Inferiority complex in children symptoms and treatment

Inferiority complex in children symptoms and treatment

¿Your child is not able to introduce yourself to other people and feel inferior to other colleagues or friends? Most of ours Therefore, in his adult life. Children who have this complex try to stay away from those children who consider superior. For them, the rest of children are much higher and, therefore, avoid contact with anyone and opt for isolation. In this psychology-online article, we show you The symptoms and treatment of the inferiority complex in children.

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  1. What is the inferiority complex?
  2. Symptoms of the inferiority complex in children
  3. Treatment for the inferiority complex in children
  4. How to overcome the inferiority complex in children: tips for parents

What is the inferiority complex?

The inferiority complex is a feeling experienced by the person who is considered inferior to others in one way or another. This feeling can be fictional and never exist. If the inferiority complex persists over time can discourage the child to try to achieve their goals and, therefore, leads him to fail in his life, making him prefer to be alone all his life to live with others. Thus, avoid exposing yourself to others.

Normally the inferiority complex is divided into two types:

  • Primary inferiority complex: The child feels inferior to others based on his own personal experience. This experience can be the result of any event in which he has perceived himself weaker than the rest.
  • Secondary inferiority complex: The child begins to feel inferior to others based on experiences related to other people, especially adults. This makes the child make a negative assessment of herself with adult experiences such as comments, comments.

Symptoms of the inferiority complex in children

Some of the symptoms which can have a Child with inferiority complex are:

  • Avoid making new friends.
  • Prefer to stay at home instead of leaving and playing on the street.
  • Avoid participating in activities that involve exposing themselves to an audience.
  • Avoid partying or social events.
  • Feelings of uselessness when compared to others.
  • Excessive sensitivity to criticism.
  • Preconceived idea that people don't like.
  • They are usually submissive and perfectionists.
  • They often refer to bad luck instead of assuming their own mistakes.
  • Avoid participating in any sports competition through excuses.
  • They can refuse to talk to other people for believing not being prepared enough to impress them.
  • They just comment errors that know they can correct. Therefore, they avoid activities in which they believe that you can fail without the possibility of fixing it.

Treatment for the inferiority complex in children

The psychotherapy It is an effective treatment to work inferiority feelings, since the inferiority complex can occur as a result of a series of inappropriate and false beliefs patterns. The objective of therapy is to modify these thought patterns and modify erroneous beliefs.

When the inferiority feelings are due to a deficit in certain skills, such as social ones, the therapist can help the child develop those skills. Something that must be taken into account is that the inferiority complex can be given by a perceived deficit, that is, the child compares with an unreal and perfect model where he is always inferior.

Sometimes, feelings of inferiority are associated with depression and anxiety. In these cases, therapy must also contemplate these conditions.

Complementary to treatment, some activities that can be carried out to Overcome the inferiority complex in children are:

  • Carry out group activities such as studying with colleagues, board games ..
  • Outdoor physical exercise, preferably, with other children.
  • Encourage the child to participate in family conversations or activities.
  • Encourage the child to establish visual contact with other people while walking.
  • Prevent the child not to blame himself for failures and encourage him to analyze the reasons for the failure to improve.

How to overcome the inferiority complex in children: tips for parents

Do not compare or criticize your child with other children

Parents must assess their children's achievements regardless of how little they may be, motivate them and encourage them to learn and improve their skills. In this way, the child develops his self -esteem in a healthy way and increases his level of trust. However, many parents do not understand this fact and often compare their children with others making little suitable comments, favoring that their child feels inferior.

Focus your attention on child's interests and skills

Look at your child or interact with him to try to understand his interests and skills. For example, if your child shows interest in music and shows skills to do so, encourage him to learn to play an instrument. You must remember that a child is not good in everything. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Build a relationship based on love and trust

Children alone are not able to solve or solve some problems. To do this, they need their parents' help, but for parents to help them, the child must tell them what is happening to him. For this, there must be a good father-son relationship in which there is trust and in which it is not judged, so the child will feel loved and respected.

Teach your child to think positively

Some time passes with your child every day. During that time, share with him your thoughts, ask him for his opinion, ask him for help to do something or help him if he finds any difficult task. Tell him how much you like his way of doing things and rewards his efforts. Communicating positively with your child can increase your self -esteem and self -confidence, essential aspects to think about a positive way.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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