How to try to achieve happiness in the relationship

How to try to achieve happiness in the relationship

The following points are forms of help so you can enjoy a slightly healthier relationship. You will not make a magical recipe for many people, but it can be very helpful in the relationship and in life in general.

How to enjoy a healthy couple relationship

Then keep in mind the following recommendations:

Have your group of friends (OS) and share experiences with them. You can also share with your partner in groups.

Don't join your partner symbiotically, that his only environment is not her husband (a). Here it would be good to quote the great Lebanese poet Jalil Gibran, when he talks about marriage.

Says so:

  • Let between you there are spaces ... and that the wind of heaven can dance among you.
  • Share your bread, but not eat from the same slice ... and stay together, but not too close; Because the columns of the temple get up separately, and the holm oak and the cypress do not grow in one in the shadow of the other.
  • Enjoy life, make it more and more pleasant.
  • Say I am positive (o) and I am an important person before me.
  • Maintain good family, labor, professionals, etc.
  • Do physical exercise, this increases endorphins, so physical and psychological well -being, providing happiness, also increases self -esteem.
  • Try to be attractive for you. If you feel bad with your body image and you can improve it, do it.
  • Fill your life with a job and activities that produce pleasure. Remember that work is mental health.
  • Make sea baths and take the sun moderately. The sea, its waves and movement produces body massage and salt provides iodine that helps the proper functioning of the thyroid. Sea salt better synthesizes vitamin D. The sun helps to fix calcium in the bones.
  • Attend sauna and Turkish baths, since heat makes the muscles relax and sweating the person, excrete toxic substances. Both the sauna and the Turkish bath are antiestrés.
  • Attend body massages, since physical contact decreases anguish and relaxes the muscles.
  • Dedicate yourself to reading, here I quote the dr. Orlando Urdaneta Ballen, who in his book "The Development of Human Resources", in the economic opening processes. In the dedication of the book puts the following: In the memory of my parents, Those who taught me that learning is one of the daily joys of life.
  • Always try to fix the problems and disadvantages that are presented, in the relationship with your partner and prevents this from going to third -party judgments, such as family, friends, etc. If you can not solve it, seek professional help.

Video about the Emotional intelligence in the couple.