Aristotle complex What is and how to identify it?

Aristotle complex What is and how to identify it?

The Aristotle complex refers to a series of personality traits that tend to cause personal level problems. When we talk about a complex, we describe something that is built from different elements. In the field of psychology, the expression is usually used to point out certain behaviors that can cause discomfort.

In this sense, this specific complex can generate conflicts in the interpersonal relationships of those who suffer from it. All due to an exaggerated sense of intellectual superiority that leads them to impose their views. Therefore, it is important to identify it and know how we can act in case we detect it.


  • What is the Aristotle complex?
  • Why is it called Aristotle complex?
  • Causes
  • Treatment
    • References

What is the Aristotle complex?

Have you ever met a person who always believes being right in everything? We may meet people like this in places like school, work or even among friends or family. If you have met someone who behaves that way, maybe he or she presented the Aristotle complex.

This term is used to define a type of behavior that is characterized by an unreal sense of intellectual superiority. Those who possess it, consider that their reasoning are infallible and cannot be discussed in any way. Following this line, the features that stand out the most in people with this complex are:

  • Cognitive rigidity. These people are likely to believe that there is only one correct way to solve a problem. In general, they will be inclined to think that their way of doing things is the only valid. Although, in reality, there are many possible ways to address the situation that arises.
  • Egocentrism. The individual perceives his own intellectual capacity in a high and exaggerated way. Maybe he believes that, for some reason, he has an intelligence superior to that of all others.
  • Inability to accept other criteria. Someone with Aristotle complex will have great difficulties in accepting a different criteria from yours. It is common for these people to invest a lot of effort to invalidate other points of view. All in order to reaffirm its own sense of intellectual superiority.
  • Hostility. If they look in a situation where others reject their ideas, they may act in a hostile way. This is nothing more than the frustration they experience when they realize that they do not know everything.

Why is it called Aristotle complex?

Aristotle is one of the most important philosophers in the history of ancient Greece. It is said that he lived between 384 to.C. and 322 a.C. At present, Aristotle's ideas continue to influence various fields of study such as biology, psychology, etc. During his years as a disciple at the Athens Academy, Aristotle was under Plato's tutelage.

As the years passed, Aristotle began to develop their own philosophy and different people recognized their views. As a result, gradually, he moved away even more than his teacher's teachings. For Plato, this was not something negative and he simply let him continue developing his own criteria.

After Plato's death, Aristotle completely abandoned Plato's school and left Athens. The next thing he would be to found his own school, based on his criticism of his teacher's ideas. For some, this represented an act of pride and unfair, which is why his name was taken to talk about this complex.

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It is important to know that the Aristotle complex is not a psychological disorder recognized by science. Therefore, we will not find it in any clinical manual nor will we see investigations in this regard that they could describe specific causes.

Rather, it is a term that some professionals use to talk about the personality traits that we already mention. Also, most experts agree that this complex can be a way to compensate for feelings of low self -esteem. For this same reason, there are those who consider it a manifestation of narcissism.

Some studies relate narcissistic behavior as the product of unstable self -esteem. The person becomes dependent on the attention and approval of others to be able to feel good about themselves (Baumeister and Vohs, 2001).

In the case of those who present the Aristotle complex, validation would be sought in the intellectual sphere. This could indicate that perhaps these people perceive their intelligence as the only remarkable quality of themselves. For that reason, they would invest a lot of energy in obtaining the approval of the environment to maintain their self -esteem.


The best strategy to address this problem is to seek professional help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. Because personality traits are configured and reinforced over time, it may be that the treatment late in having effect. Everything will depend on how marked these qualities in the person and their willingness to work in therapy.

Along the same lines, therapy could focus on addressing the feelings of low self -esteem that conceals the complex. As well as explore other aspects of the self beyond the intellect that could be valuable to the individual. In this way, the person could be seen from a more realistic perspective.

In conclusion, although the Aristotle complex is not a clinical disorder, it can still cause problems in everyday life. After all, it can be exhausting for others having to deal with someone who wants to impose their views. In the long term, it could lead the individual to unwanted loneliness and generate feelings of depression or anxiety.


  • Baumeister, r. F., & Vohs, k. D. (2001). Narcissism as addiction to thisem. Psychological Inquiry12(4), 206-210.
  • Miller, J. D., Back, m. D., Lynam, d. R., & Wright, A. G. (2021). Narcissism Today: What We Know and What We Need To Learn. Current Directions in Psychological Science30(6), 519-525.
  • Ross, d. W. (2022). Aristotle (Vol. 26). RBA Books and Publications.