How to know if you suffer from neurosis?

How to know if you suffer from neurosis?

Much has been spoken throughout the last century about the neurosis. Many have ventured to try to describe this "tailor's drawer" label in which disorders have been put that have little or nothing to do with the original construct.

The purpose of this article is to approach the concept of neurosis, describe it according to current taxonomies and give you the precise keys to learn to detect when a person is neurotic, as well as the main sufferings suffered.


  • New data about the characteristics of neurosis
    • The neurotic paradox
    • Most common complaints of people suffering from neurosis
    • The general neurotic syndrome
    • References

New data about the characteristics of neurosis

The neurosis Refers to an unbalanced lifestyle characterized by:

  1. A neurotic nucleus constituted by a defective evaluation of reality in threatening terms for the ego and, as a result, a tendency to avoid, rather than dealing, stress and anguish through a series of defense mechanisms
  2. A neurotic paradox, referred to the tendency to maintain this lifestyle despite its maladaptive and self -destroyer nature.

The neurotic nucleus is a circular process in which the individual feels incapable, Evaluate everyday problems as something threatening and try to face anguish with avoidance and other defenses. The final result is a self -destroying lifestyle that blocks personal development and happiness. We can observe three facets in this conglomerate:

  1. Feelings of disability, insecurity and, as a consequence, anxiety; even in the face of success, for the fear that "the true lack of skill" is exposed (kind of Adler's inferiority complex).
  2. Avoidance instead of dealing, In a lifestyle characterized by defense and avoidance.
  3. Self -driver behavior and personal development blockade That it can also generate rigidity, egocentrism, no concern for others (for their problems they basically reoccoke themselves), interference in interpersonal relationships, unhappiness, etc.

Despite their inefficiency, neurotics persist in this lifestyle, They use it pre -established to deal with their lives, this is the Neurotic paradox.

The neurotic paradox

The explanation of the neurotic paradox may be in

  1. The immediate, short -term relief of anguish that is obtained momentarily by avoidance
  2. Inappropriate perception And continue that certain situations of life are threatening.

The individual always avoids, which does not allow the subject to discover which of these situations are really threatening and which could handle.

Characteristics of the neurotics indicated by several authors are the little self -confidence (poor self -esteem and self -efficacy), the little control of will, high energy tension, propensity to guilt, stiffness, unhappiness, insecurity, easy fatiguebility.

Most common complaints of people suffering from neurosis

If we perform a factor analysis of common complaints to neurotic patients Five groups of symptoms appear:

  1. Somatizations. Organic type symptoms: pain, anesthesia, heat or cold sensations, throat knots, sweating, etc.
  2. Anxiety: fear, nervousness, tension, fear, etc.
  3. Depression: thoughts of suicide, sadness, loss of interest, hopelessness, crying, etc.
  4. Interpersonal sensitivity: Ease of getting angry or irritated, feelings of misunderstanding, distrust, etc.
  5. Obsession-Compulsion: repetitive review, perfectionism, slowness, indecision, etc.

The general neurotic syndrome

Neurosis are minor disorders where the reality trial is not lost, They have a strong dimensional character (we can all place ourselves in a continuum of neuroticism) and their clinic is understandable, in the sense that Neurotic symptoms are related to experiences that we have all experienced once.

Finally, although in psychopathological classifications and in current research the tendency is to specify to the maximum, some authors continue to think about the existence and clinical utility of a General Neurotic Syndrome. They are based on data such as:

  1. A high comorbidity of symptoms and among the different neurotic disorders.
  2. The little diagnostic stability, frequently changing over time.
  3. The response to treatment It is similar among the different diagnostic categories, including different branches (anxiety-depression).

This general neurotic syndrome is characterized by the presence of simultaneous symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition, it is frequently associated with an underlying personality disorder (inhibited, dependent).

This syndrome can be applied well to the clinical experience, where The patient does not usually present a stable and specific symptomatology of a specific disorder, but a conglomerate is general "neurotic" symptoms. In line with these ideas, the WHO CIE-10 created the qualifying category of "Anxious-depressive mixed disorder".


  • Baravalle, g., Vaccarezza, l. AND., Ferrer, n., & Jorge, C. H. (1997). Manias, doubts and rituals: theory and psychoanalytic clinic of obsessive neurosis (No. 159.964. 2: 616.85). Paidós.
  • Spirit, J. G. B. (2000). Postmodern neurosis: an example of psychocultural analysis. Psychology Yearbook/The Ub Journal of Psychology31(4), 163-184.
  • López-Ibor, J. J. (1966). Neurosis as mood diseases. Gredos.
  • Naranjo, c. (2008). Character and neurosis. An integrative vision. JC Sáez Editor.