Junk food why it's so addictive

Junk food why it's so addictive

Fast, garbage or scrap food is more than popular today. Easy to achieve foods, delicious and addictive, That's what it is about. However, they are fully processed products, very far from natural foods rich in fibers, proteins, vitamins and minerals, which are so beneficial for our health.

Junk food, with its high content of carbohydrates and fats, has a harmful impact on our body.

To consume it recurrently and in large quantities, the consequences can become extremely serious.

In this article, we will talk about junk food: how it is composed, why it is so addictive and health problems related to its consumption. If you want to know why they shouldn't get carried away by their impulses and consume junk food, then keep reading.


  • Health and junk food
  • Why is junk food addictive?
  • Consequences of consuming excess junk food
    • 1. Obesity
    • 2. Diabetes
    • 3. Respiratory problems
    • 4. Infertility
    • 5. Cardiovascular diseases
  • Improve your diet, Improve your life
    • Resources

Health and junk food

If we think of junk food, the image of a hamburger, fried potatoes or a pizza slice will surely come to our mind. However, the term "junk food" is much broader than just that.

Is considered junk food or junk food, to any food that does not have a recommended nutritional profile. As you can imagine, it covers different types of meals: candy, friedness, soda, ice cream, fast food and others. None of these foods, if we look at the food pyramid, is at its base. But on the contrary, everyone belongs to the top, so they are the foods that we should consume to a lesser extent.

Now, the food industry (like any other), thinks in terms of profitability. That is, they will produce as economical as possible thinking about their profits and not the health of their consumers.

Junk food is economical to produce, But extremely harmful to health. Regularly consuming this kind of food can lead to obesity and, therefore, in pathologies associated with it, such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, fatty liver and arterosclerosis.

Junk food is regular consumption among the population, however, it is not recommended for its intake. To consume junk foods frequently, we must seriously consider modifying our habits.

Why is junk food addictive?

Although it is hard to believe, Junk food is very similar to drugs. Here are some of their similarities to understand: both are processed, they do not have natural components, the two are rapidly absorbed by the body and both drugs and junk food raise blood glucose levels.

When preparing junk food, sugars and refined flours are added to food. These actions decrease their nutritional quality, but it is also this processing that makes them an addiction.

It is much more likely that they cannot be controlled consuming fried chicken than grilled chicken. The first will be more appealing, and will generate a greater need for consumption.

The food industry, like any other, seeks to generate profits. In that sense, Junk food is ideal: it is economical to make and its components (both carbohydrates, such as flours and sugars) are highly addictive. What junk food offers, from the commercial point of view, is ideal. It is a cheap product that people will consume in large quantities.

However, although for the industry these foods are very convenient, they are not for consumers, for which it brings very healthy health inconveniences.

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Consequences of consuming excess junk food

As they can already evaluate, the consumption of junk food is very far from contributing to our well -being. The components of this kind of food harm our health, bringing serious consequences of varied nature.

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We will now list some of the possible outcomes related to consumption in large amounts of junk food. We hope to return to our readers aware of the risks that run by repeatedly consuming these appetizing foods, but at the same time so harmful.

1. Obesity

This kind of food is composed of pure carbohydrates and fats, With almost none or any kind of fibers. These foods are more difficult to wear out than proteins and fibers of meat and vegetables. Therefore, its nutritional components generate a faster weight gain, generally leading to obesity cases if they are consumed in high amounts and frequency.

2. Diabetes

The carbohydrates contained. Eating sugars in high amounts increases our glucose levels, exceeding those indicated to keep us healthy. That glucose that cells cannot take advantage of is released to blood and possessing high blood sugar levels is what is known as diabetes. Therefore, junk food contributes to contracting it.

3. Respiratory problems

The weight gain associated with consumption in the amount of junk food can also cause, with the passing of time, serious respiratory problems, such as asthma and apneas. This occurs because, A greater body weight, more pressure is exerted on the lungs, causing respiratory difficulties.

4. Infertility

Even if it is hard to believe, consume frequently and in large amounts junk food, you can return to someone infertile. The junk food It contains phthalates, chemical substances that affect the normal functioning of hormonal processes in the body, carrying with the imbalance that generate reproductive problems.

5. Cardiovascular diseases

That the amounts of blood sugar increase, can get to injure blood vessels, inflaming them. Besides, High fat meals increase the level of blood cholesterol, which makes a heart attack more likely, since fat adheres to arteries, hindering the flow of blood to different parts of the body.

Improve your diet, Improve your life

We hope you already understand that junk food, however appetizing, is extremely harmful. Its repeated and excess consumption can cause serious health problems, among which we mentioned before. This meal that can be delicious and addictive hides severe consequences behind. It is essential that they know them and are aware of what can happen to them by ingesting them.

A balanced diet, rich in proteins and fibers, drinking two liters of water per day, is the recipe to keep us healthy and with glucose and cholesterol levels in normally expected amounts.

Food is our energy source. Therefore, we invite you to modify your eating habits. You will see how, shortly after modifying your diet, your energy and well -being will increase in large quantities. Make change, they will not regret.

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  • Hernández Ojeda, R. TO., & Riveras Morales, and. K. (2016). Causes and consequences of excessive consumption of junk food(Dissertation Doctoral, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua).
  • Rosselló, m. J. (2011). The importance of eating healthy and healthy. Square & Janés.
  • Schwalb, m. M., Sanborn, c., Galarza, f., Garcia, e., Kogan, l., Mayorga Gutiérrez, D.,… & Villarán, to. (2014). Junk food, state and market. Pacific university.