How to know if a friend is really. False friends/friends

How to know if a friend is really. False friends/friends

How to know if a friend is really the question that we sometimes usually ask ourselves when we notice certain differences from them to us. If you want to recognize the false friends/friends around you, it is important that you find The keys to be able to detect false friends and try to make their attitudes affect you.

Unfortunately, our lifestyle increasingly promotes more hypocritical attitude To achieve personal goals. Although at first glance, false people or friendships seem to be the best company, there are some attitudes that can identify these people used.

There are many people who are concerned that false people can affect their lives. So much so that at certain times Hippocritical people come to cause us concerns that can even lead to psychological consequences. Although it hurts us to admit it, these types of people exist and are close to us.

To avoid harming us, we must identify their behavior guidelines and get rid of this type of relationship. In this post, we will talk about how to know if a friend is really and how to recognize them.


  • False friend: How to detect it and take measures before a toxic friendship
    • 1. Intimate friend in two days
    • 2. Appears in good times and hides in the bad
    • 3. He likes to criticize you
    • 4. Talk bad about you behind your back
  • How to deal with a false friend
    • 1. Don't trust everything I tell you
    • 2. Develop confidence in yourself
    • 3. Do not entrust you deep secrets
    • 4. Look for activities to do without that person
    • 5. Turn your intuition
  • How can false people affect us psychologically?
    • 1. Problems in your self -esteem
    • 2. Promote insecurity
    • 3. Make bad decisions
    • 4. Get away from good friends
    • Bibliography

False friend: How to detect it and take measures before a toxic friendship

In spite of everything, there are times when life places us people who do not bring us more than disappointments. Here we offer you some Keys to identify the fake friends/friends.

1. Intimate friend in two days

Generally, friendships are forged by time. When someone intends to establish friendship overnight with others, acting as if he were an intimate friend, You should alert and act with wisdom. Remember that the intimacy, trust and the connection of friendship are born progressively, But they don't give themselves.

2. Appears in good times and hides in the bad

One of the easiest and easiest ways to know if a friend is really warn at what moments of your life it is present: If when you are happy, living good times is there to share your life, but if you disappear when you have a problem or go through a bad time, it is sure that you are in front of false friends/friends.

3. He likes to criticize you

The false friend is evidenced when He gets into your life and thinks about you in a malicious way. If you only highlight your mistakes, it reminds you of your failures and makes you feel bad, it is a sign that it is a false friend and if you feel joy or enjoy your failures, it is best to distance yourself as soon as possible from them.

4. Talk bad about you behind your back

A good friend gives his sincere opinion in front of you, he does not speak badly of you if you are not present. If you have noticed that criticizes you from the back and does not have the courage to tell you what you think of you directly, It is best to quickly get away from him, since he is not a person to trust.

How to deal with a false friend

If even knowing that their friendship is not sincere, and we want to keep that person close, the time has come to Learn to deal with a false friend, To do this, we propose the following keys:

1. Don't trust everything I tell you

False friends/friends are usually liars, They usually lie about their life to show off something that has not really happened, in other cases, lie about tastes and hobbies to strengthen personal ties.

2. Develop confidence in yourself

Remember that it is not good to have a false friend for matters of trust, the safest thing is that I can betray you and these situations are really painful. To avoid, feel so much discomfort, it is important to develop our Personal strengths And so not to depend so much on other people.

3. Do not entrust you deep secrets

If you doubt the behavior, I made that person, The best thing is that you avoid trusting your personal secrets. Remember that this type of false friends are based on knowing the weak points of the other person and playing with them and can even use them to manipulate us.

4. Look for activities to do without that person

Leave the circle of toxicity from time to time It is a good strategy to promote our mental health. Program plans to do with other people and thus rely on them instead of completely overturning our confidence in a false friend.

15 ways to detect a toxic person

5. Turn your intuition

In occasions we suspect from a friend without knowing very well why. We believe that it does not seem like a good person, but not having precise data, we do not make the determination to limit the relationship.

If you have the feeling that a friend does not give you anything positive, do not be categorical to cut the relationship, but stay alert to confirm or deny that impression. Many times, time will confirm what your perception told you.

The unconscious mind detects lies better than the conscious

How can false people affect us psychologically?

Although it is usual to meet these Toxic attitudes In our day to day, many times we cannot perceive all the prejudices that this type of false people can cause us. So it can affect us psychologically as follows:

1. Problems in your self -esteem

One of the main reasons that are important to identify in False friends is because their attitude can cause you a deficiency in your self -esteem.

2. Promote insecurity

When there are people exploited around you on many occasions they end up reducing your decisions and even make you feel doubtful about your own thoughts. Therefore, social hypocrisy is bad for you in the sense that Promote negativity in all aspects.

3. Make bad decisions

The influence of a false friendship can Make you finish changing your opinions and make decisions that affect your life.

4. Get away from good friends

The influence of a hypocritical person can become cruel, even You can finish moving away from good relationships that if they are worth having them as friends.

Finally, keep in mind that fake friends end up harming your life if they give them too much importance. Therefore, having these negative attitudes will make you can enjoy all aspects of your day to day.


  • Brown, L (2020). Fake People: 16 Things they do and how to deal with them. POD IDEA. https: //
  • Patel, D (2008). 9 Telltale Signs You're Dealing With An Inauthentic Person. Entrepreneur. https: //