How to be a better student

How to be a better student

¿You've ever wondered why you can't reach your entire academic potential? It is likely that your brain is not the cause, but your lifestyle. Of course, a student can be born with a certain degree of natural talent or a fascination for a particular field, but when learning to learn, it makes possible to achieve more than you never thought about as possible.

¿You want to be a model student? In this psychology-online article we show you some learning tips and strategies to become A better student. These strategies will be very effective and curious.

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  1. How to be a brilliant student: repetition
  2. Set connections to be a better student
  3. Start with the top if you want to be a good student
  4. The best trick for a good student: read, read and read
  5. Write, write and write
  6. Teach, teach and teach
  7. Changes in lifestyle to be a better student

How to be a brilliant student: repetition

Learning strategies can improve your performance remarkably. Since success in any field is mainly based on hard work and time investment, it is important that one immediately understands that they are not "born with him".

Doing the same again and again may not seem funny, but it is more than effective to help you achieve a greater understanding. Just remember when you were in primary school and you were learning to spell words. Most of the time, you started each unit with a list of words you had to write by hand three to five times and give them to your teacher.

Now, in general, your teacher did not review the words to see if you had done them correctly, but to test your knowledge through spelling tests. If it went wrong in those things, it was probably because you reduced the repetitive part of learning. Although we know that it can be boring to do the same again and again, the understanding that you can achieve as a result is a Good reward. And that is why this technique is still learned when it comes to internalizing important definitions or dates.

Set connections to be a better student

The human brain has the ability to give Better meaning to new concepts If you are able to relate the new to something that is already understandable. When relating to our past experiences - whether we have read in a book, heard in the news or experienced in life - we make valuable connections that allow the new information to internalize.

Making connections can be really fun if you intend to do it, because no one can tell you that this or that is a "incorrect" connection. If it makes sense to you and helps you remember what you are reading, then it's fine every time.

Start with the top if you want to be a good student

Among the best study techniques, we find the following: when it comes to learning something in life, It is better to start above. ¿Why is that? "The" upper part "assumes that you already know the basic information necessary to get ahead. "The upper part" allows you to see how information applies and is practical. "The" top "allows you to focus on complete and total understanding without losing you in the basic details. Once you have seen this in action, it is much easier to understand the basics.

The best trick for a good student: read, read and read

The simple fact of reading more - whether magazines, fiction, non -fiction, comics and graphic novels - will help you on almost any topic. When reading whenever you can, you understand how people speak and communicate their ideas. If you can understand that, then it becomes easier to capture concepts and ideas that were before you. It also makes you a better communicator, which will be useful for the last two learning strategies.

Write, write and write

Scripture is a natural extension of reading. In case you will take your pencil and paper and You will take notes. What writing does essentially for you is to force your brain to reduce speed and join exactly what he knows in a logical and coherent way. Write everything It will also help you realize the lagoons that exist in your knowledge of a specific topic.

Teach, teach and teach

Do not think that you have to be an expert in a field to be able to teach it effectively. The act of teaching It can be more about helping yourself to achieve a better understanding than to help other people.

Changes in lifestyle to be a better student

To finish this article, we offer you some changes in the lifestyle that will help you be an exemplary student:

Set goals

The goals, both in the short and long term, are a great way of Measure your success. If you do not have goals in sight, you have nothing to achieve or for what to fight in your courses. If you look concrete goals for yourself, it is easier to motivate and measure your success in those goals.

¡Make sure your goals are realistic! While you must challenge yourself, you should not prepare for failure, either. Remember that you can always establish higher goals once you have achieved your first goal.

Adopt programming or planning of your life

Programming is vital to maintain a healthy learning balance and keep up with your chores.

Stay well rested

Naps awake and alert, The information provided in class is more likely during the study sessions and in class activities.

In addition to attending class, there are a variety of resources available to help students prosper and succeed in class.

Take advantage of all available resources

Tutorials, study groups are some of the resources offered within the specific classes.

Healthy study techniques for proper exam preparation

Study techniques considered "healthy" include balance, time management and avoid study sessions throughout the night. Information is certainly easier to absorb when checked little by little, instead of postponing it until the last minute.


Listen and take notes actively during class not only ensures the precise information record, but also reinforces the information through the recording of the information as the taking. ¿You have ever returned to your notes when the time comes to study for the exam and you realize that they are illegible or difficult to understand?

It is useful Review your notes after class and rewrite them or summarize the key information while still fresh in your mind. You will discover that it is much easier to use your notes and retain clearer information, when the time of the exam is coming. Clearly, it also gives you any important information that was only mentioned in class when it is time to review and study the exam material.

Extracurricular activities

Try to create a life outside the academic, such as participation in extracurricular activities, sports, artistic activities, etc. Contrary to popular belief, extracurricular activities increase the general university experience of the student, contribute to the learning process and help balance programming skills.


Collaborating with other students is a great way to learn, as long as you are sure to choose the students with whom you will continue working. Try to find several students in your class, instead of friends you already have. In this way you can expand your social group and you are more likely to stay focused on school work.

The students who form study groups with each other They can often learn more learning by teaching. When students explain concepts to each other, they are able to learn and absorb information more easily. Conversely, students who need clarifications about the study areas can ask their classmates to better understand the course materials.

Take advantage of school resources

Use school resources to establish goals and create study habits Positive greatly helps the student's success. School resources are abundant and students who take advantage of them are much more likely to success. Such resources include the use of school libraries, study centers, tutorials, study groups, reinforcement classes ..

Assume a manageable workload

When assuming a well -balanced workload, students are more likely to succeed due to realistic expectations in the workload that can be handled successfully.

Class attendance

This must be common sense - if students go to class, they will probably be more successful in the course. Obviously, the course material is presented during class periods and students who are paying attention tend to learn while they are in class and, therefore, are more likely to perform well in exams.

Class participation

Going to class is one thing, but paying attention and participating in class is another. If you listen carefully to the class, you are likely to arise questions. If those questions arise in class, ¡ask! If you are too shy in a large class, wait and ask the teacher after the class or during the tutoring hours.

¿You have taken note of these tips to know How to be a better student? Now it is time to put it into practice and improve day by day.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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