How are people who prefer to live alone and don't care about singleness

How are people who prefer to live alone and don't care about singleness

We all know at least a person who has gone from 30 and still has no stable partner and does not show interest in forming a family. Today, we talk about How are those people who prefer to live alone and do not care about singleness.


  • The different types of singleness
    • 1. Independent single
    • 2. Single with self -sufficiency
    • 3. Singles in isolation
    • 4. Single without self -esteem
    • 5. Existentialist single
    • 6. Single for ideology
    • 7. Transitional single
    • 8. Single from experience

The different types of singleness

Next, I show you the different types of singleness that exist. And, as surely you will have imagined, not all singles are exactly the same. There are different personalities that lead to singleness and live without a couple. Let's see them!

1. Independent single

First, there are independent single. This type of singleness is given by a kind of assessment and analysis of the costs and benefits that a partner implies. In a sense, it is the most "rational" type of singleness.

In general, these types of singles value the freedom they have as single, and, although they recognize that a couple has many benefits, they consider that these benefits do not compensate for what is lost when one is paired.

2. Single with self -sufficiency

This type of singleness implies a way of being lonely by nature. This does not imply that they cannot maintain relationships for some time, but in general, they tend to prefer loneliness.

They are usually isolated and self -sufficient people, who do not consider that loneliness is somewhat negative. Again, this does not mean that they are hermit. They usually have friends and occasional relationships. What they avoid are constant relationships.

3. Singles in isolation

This type of singleness is given by a difficulty in relating to people (Or, at least, to maintain long -term and deep relationships). They look a bit like the previous ones, in the sense that they are self -sufficient. However, they do not enjoy their loneliness.

In general, this type of singleness is corrected over time, when there are some changes in life that make their habits also change. And, in the end, people who opt for this type of singleness are usually people who simply have loneliness habits that must change.

4. Single without self -esteem

People with low self -esteem can reach a singleness situation based on the low consideration of themselves. That is, they would like to have a partner, but they believe they are unable to be attractive to other people, and they do not even consider the attempt.

5. Existentialist single

Existentialist singles have a fairly negative life perspective. They are deeply philosophical and spiritual people who have reached the conviction that life has little meaning, and that relationships do not mean anything for themselves.

This implies that they do not want relationships. And not only because they consider that they are not going to give them anything, but because they consider that the other person will not provide anything to them. Sometimes, there is this kind of "protection" towards the other possible person.

An important point to highlight here is that, as they melt with that idea, when they notice that a relationship gives them something, they tend to block positive feelings, because that would be, in a sense, how to betray themselves.

6. Single for ideology

This type of singleness is less frequent in our times, but it can be easily understood: Closing nuns or priests, for example, are single by ideology (His ideology is a religion, but it is still an ideology).

It is less frequent that there are lay ideologies, but it can also occur.

7. Transitional single

Transitional single are people who assume that, at some point, they will be in a serious relationship. However, they are not yet prepared or have not found the right person. Therefore, they consider that their state of singleness is transitional.

It can also occur because a transition of another type is being given. For example, when you doubt your sexuality or when you are working to change some aspect of your life and consider that it is better to do it lonely.

8. Single from experience

Finally, There are the single from experience. That is, people who have had past relationships in which they have not enjoyed or in those who have suffered, and who, consequently, consider that it is better to be single.

In general, they are people who have developed a more or less elaborate speech with the reasons why it is better to be alone. However, the truth is that this speech usually hides some of the previous types of singleness.

As you can see, the people who prefer to live alone and don't care about singleness They are not a homogeneous group. However, they do share some common features that should be known. And finally, remember that it is a lifestyle as legitimate as any other.

How to live without a couple and be fully happy