How to take Valerian to calm anxiety

How to take Valerian to calm anxiety

It is good to take courage to calm anxiety, because it is a medicinal herb that has sedative and relaxing effects for the body and mind. Its consumption has been disseminated has been used for a long time as a remedy for anxiety and insomnia. However, it should be taken into account that there are some risks when taking Valeriana, so it must be done correctly.

Therefore, it is essential to have concrete and efficient data about the properties of the Valerian to relieve anxiety. In this psychology-online article, we tell you How to take Valerian to calm anxiety, What steps follow and when is it better to take it.

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  1. Is it good to take courage for anxiety?
  2. How to take the Valerian for anxiety
  3. When I should not take courage for anxiety
  4. What is better for anxiety, Tila or Valeriana?

Is it good to take courage for anxiety?

Valerian is a herbal remedy that has been traditionally used to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation. There are scientific studies that suggest that Valeriana can have Mild effects on reducing anxiety.

It is important to keep in mind that the response to La Valeriana You can vary from one person to another, And there are those who may experience significant improvement in their symptoms of anxiety while others may not notice any effect. In cases where it is effective, it is good to take courage for anxiety for the following reasons:

  • Sedative effect: Help regulate dream patterns, providing adequate and sustained break for several hours.
  • Anti -inflammatory: Valerian helps reduce symptoms such as headache and some body pains.
  • Improves digestion: This natural remedy allows a better digestion of foods consumed in the face of intestinal problems, such as the difficulty in absorbing nutrients and constipation,
  • Regulates anxiety episodes: The properties of this infusion can help balance the central nervous system and soothe anxiety.

If you want to know more, in this article, we explain all the benefits of the Valerian for Health.

Side effects of taking courage for anxiety

While the Valerian is generally considered safe when taken in the recommended doses and for short periods, some people may experience side effects. They are usually mild and transient, but it is important to be aware of them. The most common side effects are:

  • Excessive sleepiness: Valerian has sedative properties and can cause drowsiness in some people, especially if combined with other psychiatric medications. For this reason, it is usually recommended to take it before sleeping if you seek to improve sleep quality.
  • Dizziness: Another contraindications of the Valerian for anxiety is that it can cause dizziness or feeling of stunning after its intake, especially when taken in higher doses.
  • Stomach ache: In some cases, the Valerian can cause stomach discomfort, nausea or vomiting.
  • Allergic reactions: Some people can manifest allergy symptoms to specific products that alter the body. In these cases, it is advisable to take courage for anxiety.
  • Headache: Some people may experience headaches as a side effect of the nerves for the nerves.

How to take the Valerian for anxiety

If you are considering to take courage for anxiety and your doctor has approved, here are some general guidelines on how to take it to enhance its positive effects:

  • Form of presentation: Valerian is usually available in several forms, such as capsules, tablets, liquid extracts or herbal tea. You can choose the presentation that is most comfortable and easy to take.
  • Dose: You can vary according to the product and the concentration of the Valerian. Always follow the instructions in the product container or the recommendations of your doctor. The typical doses of Valerian for anxiety usually range between 300 and 900 mg per day.
  • Intake moment: Valerian has relaxing and sedative properties, so it is common to take it before sleeping to help reconcile the dream. However, some Valeriana products are formulated for use during the day and can help calm anxiety without causing drowsiness.
  • Constancy: ¿how long to take courage for anxiety? The effects may not be immediate. It may require regular and constant use for several days or weeks to notice a significant improvement in anxiety.
  • Interactions and precautions: Be sure to inform your doctor about any other medicine or supplement you are taking to avoid possible interactions. If you experience side effects or discomfort, suspend its use and consult your doctor.

How to prepare Valeriana infusion for anxiety

If you decide to resort to the Valerian to calm the nerves and anxiety in the form of infusion, we recommend you Follow these guidelines To prepare the courage for anxiety:

  1. Boil a cup of water and add the Valerian extract.
  2. Let stand 5 minutes for water to absorb the natural properties of the plant.
  3. Take a maximum of 3 daily infusions.
  4. Consume it for 4 weeks. If after this period you do not experience an improvement of your symptoms, see it with your doctor.

When I should not take courage for anxiety

There are certain situations in which it is advisable to take courage for anxiety. It is essential to take these precautions into account before using it:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: not enough investigated about the effects of Valerian during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so it is better to avoid use in these stages.
  • Valeriana allergy: If you have experienced an allergic reaction to the Valerian in the past, you should not take it again.
  • Drive or operate machinery: Valerian can cause drowsiness or affect the ability to concentrate on some people. If you experience sedative effects, avoid driving or performing activities that require mental alert.
  • Liver diseases: Valerian is processed in the liver, so people with liver disorders or liver diseases should avoid their use or use it only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Interactions with other medications: Valerian can interact with certain medications, such as sedatives, tranquilizers and antidepressants. If you are taking other medications, it is important to consult a health professional before using Valeriana to avoid possible interactions.
  • Renal problems: Although it is rare, in some people it has been reported that the Valerian can cause kidney damage. If you have kidney problems, it is better to avoid use or talk to a doctor before taking it.
  • Long -term use: It is not recommended to take a prolonged Valerian without the supervision of a health professional. Long -term use can have adverse effects and may not be safe.

It should be noted that Valeriana consumption for anxiety decreases symptoms but does not eliminate them completely. Thus, serious anxiety states must be treated through other more effective and safe methods.

What is better for anxiety, Tila or Valeriana?

There is no unique answer, since what can be better for anxiety varies according to the person and their individual needs. Both the Tila (chamomile) and the Valerian are natural remedies that have been traditionally used to calm anxiety and promote relaxation.

Each has different properties and effects, so it is important to consider its characteristics before deciding which anxiety is better:

  • Tila (chamomile): It is known for its soothing properties and its ability to reduce light stress and anxiety. It is a soft herb that can help relax and relieve tensions. It can be taken as chamomile tea before sleeping to favor sleep and also during the day to calm the nerves. Tila is especially useful for occasional or situational anxiety.
  • Valerian: It is another popular herb to calm anxiety and help fall asleep. It has sedative properties and can be more effective in treating light to moderate anxiety and insomnia problems.

It is important to keep in mind that both Tila and Valerian are natural options and may not be as powerful as prescription medications for anxiety. Although both are effective against anxiety, it has been shown that The Valeriana presents an interference greater than the lunch. In this article you will find the best natural anxiolytic to calm anxiety.

If you are dealing with persistent or severe anxiety, it is recommended Search for professional guidance To receive adequate evaluation and a personalized treatment plan.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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