Coaching What is? Basic concepts

Coaching What is? Basic concepts

At present and in society what we live in every time we are less surprised to hear the word Coaching, We can not know what it is, we can pronounce it in a mistake.

It is in the mouth of people, of those looking for something new, of those who consider it a personal development tool, Of those who want to change something and see it viable through their strategies ... more and more and quickly the coaching is present in our lifestyle, where everything fits and where we see that there are methods compatible with each other without having to close ourselves At a unique choice.


  • Coaching history
    • Kocsi: carriage: car. The means to get where we want to go
  • But what is and what is not coaching?
  • Main characteristics in a coach
  • The 11 basic skills of a coach

Coaching history

To start talking about Coaching we are going to place ourselves in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when the Hungarian city of Kocs began to become very popular, located about 20 kilometers from Budapest (between Vienna and Pest). Kocs became a mandatory stop for the trips that were made between these two capitals.

Thus the use of a carriage characterized by being the only one provided with a suspension system for these trips that stood out for being more comfortable in front of traditional carriages.

Thus he began to talk about Kocsi, "Kocs carriage". The term Kocsi passed to German as Kutsche, Italian as Cocchio and Spanish as a car: the means of transport to take the person where he wants to get.

Kocsi: carriage: car. The means to get where we want to go

The new carriage later arrived in France where a century later was already said "Coach". In the 18th century it was used in England as coaching, sport of high society that consisted of practicing these carriages competitively. Later, English university students began to name their professors in their guiding work and guide them in the academic year.

In the United States during the decades of the 50s and 60s, the “coachs” were responsible for training the team's commencers, the same practice of these professionals put “of relief that was needed in addition to the physical training of the athlete a holistic approach that Include the essential dimensions of the mental and emotional ”(Ángel and Amar, 2007). The coach from this perspective helped develop their strictly sports skills as well as their psychological competences (motivation, mental preparation, stress management, emotions, etc.).

From the 80s the term coaching is introduced into the world of the company in which procedures and comparisons in terms of competition, excellence and need for overcoming justified this approach.

But what is and what is not coaching?

We can say that coaching integrates different aspects:

  • Coaching is a process: It is not a specific action but a structured strategy by the coach seeking efficacy in its action for the coachée.
  • Coaching "is a space for construction and harmonization" (Ángel and Amar, 2007): It is a space for the client's reflexive action on itself through verbalization and dialogue to seek meaning that unifies these elements. In this sense, coaching is a privileged and unique space for those who want to ask about their wishes, motivations, etc.
  • Coaching as a help relationship: For there to be an aid relationship, it is essential that whoever approaches this practice feels the need for it. Demand is the first requirement to initiate the accompaniment and search process.
  • Coaching as a path of change towards improving the quality of life and professional success.

Coaching Does not treat sick people but constitutes a guide for change. In addition a basic idea in coaching is that the coach always tends to take responsibility for his coachée for developing the skills he needs for that change and how he will carry it out.

The coach is a professional who works with people to help them achieve what they want. A coach has the ability to observe and stimulate the person's potential although it is always the coachée who finds the answers to his questions.

The coach never says what to do but will help him discover the coachée for himself. It will help you discover your strengths, improvement areas, organize an action plan with which to overcome obstacles in your personal/professional development.

The coach is a professional who works with people to help them achieve what they want, more appropriate to how they would do alone.

The Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule: the law of the few vital and the many trivials

Main characteristics in a coach

HUMBLE: not to highlight on the other, to know that the important thing in the session is the coachée.

CHALLENGING: QUANGE QUITIVE. The challenge is that it will help the coachée get higher goals. The coach does not seek acceptance, seeks the challenge to get the best out of the other.

WALKER: Having made the way before your coachées do it, know what happens on that path of development, change, learning ..

The 11 basic skills of a coach

  1. Determine ethical action guides and professional standards.
  2. Establish the coaching agreement.
  3. Establish confidentiality and intimacy with the client.
  4. Coaching presence.
  5. Active listening
  6. Powerful questions.
  7. Direct communication.
  8. Create awareness.
  9. Design actions.
  10. Planning and establishment of the goal.
  11. Progress and Responsibility Management.