How to seduce your partner

How to seduce your partner

Seduction, even if we don't know it, is present in our daily lives in everything we do, we see and say to others and vice versa. Constantly, we are bombarded with stimuli that seek to attract our attention or persuade ourselves to choose certain things.

There are things that attract us more than others and that there are profiles of people who are much more seductive to us. Be with looks, gestures or words, seduction displays all its power as an unconscious style of communication between people. The most interesting thing is that this we can do it consciously and use it in our favor.
At the couple level we all have the ability to captivate the desired person. In this Psychology-online article, we will give you the 15 tips on How to seduce your partner.

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  1. Seduction between couples
  2. Detect your partner's needs
  3. Having self -esteem is key when seduced
  4. Enthusiasm and positivism attract
  5. Avoid complaint
  6. Work your own acceptance
  7. Beauty is 100% attitude
  8. Make sense of humor
  9. Have your own life
  10. Patience is key to seduce
  11. Connect through your gaze
  12. Listen draws attention
  13. Count on liveliness and energy
  14. Discover your own magic and show it
  15. Seduce with your body
  16. Mirror

Seduction between couples

If we observe the animal kingdom, we can observe that the male-hembra bort is present in all species and it is interesting to see how seduction is a staging. As Enric Castellví says[1], Seduction is a scenic ritual that needs a ceremony and a subtle strategy to carry out a conquest that otherwise could not be achieved. In animals we can see how there is an important seduction game where they show their charms, strengths and skills, to get the attention of their female.

Humans depend on the cultural norm where we place ourselves, but we still work quite similarly. We also have different seduction strategies that we sometimes use unconsciously to attract the desired person.

Detect your partner's needs

¿How to attract your partner more? All people work differently and move different things. Therefore, at the beginning of a love relationship it is important to move cautiously, give the time to meet the other and see how he likes to seduce him. This helps to detect what the best seduction techniques can in each case.

Detect your partner's needs helps discover what is passionate, who is looking for in another person And how do you like to be treated. In short, the most relevant thing is that the other person be at ease when he is with you and look for the best way to connect with him or her.

Having self -esteem is key when seduced

Self -esteem is a key piece to seduce your partner every day. Many times we try to convince our partner of something that we are not sure. In these situations, our self -esteem is a key piece. To seduce others First you have to seduce yourself.

People with high self -esteem attribute love failures to external causes and achievements to their own merits. On the contrary, people with low self -esteem attribute failures to themselves and constantly connect with the feeling of not being sufficient for the other. They are excessively concerned with like, please the others and meet their expectations and lose real contact with themselves.

In this article, you will find information on how to improve self -esteem.

Enthusiasm and positivism attract

¿How to seduce your partner? Happy, happy and fun people seem lovely. We feel attracted by people who manifest high levels of positive energy. Those people full of life that have no complex to show how authentic. These types of people attract because they generate positive feelings in the other person. In this article, we tell you how to always have a positive thought.

Avoid complaint

If you wonder how to seduce your partner every day, one of the keys is trying to complain less. With this we refer to try to see the positive part What happens to you. There are people who are continuously complaining about everything. That makes the other person want to avoid that contact.

People attract people who make us feel happy. So unless you have a lot of confidence and a very deep bond with the other, never tell your problems if what you are looking for is to seduce it. Dosify bad things and water them to talk to your family or with your friends.

Work your own acceptance

Self -acceptance is very important because When you accept, want and respect, others do. On the other hand, to the extent that we are aware of our strengths, we can use them for our benefit and avoid sabotaging ourselves. To the extent that we accept, we can overcome the fear of rejection or failure. In this article, you will see how to overcome the fear of rejection.

A positive perception of ourselves allows us to assess our qualities and know our limitations When it comes to developing in love. On the contrary, a negative perception can lead us to use seduction as a means to cover up our non -covered needs.

If we do not accept ourselves we will be looking for confirmation that we ourselves are not able to give ourselves what we need. That will continually lead us to feel rejected and connect with our wounds not worked.

Beauty is 100% attitude

¿You want to know how to seduce your partner? To achieve this, you should know that social skills are more important than your physique. While the physicist is the first thing that attracts us or catches the attention of a person, it is not what keeps us interested.

Actually, it is proven that physical attractiveness becomes secondary once we know the other person really. What really attracts us is personality and social skills of the other. For example, the confidence that the other person has in itself7a and how it is planted in front of the world.

Make sense of humor

Something that is extremely attractive to us is a person who makes us laugh, who relieves us life and daily charges, which helps us to relax, that makes us feel good and helps us connect with emotions of happiness. The sense of humor is One of the most seductive things In a person. It makes us connect with positive feelings and segregate neurochemicals that are related to pleasure and well -being such as serotonin and endorphins.

In this article, you will find information about how to be more fun and sociable.

Have your own life

We all look for someone to admire and stimulates us a lot to meet Someone who has ambitions, goals, dreams And that actively fights for them. We admire people who have a passion, a hobby or a clear goal that pursue day by day. Although you may not be clear, in this article, we tell you how to know what you want in life.

Patience is key to seduce

If you wonder how to seduce your partner, keep in mind that it is important to be patient, give you the necessary time to meet the other person and dose your delivery. When we gradually deliver others, they value our delivery much more and, in addition, we generate a wave of mystery that is extremely attractive. Seduction requires time and wait.

At the time of the conquest it is always good to dose our delivery or delivering to the extent that we generate a deeper link with the other. Without wanting it, we generate expectations and illusions that will make the person get to know us and discover more. Discover how to have more patience.

Connect through your gaze

Looking in the eye is extremely attractive and helps us connect with the other. We think that person who looks in our eyes and shows us interest, that person who is attentive listening and that, with his attention, shows us that he understands and accepts us. The look also shows that the other person puts all their attention on us, making us feel important.

Listen draws attention

¿How to attract your partner again? Learn to listen. A person who really listens to us, our attention and interest are immediately won. We feel corresponded and tend to give back that. When You listen carefully to the other person And you are interested in her, that person feels necessary, useful and special. Therefore, to seduce someone it is very important to listen to him.

Count on liveliness and energy

Other tricks to seduce your partner is to learn to count things with spark. Everyone is struck by those people who generate an interesting story of everything they tell. That is nothing more than the ability to count something interesting or be a good narrator, A skill that can be acquired including humor, trust, self -tray in your daily dialogues, using body language and being emotional and positive enough.

Discover your own magic and show it

You have your own magic, discover it and show it. We are all unique and there are things that make us different from others and that are extremely attractive to others. Don't hide what makes you different. Show yourself as you are. That personal seal that no one else has. Remember that you are unique and that already makes you attractive. Dare to the sharing.

Seduce with your body

If you want to seduce your partner again, use your body in your favor. One of the most important things when seduced is show you and see you as a confident and safe person, even when you are not so much. A person who believes in herself quickly generates trust and closeness with others. A person who plays the world safely is highly attractive. Smile often and try to hide your nerves. In this article, we propose exercises to have more security in oneself.


In love we seek the known And, although this seems absurd, when we see someone who has hobbies, ways of being or even gestures similar to ourselves, we immediately begin to be attracted to that person.

The mirror technique says that if you repeat some facial expressions, intonation, gestures or attitudes of the other person, it will be attracted to you. This happens because the person begins to feel something familiar and feels that it connects easily with you.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to seduce your partner, We recommend that you enter our category of couple therapy.

  1. Castellvi e. (2011). Seduction workshop. Guide to improve self -esteem, like others and open to love. Editorial Alba: Spain