How to know if I have work stress?

How to know if I have work stress?

Work stress has physical and psychological origins and can be caused by bodily and mood alterations, It can even manifest itself in the educational field. However, in the work environment it is very common.

Although it is not easy to specify the concept of "stress" due to their relationship with a wide variety of diseases. The World Health Organization defines it as the set of physiological reactions that prepare the agency for action and when it exceeds the body's response capacity, it is most likely to manifest or grown without being noticed, an example could be Burnout syndrome.


  • What is stress?
  • Manifestations of stress
  • Work stress: alarm signals and causes
    • Causes
  • Tips to prevent work stress
  • Treatment
    • References

What is stress?

According to pH version. D. Luís Oblitas Guadalupe, stress has physiological and biochemical approaches, caused by the organic responses of an individual against moments he perceives as threatening.

External factors are generated by psychosocial approaches. But it is best to understand these approaches such as the interaction of the variables, so the stress should be seen from the integration of physiological, biochemical and psychosocial factors.

Manifestations of stress

Regardless of the environment or psychological conditions, stress is manifested through cognitive effects, whose consequences may be the failures in concentration and memory, wrong decision making, the unexpected thought block, the changes in the consciousness of the passage of time and even the appearance of tension and muscle pain.

Other work stress factors can be identified in the mood, according to the following symptomatic manifestations.

  • Apathy
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Abandonment
  • Alcoholism
  • Labor absenteeism
  • Frustration and anger
  • Sexual disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Excessive cigarette consumption
  • Drug addiction and psychopharmaceutical abuse
  • Loss of compulsive appetite or hunger
  • Feel insecurity and shame of yourself
The fear of aging

Work stress: alarm signals and causes

There is a wide relationship between stress and labor environments, in which various psychosocial factors are presented, which are the conditions of a person from the intra -labor and extra work, influential in the etiology of stress.

So that, Work stress is due to psychosocial factors that endanger the health of workers or collaborators Due to the organism's pressures against external stressful agents.

The symptoms of work stress do not have large differences with other types of stress, although a stress is not the same that generates anxiety to one that stimulates a depressive state. The symptomatology of work stress, linked to the manifestations mentioned above, are the following:

  • Gastritis
  • Eczema
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Irritable colon
  • Palpitations
  • Back pain
  • Hair loss
  • Neck Pain
  • Nausea and migraines
  • Erection problems
  • Menstrual disorders


Generally, work stress is presented by causal situations, which have to meet the requirement that they are repetitive and reasonable over time, these being some of them:

  • Defamation
  • On workload
  • Labor absenteeism
  • Work and sexual harassment
  • Lack of motivation
  • Toxic labor relations
  • Work unpaid overtime
  • Sudden change of guidelines
  • Work in danger
  • Ill -treatment by customers
  • Lack of leadership and order organizations
  • The non -recognition of the effort and work done
  • Excessive workload with pressure

Tips to prevent work stress

  • Pause in mid -morning and another in mid -afternoon
  • Respect the lunch space, a small parenthesis on the day where one can relax and think for a moment in something else
  • Raise, stretch your feet, oxygenate a little, stretch your feet, change the position of the body, all this helps to relax the mind and body
  • Try to maintain a harmonious relationship Even trying to connect your colleagues even after the workplace
  • Focus on the activities achieved and not on the earrings.


The symptoms of work stress imply a real severity and impediment, so the treatment would help combine The pharmacological part and psychological support. As for the pharmacological in the line of anxiolytics and antidepressants, they help to calm the symptoms quickly and modify the most acute.

Then the therapeutic accompaniment meets the purpose of resolving more individual personality issues, fundamentally creating Strategies to achieve a better job performance. Such as relating more to pleasure than the obligation situation.

Finally, organizations can be recommended to have a psychological first aid department, led by human resources that provide organizational culture in order to prevent work stress, treat its effects and perform campaigns to raise awareness and determine in time Stressing agents and symptoms.

Stress confrontation skills test


  • American Psychological Association Website. Coping with stress at work.
  • Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Website. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Stress
  • American Psychological Association Website. Stress in the workplace.