How to treat a person with personality borderline disorder

How to treat a person with personality borderline disorder

He Limit personality disorder (TLP) It is a mental disorder that is characterized by the person's inability to handle emotions effectively. The disorder usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood and manifests itself mainly in the Context of relationships, being able to be affected only some or all the relationships of the person, depending on each case. A person diagnosed with personality borderline disorder can present a good functioning in certain areas of your life, while your private area can be very altered. In this psychology-online article we show you some tips on How to treat a person with personality borderline disorder.

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  1. Tips for treating a person with personality borderline disorder
  2. How can I help me if I have TLP?
  3. Take care of your physical health

Tips for treating a person with personality borderline disorder

To identify a person with this disorder you can use the personality borderline disorder test. In order to know how to treat a person with a borderline personality disorder, it is essential that you know the disease well. And it can be difficult to understand their feelings or behaviors and, therefore, know how to treat it. Given this, there are a number of things you can do to support them:

  • Try to be a patient: If the person with a borderline personality disorder is at a time when he has difficulty managing his emotions, he tries not to get involved in a discussion caused by the agitation of the moment. It may be better to wait until the two are calmer and thus be able to talk more calmly.
  • Do not judge you: Try to listen to him without telling him that his reactions are inappropriate, exaggerated or without suggesting that he should not feel how he does it. You understand or not how it feels, it does not matter, it feels like that and it is important to recognize it, and above all, that the person perceives that recognition.
  • Keep calm and be congruent: If the person with limit disorder is experiencing a series of overwhelming emotions, being support at that time can help you feel better and have greater security.
  • Help him remember its positive aspects: When someone who you want is going through a bad time and it is difficult for him to remember the good things of himself, he may help him that you remember his positive aspects.
  • Try to establish clear limits and expectations: It is very important to leave the clear limits, since they usually show excessive concern, feel rejected or abandoned, although there are no reason. And diffuse limits can increase those feelings.
  • Plan to follow: When the person with limit disorder is in a more stable moment, ask him about what he would like you to do when it is wrong. In this way, you can jointly create a plan to follow.
  • Observe and identify your triggers: Talk to the person diagnosed with personality limit disorder with the objective of observing and identifying what types of situations or conversations trigger negative emotions or thoughts.
  • Learn more Aspects of the personality borderline disorder and helps to end stigma: the borderline personality disorder is a complicated diagnosis and the person with this diagnosis has to fight sometimes with discrimination by other people. Therefore, it is essential to increase knowledge about this disorder to gradually break the stigma that exists by society. In Psychology-online you will discover the causes, symptoms and treatment of TLP.
  • Take care of yourself: Taking care of a person with this disorder can be very difficult and stressful. Your mental health is very important. Hence, you try to adopt adequate coping strategies, techniques to handle stress and maintain your well -being.

How can I help me if I have TLP?

In the event that you are the person suffering from TLP, it is important that, also, You know how to act. In addition to following the treatment there are a series of things you can do to help you. You should keep in mind that different strategies work in different people at different times. That is why it is important that after trying various alternatives, you build your own plan:

Talk to someone

When you are not very hard to face the problems, but talking to someone can help you overcome those difficult moments. If you do not have someone in your environment with whom to talk about.

Record your mood in a newspaper

Writing how you feel in a newspaper can help you identify the first signs or trigger for your negative emotions or thoughts. In addition to this, it can also be interesting to write what you are doing well. We usually focus on risk factors and we lose the protection factors, which are fundamental to building the life of the person.

Establish a plan for when things are going wrong

If you do not feel good it is very difficult for you to describe the people of your environment the help you need. That is why it is essential that when you are better establish a plan to follow when you are wrong. It would be the plan for a moment of crisis and can contain possible triggers, self -help strategies or support resources.

Create a self -care trunk

Gather in a box or trunk all those things that could help you in hard times. It is a kind of self -help kit for your mental health that can contain favorite books, movies or music, motivational phrases, photos that comfort you, a candle, etc.

With these tips you can learn to treat a person with a borderline personality disorder, that is, with yourself.

Take care of your physical health

Caring for your physical health can Help you change your mood. For example:

  • Try to take care of your diet: Maintain an adequate diet. Eating regularly and keeping blood sugar levels stable can make a difference in mood and energy levels.
  • Try to do something physical activity: physical exercise can work as a natural antidepressant. Try to establish a physical exercise routine, thus improve your mental well -being.
  • Time passes outdoors: perform outdoor activities, in green spaces you can increase your well -being.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol: In difficult times the person can find an output in the use of drugs or alcohol, but in the long run you can make you feel much worse and avoid facing underlying problems that drug use has masked.
  • Try to sleep enough: Having a good sleep quality can help you maintain better energy levels to face difficult times.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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