How does someone who underestimate himself behave? 10 signals

How does someone who underestimate himself behave? 10 signals

Someone who underestimates does not usually think of himself, but in others. This is common, then, Not only is it possible to underestimate someone, but also underestimate himself.

In none of these scenarios the behavior is appropriate. On the contrary, it prevents personal growth and the possibility of living with fullness.

Who underestimates cannot feel well -being because he lives with eroded self -esteem, he hurts constantly and does not experience happiness.

On the other hand, those who are friendly with them.

Who underestimal, They believe that they will never achieve anything transcendent, they think that they do not deserve great things and their relationships with others are also poor.

It is not, therefore, only acceptance towards oneself, but also to value all our potential, what we are and what we can become.

How does someone who underestimate himself behave?

According to the author María Naranjo, in her study on self -esteem, this is an aspect that has an outstanding relevance in the life of a person, since contributes to its existence being more satisfactory

And, certainly, underestimating is related to self -esteem. To begin, who underestimates, does not even think deserving of a compliment.

Who underestimates, behaves as follows:

  1. Does not accept the compliments: Because he believes that he does not deserve them and usually replies: "It doesn't matter", "it's not much", "it's nothing", "it is not so much", among other answers that disqualify it. Something as simple as accepting a compliment can reveal how much a person loves. But, who underestimates does not know how to respond correctly, or it is difficult for "thanks, I accept the fulfillment".
  2. Mention of other people: and place herself in the shadow. Who underestimates always praises someone else's good, but not the same. This means that it lacks security and self -confidence.
  3. They do not think about themselves first: but first place other people ahead. They are never priority, but others. This is a clear indication that they have very low self -esteem.
  4. They think that the welfare of others is more important: Never your own happiness. They always sacrifice, they do everything for others, they give their best, but they are staying last place.
  5. They believe that others think about their negative things: or that they make fun, laugh, or will not accept them.
  6. They are not considered special: We all have a value that makes us unique. We are authentic, but who underestimates, thinks that he has nothing special and, if they receive a gift, then they believe that it is because that person who has given them something also does with everyone.
  7. They have negative thoughts: of the type: "The others are better than me", "I don't worth", "others will do better", "better than another", because there is a fear that underlies. A terror to fail and that forces them to confine a corner.
  8. They doubt their full potential: They do not realize everything they are able to achieve when a goal is proposed. They believe that success is for others, never for them.
  9. They highlight negative qualities: Of themselves, instead of seeing positive things.
  10. Thoughts are also negative: They are never visualized by being successful, reaching goals, but their negative thoughts collapse their dreams.

Underestimating is a mistake in which many incur, because, All human beings have something that makes us unique and authentic before the rest. We all have something to contribute to the world, as well as we have thousands of options in which we can contribute to make the world a better place.

The value as people have it since we are born and give the first respite, there is no reason to believe that others are better than us.

If you are one of the people who underestimate themselves, it is better to start making a list of all the strengths and that make you unique in front of others, surely there are many.

Going with a specialist is also recommended, Well, this can help us strengthen our self -esteem and be more friendly to ourselves.

In some cases, cognitive behavioral therapy can help; Similarly, there are other approaches that are also useful and can be a great accompaniment so that the person begins to travel that beautiful path of the self -discovery of potentialities.

The procrusted bed: when we do not accept different ideas than ours


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