Make and accept mistakes necessary to advance

Make and accept mistakes necessary to advance

In our day to day, we all make mistakes, But it is the way in which we face them that makes us learn or that we get stuck in those failures without the possibility of continuing.

No one is free from error

As we said, Errors are part of our daily life, either for wrong decision making, due to a bad action in a certain situation or by involuntarily caused damage to another person.

To remedy a tension situation with another person, it is best to apologize, since possible misunderstandings and tensions are spilled. However, there are people to apologize very difficult.

When we are wrapped in a conflict for an error that we have made, It is important that we know how to apologize With the person you have affected since, otherwise, the problem will not be solved, but will tend to become more complicated.

Know how to apologize

However, as we have already said, There are people who are not able to apologize, but rather they tend to hide the error or to obviate its existence, and this may be due to different causes that we explain below.

On the one hand, the rejection of apologizing can be due to low self -esteem by the person who has committed it. The fact of saying "sorry" makes us recognize that we have committed a failure and that, therefore, we are not perfect.

Everyone forms an image about itself (what we call self -image) based on subjective beliefs about our personality, and the preservation of this self -image sometimes entails that people avoid being vulnerable.

Therefore, people with low self -image avoid asking forgiveness, to make sure your personality does not denote weakness or inability to deal with certain situations, since this contributes to worsen even more the image they have of themselves.

There are also people who associate the act of apologizing with a feeling of humiliation, which makes them avoid it so as not to damage their self -esteem, despite feeling bad for being the causes of the problem.

However, if instead of misrepresenting the situation, what we do is Recognize our mistake and ask forgiveness, the feelings of discomfort originated by this failure will disappear to give rise to a feeling of responsibility and to control the situation.

On the other hand, another of the causes that the act of asking for forgiveness is sometimes so difficult can be narcissism: there are people with a concept too high of themselves, which makes them not perceive their own failures and, therefore , the need to apologize.

In this line we also find people with lack of empathy, that simply do not identify with the damage or problems that may be causing the other person and, therefore, they are not worried about the resolution of the conflict that they themselves may have caused.

Knowing how to apologize is important not to let us master for fears and insecurities. In addition, the fact of apologizing has positive effects for our emotional health, such as:

Learn to ask forgiveness will make others see us as more empathic people And responsible, since in this way we show our most human side, which will also help others treat us in the same way.

Therefore, apologize Help what we improve our relationships With those around us, since trust is the basis of any friendship or partner relationship, as well as the communication and the ability to clearly express what we are concerned about.

Facing these types of situations We will get to know ourselves better, In addition to improving our self -image, since we will be aware of both our virtues and our defects, and we will learn to accept the latter.

At the same time, we will be more sincere with ourselves when I judge situations in which we see ourselves wrapped, also learning what is the best way to react and how to feel more comfortable with our way of facing the problems.

Celebres phrases of Tito Livio

Forget to be perfect

Likewise, accepting our mistakes and being aware of these, We will abandon a perfectionist lifestyle that often causes feelings of frustration and unnecessary stress. Therefore, it will be easier for us to be happy.

Finally, apologizing makes us learn from our mistakes and improve as people, with what in the future it will be easier for us to overcome adversities as well as tolerate frustrations.

When we allow ourselves to make mistakes and make mistakes we learn to be tolerant both with others and with ourselves, with which we have new tools to face different situations.