How to be more productive at work

How to be more productive at work

The day is 24 hours, however, the list of tasks that you have to move forward in a single day is endless. And productivity is an ingredient that helps you enjoy those days with less stress, a better use of the hours and greater feeling of well -being. Productivity is strengthened from positive habits and, therefore, in this article we will help you learn How to be more productive at work. Continue reading this Psychology-online article because we will give you all the keys to achieve this realistic and positive goal.

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10 tips to be productive at work

  1. Use a paper agenda. To be more productive at work, it is important that you have this functional tool to make annotations of work appointments and other colors. Write these tasks in writing to avoid forgetting them and once you have finished each task, it touches that goal. Through an agenda, you acquire a mental order around that endless list of tasks.
  2. Structure schedules common in your life taking as reference the schedule of the working day. The schedule will help you prioritize and know the time you have to correctly perform all your tasks.
  3. Prioritize your daily tasks. The day begins by paying special attention to those tasks that require a higher level of concentration. But, in addition, it uses the compensation law. After a task of great effort, link another relaxed.
  4. Start with the fast. Do those simple tasks that do not require more than a minute at that moment. In this way, you do not accumulate many of those pending tasks for another time. Do not leave for later, what you can do now.
  5. Everything you start ends. To be more productive at work it is important that you follow this good philosophy that will help you take advantage of the time taking to fruition the projects you undertake.
  6. Value the advantages of Online tasks. For example, you can make purchases from home or study an online course. Online tasks provide you with time saving.
  7. Don't take work home. Complies this message to the letter. In this way, you take better advantage of your workday.
  8. Divide your tasks. Difference between the urgent or important and the secondary. During today, take care of those tasks that if you do not do them, they will have consequences. However, he tries to be flexible with those issues that, really, nothing happens if you do them today or tomorrow. Productivity is also born of the ability to focus on the important.
  9. Identify your creative hours. Although the days have the same hours for all people, the reality is that the subjective experience of time causes each person, to have a specially inspiring day of the day. ¿When you feel more concentrated and productive?
  10. Delegate. This message can be applied to the professional level, and also, on a personal level. Those who do not delegate drag the wrong belief of believing themselves irreplaceable.

In this other article we give you some good ideas that will help you know what to do to be more efficient at work.

How to gain time in your routine

Productivity is also born from the ability to concentrate on the ability to Structure your time coherently. ¿How to get it? Here are some good ideas that will help you be more productive at work:

  • Perform one task after another. Take this message to the letter. Do not hold the phone while doing another specific issue.
  • Group the tasks Around a common theme to give a unit to them.
  • Take your order External in the office and at home because as Marie Kondo explains author of the book "The magic of order", the external order gives you better resources to be productive. For example, think that in the disorder of the office it costs you more to find where is house is.
  • Prioritize The neighborhood life to make the main steps in the environment close to your home or your workplace. This advice is especially significant if you live in a city.
  • Take care of your diet and rest since both aspects influence how you feel. A healthy eating and good rest activate your energy to do homework.
  • Take advantage of dead times. For example, when you travel by urban transport, you can read a book or emails.
  • The creative power of boredom. Do not confuse creativity with being permanently occupied. Pereness and boredom are also very healthy.
  • Reduce time What do you pass in front of television, YouTube, the mobile phone and the Internet in general.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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