How to be proactive at work

How to be proactive at work

There is a reason why being proactive is associated with success. People who play an active role in the workplace are the ones who inevitably work better and are noticed by their superiors.

By learning to address tasks with greater ease and skill, you can be more productive, avoid pitfalls and experience faster professional growth. In this psychology-online article we present some tips that can help you to know How to be proactive at work.

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  1. What is being proactive: examples of proactivity in a company
  2. How to have a proactive attitude at work
  3. Dynamics of proactivity at work

What is being proactive: examples of proactivity in a company

Being proactive means assume the reins of your life. This means that you must make decisions and make you responsible for them and their consequences instead of taking a passive attitude as mere observer of your life. Being proactive requires dedication and patience, since you have to consider your options, weigh alternatives and make your own decisions to achieve your goals. While reactive behavior is influenced by the environment and external forces.

Example of being proactive

When a person is proactive, he is continuously thinking alternative solutions to the problems that may arise even before they present.

Therefore, a work proactive at work is able to raise solutions, new ideas and is able to express to others their thoughts to Be able to improve each project.

How to have a proactive attitude at work

A mentality of "taking command" empowers the person who possesses it, because he gives him a sense of control over his role, allowing him to balance multiple responsibilities without compromising the quality of his work. ¿You want to know how to be proactive at work? Then take note of these tips and habits to practice proactivity step by step.

1. Organize yourself

The key to being proactive is the organization, after all, you cannot take the reins of your responsibilities if you are in complete chaos. This goes beyond using a weekly planner and keep your desk free of disorder. You will have to learn to prioritize tasks If you want to meet the deadlines, which means being realistic about how long you will need for certain tasks.

Instead of limiting yourself to marking in your calendar the moment you must deliver a report or a proposal, keep several important points before the deadline so that you can administer your time effectively.

Other trick to be proactive at work It is the following: consider writing a reminder two weeks, a week and several days before an important date so you can keep up to date on what you need to do. It takes a record of the time that takes a homework to know how long to delegate to a similar task in the future.

2. Think positively

Negativity will not take you anywhere and will prevent you from reaching your full potential. Instead of concentrating on what is not done, focus on what you have achieved. Then make a list of goals for the next day. In this way, you are continuously leaving space to improve without feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your work.

In addition, if you encourage the fact of always having a positive thought, you do not turn to negativity when something goes wrong. There is always an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, so, if a problem arises, take the time to reflect on how I could have handled the situation differently. This allows you to make the same mistake twice.

3. Active participation

It may not be easy to speak, but get involved in conversation This is what separates the leaders from their followers. By openly committing to your colleagues and supervisors, you can influence the course of action and contribute to the solution instead of limiting yourself to reacting to it.

There is no doubt that you have recognized areas of opportunity in your workplace, and you probably have ideas about how to address them. Start registering these notions as they are presented, so that when the opportunity arises at a company meeting you must be prepared to propose new ideas.

4. Be a problem solution

There is no reason to wait for problems to solve them; Instead, use Self -reflection techniques To avoid complete potential problems. Develop a detailed plan for projects in advance, including a list of verification of the information or resources that you will need to efficiently fulfill each task. Over time, you can identify the steps that are not necessary or that can be shortened or consolidated. Always have an emergency plan in case unexpected challenges arise.

Planning in advance, You will be more prepared for the next challenges. ¿There are natural cycles in your workflow that seem to lead to certain problems? ¿There is some way to avoid road control prioritizing a particular task differently? Getting these questions will prevent you from feeling helpless when a disaster occurs. In addition, to be proactive, you can also learn to be more assertive at work.

5. Take decisions

You don't have to say that postponement is not an option If you are working to develop all your potential. Do not get stuck and get stuck in too many details. It is important to take appropriate measures.

Waiting too much time to solve a problem or address a conflict (or worse, not to face it at all often means being left behind). On the other hand, learn to be decisive, even if you are not 100% sure if you are taking the right or wrong path. If you are wrong, you can adapt in the future, but for now, learn to trust your instincts and trust your skills.

Dynamics of proactivity at work

Finally, for foster a proactive attitude, As a boss or leader there are some things you can do to get your employees more proactive:

1. Create a culture of trust and empowerment

Managers must communicate that they support their own initiative and autonomy as much as collaboration. A good way to prove it is to ask employees to provide ideas, to trust them to make decisions, ask them to do more in their work and allow them to assume limited risks. If someone suggests a great solution, ask them to use it - and make sure your efforts are recognized, regardless of success or failure.

2. A challenge of ideas begins

Think about Some of your company's problems - Perhaps it is the reduction of medical care costs, the increase in sales or simply the reduction of energy invoice. Instead of making a rain of ideas in a conference room, it gives the opportunity to employees through a challenge of ideas. Be transparent on the subject and explain what you need to achieve. And you can reward the five best ideas, implement the best and reward the finalists by inviting them to a lunch with executives.

3. Foster teleworking and flexible work schedules

Let's be honest - you can try to help employees with the balance between work and private life offering something like a Time Management Workshop, But what most employees need is simply longer. A day from 9 to 5 may not be optimal for everyone and some people are more productive working from home. When you focus on the results and empower employees to work in the way they need, that trust and freedom allows them to be much more proactive.

4. Reward proactive healthy behaviors

Healthy employees are committed, are productive - and yes, proactive. But that means being equally proactive when it comes to your health. It encourages this rewarding employees (With discounts on medical premiums, cash, gift cards, etc.) for things like doing preventive exams, not smoking and maintaining a healthy weight.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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