How to play background and get strengthened

How to play background and get strengthened

How many times have you felt that you are about to play background? What does nothing make sense or that you are about to explode and not endure anymore? If this is your case we invite you to read this post where you will discover how to play background and get strengthened.

If at some point you have thought about the bottom of the bottom is the worst thing that can happen to you Let me tell you that you are wrong. If you get to the bottom it is because you can no longer fall, which opens a second possibility. You can stay there, sunk in your own pain or you can use that background to grab impulse and come out again.

As we know that Getting strength to take that impulse is not always easy. In fact, most of the time it is usually complicated because the surface is small and slippery.  Moreover, we have all had that feeling at some point. We have all lived mental, emotional and physical challenges that are able to break down, make us feel desperate and distressed.

In this article we explain what meaning it has emotionally and how to get strengthened from it.


  • 5 things you must remember when you get background again
    • 1. Learn from past experiences
    • 2. Feel your pain without attachment, don't repress it
    • 3. Give yourself some time to reflect
    • 4. Seek your mind to flow
    • 5. An apparent paradox
      • References

5 things you must remember when you get background again

1. Learn from past experiences

If you are reading this post, it is perhaps because you feel that you are about to play background, if you have not already done them. In addition, you should know that what seems like a bottomless well with a vertiginous fall, actually has an end.

Do not deny what you have already lived and do not be ashamed of everything bad that you have happened. From the memory of experienced suffering, you can understand and better apply the following suggestions. Thus, philosophers like Karl Jaspers used to say that pain often places us in a border part where we are obliged to make decisions.

Also, studies such as the one conducted by Dr. Jan Makenson, indicates that psychological suffering is experienced in the same way as physical condition. Managing these states is key not to further chronify that condition.

2. Feel your pain without attachment, don't repress it

Let emotions flow, give yourself the opportunity to feel that frustration, that disappointment includes that anger that invades you And it doesn't let you be happy. Identifying what you feel is the only way to let that pain out. If you try to distract yourself thinking about something else, those emotions will continue to grow, battling their place in your mind.

Sadness, an emotion that invites us to reflection

Feel your pain without sticking to him. Simply let him out. Don't look for solutions, don't look guilty. Contrary to what it may seem, those emotions will not devour you, but will pass and leave you free.

3. Give yourself some time to reflect

It is the reflection that changes everything. You need time to give it a meaning of what you have lived to understand how it has affected you. Once you have let emotions flow, it is time to start relieving your mind and lighten your heart.

And so that you feel that peace inside you must put into practice the following:

  • Reflecting does not imply playing the guilt game, but to be aware of our responsibility, forgive us and make positive decisions that make us stronger every day.
  • Take all the time you need. Only a deep reflection that gives as a consequence, a lesson learned is what will help you get out of the hole that keeps you sunk.
  • Learn at that time of reflection to arouse your potential in resilience. Studies conducted by Robert Stewart carried at the University of Marseille, point out that Investing in this psychological dimension is to win in well -being.
  • If our self -esteem has remained solid, getting up will be much easier. In this way, take advantage of your fall as an opportunity to show you that love to yourself.

4. Seek your mind to flow

Many people who feel that they have touched the bottom are not allowed to disconnect from their problems. They sit down to think and remember everything bad in their lives. But finding an obstacle does not mean that a solution cannot be taken and find something even more beautiful on the new path.

To get out of that great today in which you feel submerged, instead of turning things around, it is best to find an exit that allows our mind to flow. Creative activities, such as music, exercise or meditation are elements that give us the opportunity to leave a moment of the harmful and saturated space in which we meet to move on to a new scenario and return with renewed energy.

5. An apparent paradox

While falling you are suffering from the situations you are living because you do not know how you have seen yourself dragging for them, for not finding solutions, or for the attempts that have been frustrating again and again and have not helped you. But when You play back and recognize in it, you acquire a different perspective.

While caes you feel the vertigo of seeing how you move away from the exit; From below you want the peace of mind that you have already fallen, that you cannot fall anymore and that you have the option of staying there or thinking about how you go out. You must take awareness of your real situation and the decision and commitment to get out of that and regain control of everything. It is then when we begin to realize everything that is in our hand to go up again and not fall again, and that is where we focus.


  • Image: Photo by Mavluda Tashbaeva in Pexels