl usually suffers great damages and psychological damages.

Apart from legal barriers, and because it is based on inequality, the relationship can negatively affect one or both parties at the same time. An older man will logically possess more experience and normally more money, which will grant him greater power than a normal girl.

She will be in a situation of being influenced, perhaps even, against her will, at a time when she is experiencing great changes, both from the physical and emotional point of view, which makes it more vulnerable.

Since it is rare that this kind of love is openly discussed, you will encounter the additional problem of not knowing who to resort to help and advice for fear of being criticized or because it is aware that, if your parents find out, what more likely they are shown against or prohibit it to continue the relationship.

How are the women "Lolita"?

It is difficult to describe the type of young girl who is likely to respond positively to the insinuations of an older man. Most adolescents are desire to prove that men are attractive.

It is very likely that, when an older man makes them the object of his attention, they feel warmed and pleased. And an age lover can provide them with the “social status” of which they are often considered unfairly private.

As teenagers usually maintain a fairly tense and difficult relationship with their parents, a love relationship, which must be kept secret, sometimes provides them with an additional excitement, They know that, if their parents find out they would be shown flatly against.

An older man can many times to a young girl a way of life who is not accustomed, but he will surely like. Normally it has money, so you can make gifts that she could never buy.

You can also enjoy being carried, from one place to another, in a luxurious car or being at his home. All these are material factors, which do not always matter too much in an adult relationship, in which both parties are trained to obtain their own income.

There may also be emotional reasons why a young girl will feel pleased with the attention of an older man. Although probably unconsciously, you can want to hurt a father who considers too repressive or who tries to prevent him from having fun. And what better way to achieve it than to "lite" with a man of the same age as him, thus putting them in open competition.

In the event that their parents have separated or that the father stays away from the children, Some girls may be hurt by the absence of a father figure. An older man as a lover, can provide her with security that, if not, would have provided the father's figure.

There is also the sexual aspect of these relationships, because although it may not be emotionally prepared for an adult love, your body is able to enjoy the sensations of sexual attraction.

Why the relationship between an older man and a young woman does not usually work

The possibilities that such a relationship will be limited from the first moment. The more it lasts, the greater the chances of being discovered. The life of a girl is much more limited than that of an adult woman, so they will be raised every day to be able to see each other, and to spend a whole night together, it will be quite complicated. A good way to make sure you are with the right person is to learn first what your ideal partner is.

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In cases where man and girl get to make love, and although both can desire it, it will usually not be an experience as satisfactory as the love act between adults. In addition, the secret that inevitably surrounds its adventure does not provide the most appropriate atmosphere for the relationship to strengthen.

The vast majority of relationships between young girls and mature men are dedicated from the first moment to failure. The shame and the secret that inevitably accompany them, means that neither party will be able to surrender and relax fully in love towards the other.

Innate imbalances derived from the difference in age and experience mean that one of the two parts, man, will almost always enjoy too much power, while the other, the girl, will have very difficult to normally continue her school life and usual familiar.

If man maintains this relationship because he is considered sexually inappropriate, he may not be the most indicated person to start the young woman in the pleasures of sexual love or to fill all his sexual potential.

Therefore, one of the two parts or both at the same time, will get tired before or after this type of adventure, which they will want to escape, leaving the other incapacitated to share their pain with friends and family in a normal way, what which constitutes a necessary comfort when any intense or lasting relationship is ended.

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Man can house doubts about the girl's reasons to accept the relationship and think that he only agrees to make love because he does not dare to say no.

If the main attraction the man feels towards the girl is that she is not yet a woman, what will happen when she grows up? It is unlikely that this kind of love to survive the changes of a teenager.

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There is always the problem that the girl I can access love without being sure of what it really means to her or for her older partner.

From the girl's point of view, A love that has to be hidden from your family and friends, can be more a problem than a source of joys. It is also likely that he feels guilty and distressed, as well as experiences great insecurity because he knows that he cannot offer his lover the mature love he needs.

Finally, it is possible that, because of his lack of experience in the world, he is forced to depend on his partner to solve the problems, which will even more intensifying that inequality among lovers.

How to know if I'm really in love?

According to the girl, she becomes a woman, you can discover that the youth company of her own age wishes, which they understand better than her older lover, the problems and joys of adolescence. You can begin to feel that the opportunity is being lost to explore sex and life in general with people like her, for whom everything is still new, an experience to learn and share.

It is not likely that a Maduro lover will share his tastes in relation to clothes, music or other aspects of leisure and the way of life. It is also unlikely to possess the energy and vigor of youth. These factors can lead the young woman to develop the Brunilda complex.

How should you react to a relationship between an older man and a young woman?

It is important that people try to understand and show themselves benevolent with the two lovers involved in a "lolita" relationship. Disapproval and moral convictions will not get anything. In fact, such attitudes can only serve to push each lover in the arms of the other, when they could not be, they could get out of their own account and without anyone's help.

Parents concerned about the possibility that their daughter is maintaining relationships with an older man should not react hastily, but can ask for the specialized advice of a psychologist and try to gain their daughter's confidence, instead of suffering in silence the load Additional to secret and guilt feelings.