How and why foster creativity in children

How and why foster creativity in children

Promote creativity in children helps them express their emotions and feelings and develop their generic thinking. But for them to be able to develop their imagination, they must be respected their learning times and give them freedom to capture all that internal energy they possess.

Creativity is an innate process in which we are able to devise new concepts, find original or innovative solutions to different conflicts and transform something simple and ordinary to extraordinary.

We are all born with that capacity and during the first years it is a constant attitude. This capacity is peculiarity of children, but as they grow they usually lose part of their imagination and do not dare to create.

That is why as parents and educators Let's promote this ability in children, that we worry about its development and promotes it to achieve their maximum possibilities and to get children to enjoy the benefits of being creative.

Jean Piaget (1964) states that "Creativity constitutes the final form of children's symbolic game, when this is assimilated in their thinking". While Mednick (1964) points out that these are combinations of associative elements.


  • Why should we stimulate creativity?
  • What are the advantages of child creativity
  • How to discover the creativity that the child carries inside
  • How to promote creativity in children
    • Gives space to creativity
    • Show interest
  • Promote creativity in children from self -esteem

Why should we stimulate creativity?

It is very important to stimulate creativity in children since they help boost their development instead of inhibiting it. Educating in creativity is to teach for change, for the solution of problems, for meaningful learning, for the development of original people, flexible with initiative and with the ability to face difficulties.

The benefits of promoting creativity in children are multiple, some of them are:

  • Creativity allows people to look for solutions to different problems
  • Makes adaptation to changes possible
  • Allows them to overcome failures by being able to invent new ways of doing
  • Help personal growth since it favors exploration and inquiry

What are the advantages of child creativity

Creativity and imagination is a very important process in the personal development of children, since it helps them express themselves and develop their most hidden side. Apart that allows you to discover other social and communication skills such as:

  • Develop their self -esteem by providing creative resources and stimulating their individuality
  • Increases the feeling of feeling free to express yourself in different fields
  • Creativity in children helps develop their communication both in children and adults. Therefore, it is essential to give some creative freedom of thought, otherwise if certain feelings are suppressed, they will end up restricting their emotions.
  • Child creativity is part of the strategy to promote creativity in children, since it helps them express all kinds of emotions and better develop their social relationships.
  • Creative children feel integrated when they do something for which they have a special talent, achieving thus promoting their personal integrity.

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How to discover the creativity that the child carries inside

Children have great potential for creativity, for this reason it is important to give them freedom and help them in their personal development. Therefore it is necessary that you take into account some guidelines to help you develop your creativity.

  • Let the child be creative
  • You never fix their drawings, remember that they have a very different perception from that of an adult
  • Look for activities that go to your level
  • Offers various recreational activities such as painting, sculpting, drawing
  • He exhibits his creative art, in this way you will encourage him to continue exploring his creative mind
  • Let it be wrong, they can develop as people

How to promote creativity in children

Gives space to creativity

The first thing you should know is the character and personality of the little. How we had mentioned in the previous lines, creativity in children can be expressed in different ways, and each of us have a different area in which we highlight more.

Therefore, it helps your child to find that activity that you still do not know, but do it in the most natural way, awakening its curiosity and passion and encouraging it to take it freely.

Free game is the best method to know and discover your emotions, To do this, it takes the moment and brownmen spaces for it, without impositions or norms, just let them act and that that intrinsic motivation that leads inside.

Try not to correct your actions On the contrary, investigate your process and interest in your innovative ideas. Allows you to explore different options to do things and let your imagination envive.

Show interest

Keep an attitude towards them pleasant, remember that for a child your parents are the maximum jurors regarding what is adequate or undesirable. Pay attention to what he does, listen to his explanations and thus feel that his work is interesting.

Always remain by his side and serve him support for his mistakes. Instead of judging and criticizing them Animale to assume the error as part of the creative and learning process and to use it as an impulse to find new solutions and ways of acting.

Promote creativity in children from self -esteem

Works hard to form a healthy self -esteem. Alienta to trust their ideas and put them into practice with enthusiasm. In addition, Show the value of diversity, That each person has a thought that can share and contribute, the best way to get it is to try to ask him what he likes to do most and you will be showing that he is able to have great ideas and that they are interesting and valuable.


  • Anonymous. (2019). Importance of creativity in childhood (Infant Education). October 29, 2020, from Red Cenit. Cognitive Development Center Website: https: //
  • Anonymous. (2017). The importance of creativity in childhood. November 2, 2020, to make family website: https: //
  • Anonymous. (s/f). The creativity. October 28, 2020, Sodexo: Professional Life Website: http: // www.professional