How to overcome fear of failure practical advice

How to overcome fear of failure practical advice

He Fear of failure is one of the most frequent phobias presented by most people. This disturbance is so strong that it is able to paralyze our life. It integrates both in our mind that prevents us from making important and determining decisions for us.

In this post we will focus on analyzing the different forms that exist and work and thus know how to overcome the fear of failure; So pay attention and learn to overcome fear once and for all.

To overcome the Fear of failure or atiquifobia It is important that we strengthen the willpower, for this it must be understood that the Fear of failure is a habit of thought which is only removable by a dynamic will. And the best way to overcome fear in training in mind by controlling our own thoughts.


  • What is fear of failure?
  • Why are we afraid of failure?
  • Causes of fear of failure
  • Tips to overcome fear of failure
    • 1. Objectively evaluate the situation
    • 2. Establish realistic goals
    • 3. Identify what generates fear
  • Transform your thinking
    • 1. Motivate
    • 2. Do not extinguish too much
    • 3. Use mistakes as learning source
    • 4. Perform visualization exercises

What is fear of failure?

The fear of failure is a compulsive habit, which is created as a result of the repetition of thoughts that arise from emotional fear.

These thoughts force us to perceive a threat, which prevents us from being able to make decisions for fear of making mistakes.

These emotions are put to reason somehow they manage to deceive us, making us believe that it is our reasoning that is in control, when in reality, the emotion of fear of failure has taken over us.

Psychologist Silvia Congost, an expert in self -esteem, emotional dependence and couple conflicts, points out that we value ourselves according to what we get because society has educated us in that way. "We tend to forget that life is a continuous learning and that it is with the essay-error with what is growing most".

Why are we afraid of failure?

Feeling fear of experiencing failure could be said that it is normal in all people, It is an emotion that protects us from danger But that we do act positively before any circumstance we will overcome the fear of failure.

Experimenting failures, is emotionally painful for us. So when trying to avoid it, a defense mechanism is to some extent. However, when it is not being controlled by reasoning and self -analysis, we allow fear to take over our mind and become something harmful to our life in our life.

Psychological analysis of the film: The good side of things, by David O'Russell

Causes of fear of failure

People develop a huge fear of the failure of not practicing self -analysis and self -control; either with emotions, actions and thoughts. Not self -control makes us reactive people, Since we do not react to what life presents us, we do not analyze our life experiences and without realizing we form behavioral and thought patterns.

Fear: What is the limit between normal and the pathological?

Tips to overcome fear of failure

Fear is something irrational of a multifactorial nature that affects our life since it does not allow us to move forward and emotionally progress. That is why we want to tell you some tips to know how to overcome fear failure and know what to do when we feel it approaches.

1. Objectively evaluate the situation

Try to be objective and think how great the risk and concrete probability of what happens. Think calmly in all aspects, and you will see how your thoughts and energies will flow positively.

2. Establish realistic goals

The first thing you should keep in mind is that you must be aware of your capacities, this is a good strategy for you to meet your goal. Trusting what we do, believing in ourselves is the best technique you can use to know how to overcome fear of failure.

Ideally, start with intermediate goals, not so difficult for them not to imply a real challenge in what we are looking for. Remember that realistic and challenging goals will generate satisfaction and at the same time will move away the possibility of failing.

3. Identify what generates fear

To know how to overcome fear of failure, the first thing you should do is analyze what part of failing it generates fear that it prevents you from trying. Once you have identified what it produces fear will be much easier to control it to overcome it and prevent fear from taking over your life.

Transform your thinking

When we feel that failure is invading us, it is time to stop for a moment and start To analize the situation And start asking you, what really prevents me from getting success?

Once you discover that the impediment to continue advancing without fear are your own thoughts, you will have realized that you can advance in your way without fear of being wrong.

1. Motivate

It is necessary that for you to learn how to overcome fear of failure, You look for strategies that help you boost. To do this, you must focus on a goal for what you want to do. Remember to do things that you like to do it with desire and optimisms.

2. Do not extinguish too much

If you want to succeed in life, try not to demand too much, be self -examinant in life can sometimes interfere with our health and well -being. Get compressive with ourselves and know how to say "so far and now" will be necessary to live better.

3. Use mistakes as learning source

One of the principles of knowing how to overcome fear of failure is to begin to consider that an error is not a failure. On the contrary, You must assume errors as learning and be able to evolve and improve in the process.

4. Perform visualization exercises

Success is based on the way we visualize the process and steps necessary to achieve our goal, even defeating obstacles that may appear on the road and know as well as overcome them.


  • Amores Hernández, A. (2017). Perfectionism, fear of failure and depressive symptoms.
  • Carleton, r. N. (2016). Fear of The Unknown: One Fear To Rule Them All? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 41, 5-21.
  • Rothblum, e. D. (1990). Fear of Failure. In Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety (pp. 497-537). Springer, Boston, Ma.