How to soften mental noises

How to soften mental noises

Reducing mental interference to generate greater well -being

The human brain is like a very refined and complex machine, it resembles a command center. He thought, It is such a usual process, that some specialists claim that we have around 70.000 thoughts a day, then then, the restlessness of the mind is usually something very normal. Thanks to this, human beings carry out a large part of our activities in "Automatic pilot".

Thought also helps us solve problems, to compare, analyze and even plan, among many other things. However, The mind tends to wander And he likes to occupy part of his attention on matters that end up taking time and energy, instead of focusing on the fulfillment of your dreams and goals.

He mental noise It is a kind of internal and constant dialogue that occurs in the mind almost all the time. Generally, we are not aware of this, and on other occasions it can be more worrying, because it becomes so common that it can even distract our attention from activities that require it on a day -to -day basis as at work and in studies.

It is important to differentiate mental noises and tinnitus, The latter have to do with the auditory sensation that is not caused by an outer sound and as a consequence Injuries occur in the ear. Being constantly exposed to this awkward sensation, sleep cycles, concentration and habitual life can be seriously altered to the point of causing depression and other conditions. A promising treatment contemplates the medical part (otolaryngologist), and the psychological part, because in the latter, we can help us learn techniques to modify behavior at will, even at times where we experience anxiety and stress inevitably.

However, mental noises are more similar to A toadiscos that repeats the same melody again and again, forcing us to listen to it incessantly, Sometimes they are positive thoughts or memories. It is good that you ask yourself the following question: Do these thoughts mostly generate harmony and joy, or are they contributing to increasing my feelings of bitterness, frustration and anger? When thoughts are usually negative, these emotions intensify, increasing our stress levels.

Most of the time we are not aware of this mental noise, because it is a daily and almost inseparable part of our life. However, when we have to focus our mind on a certain activity such as work, study, reading, problem solving ... It is at that precise moment when we realize that these mental noises really They actually act as an interference within our mind, removing energy and attention, Well, they distract us from our main objectives.

What can we do to soften mental noises?

“We can learn to direct our mind, instead of allowing her to lead us towards automation. The ability to voluntarily recover vagabundal attention, again and again, constitutes the very root of judgment, character and will. No one owns himself if there is no owner. An education that improves this capacity would be an education for excellence ". William James

You do not have to dedicate hours to this type of practices, unless you want. Remember that every great tour begins with a first step. I propose that you start practice full attention accompanied by long and deep breaths for just 1 minute a day. You can do it when you are doing an interesting or fun activity for yourself, when you admire a beautiful and inspiring landscape, when you bathe or when you prefer it.

If you want to take the 33 -day challenge, you can add 1 minute to your daily practice, to get to a time that is comfortable for you, Without it is strenuous. With a few minutes a day of the practice of this technique or another that you choose, but with determination and constancy, You can have many benefits for your health.

The quiet and calm mind allows us to reach more effective and convenient solutions, since we can concentrate more on our real resources and visualize the options to do what we want, instead of just seeing or listening to thoughts that generate constant concern. When we are not focused on the present, there is a mental noise that makes us be ruminants, chewing parts, sometimes painful in our own history.

To reduce the duration and acuity of mental noise, I leave you some simple tips that can even help you improve some cognitive processes such as memory, thought and attention itself, among others:

Meditation is a process through which the mind is purified, refined and reaches its maximum potential. Once you achieve this, all kinds of success in life are possible. Without this training, it is more possible that you achieve your own fatality and that old behavior patterns are repeated. Yogi Bhajan

Although our meditation is short, it can be powerful, beautiful, comforting and harmonious as a sweet melody, instead of annoying noise. You can practice full attention in your moments of joy and joy, such as when you do an activity that you really enjoy, such as taking that aromatic cup of coffee or when you realize how beautiful the sunset is seen that you have right in front of you, Like a wonderful show. Remember that thoughts and emotions go hand in.

We can find inner peace trying to quiet our mind through the practice of silence, leaning on any of the techniques referred to above or any of your preference. This will save you a lot of mental and time energy, instead of contributing to chronic stress and its harmful effects on our health. In this way, you can focus more about your attention on the aspects that are important, this will not make you a passive person, but more assertive, because when the mind is still and calm: anxiety, fears, nervousness, impatience And many concerns fade, at least for some time and we have still in our mind and more clarity.


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