How to know if I am ambivery?

How to know if I am ambivery?

At times do they enjoy social meetings, but if they are too extensive they are uncomfortable? Do you like to be the center of attention, but only at times? Do you enjoy being alone, although not for very long times? If so, they may not be extroverted or introverted, but rather ambiverted.

In this article we will talk about this aspect of personality, intermediate between being too reserved or being people who socialize in excess. If you want to know what it implies being ambivery, the main features of this type of people and the advantages of being, then continues to read. Say if you are ambivery.


  • Introverted and outgoing: Ambireted
    • Be introverted
    • Be outgoing
  • Signs that you are ambivery
  • Benefits and disadvantages of being ambivery
  • The best of both sides of personality
    • Bibliographic references

Introverted and outgoing: Ambireted

If you present so much Qualities of introverted people as extroverts, So you are an ambivery. These people, according to the context, their mood, humor, or according to what they have experienced in the day, can present characteristics of a personality or other feature.

In this article we will talk about ambiversion, what implies and how to know if you are one of them, also what advantages it implies being so as their disadvantages. But, first, let's go what it implies being introverted and being outgoing.

Be introverted

An introverted person is not, as is usually confused, shy. But someone introverted needs loneliness to be well. Enjoy it, but it does not imply that you avoid social contact for fear. Are reserved people, who maintain their thoughts, emotions and experiences for themselves by choice. They are reserved, not by social phobia, but, because they seek to spend time alone for comfort, not by inhibition.

Be outgoing

The face opposed to introversion is extroversion. Who is outgoing loves social meetings, highlighting them and also being the center of attention. They enjoy spending time with others, starting conversations and maintaining prosperous links.

As a clarification, they must take into account that Never a person is a hundred introverted percentage, or extroverted, but usually one of the two attitudes is usually more noticeable or marked. When this does not happen and someone presents characteristics of both introversion and extroversion, then this person is ambiverted.

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Signs that you are ambivery

Do you identify both with a person who loves social meetings, as with another who enjoys their loneliness and own company? At times you prefer to be alone and, on other occasions, accompanied? Then you could become ambivery. That is why now we will give you the most common signals that indicate whether you are ambivery or not.

  • You enjoy spending time with other people, but if the meetings are too extensive it can bother you.
  • You are not one of those who start conversations with strangers in the street.
  • While you like to attend social meetings, you also enjoy your loneliness and comfort of your company.
  • You observe what happens around you before acting: if the environment is very calm, you will start a conversation, when there is a fuss, you will remain silent.
  • While you enjoy your time alone, you can get bored or worry if you are alone for a prolonged period. That's when you will need your friends.
  • You don't care to work in groups or alone. Know that you can perform well in either way.
  • Do not worry about being the center of attention. However, you can deal with it, and you feel comfortable in doing so.
  • You are flexible. You adapt to the different environments, be they very busy or lonely social meetings, you will adapt and feel comfortable in the same way.
  • At times, you are undecided. You don't know whether to go or stay. You recognize that, in the same way, you will have a good time, but at times you need to evaluate how you feel to decide what to do.
  • If you cannot decide between being intrverted, or being outgoing, it is because then you are probably ambivery.
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Benefits and disadvantages of being ambivery

Being ambivery, of course, can bring great advantages. As they will imagine, these people have the ability to balance introversion and extroversion, so they can adapt to context, according to the needs.

We will now go with some of the benefits of being ambivery. This people They know when it is appropriate to shut up and when to talk. In addition, they are excellent to listen, attentive to what others can tell them without interrupting them. Do not fear knowing new people or being alone, so they easily adapt to context changes. They also know how to be empathic, but without losing sight of their own objectives and desires, so when they are necessary they remain firm holding their ideas.

Of course, ambiversion also presents disadvantages, although they are a minor thing. For example, someone ambivery It can be at a certain moment enjoying being the soul of the party, although later bothering and seeking deprivedd. They can be undecided, because they may think they are in the center of attention and then, suddenly, feel bad about it. However, saving those issues, being ambivery is really advantageous and presents more aspects in their favor than against.

The best of both sides of personality

As you will see, introverts can obtain advantages of both sides of their personality. They are flexible, they easily adapt to different situations. They also manage to be more receptive, while firmly sustaining their decisions and beliefs.

Have you managed to assess whether or not they are? We hope this article has been useful to achieve it. Enjoy the advantages they get from both sides of your personality.

Bibliographic references

  • Danvers, a. F., Wundrack, r., & Mehl, M. (2020). BALANCE IN PERSONITY STATES: A CONCEPTUAL FIRST FOR DYNAMICS IN PERSONALITY STATES. European Journal of Personality, 34 (6), 999-1016.
  • Davidson, i. J. (2017). The Embivert: A Failed Attempt at A Normal Person. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 53 (4), 313-331.
  • Petric, d. (2019). Introvert, Extover and Ambivert. The Knot Theory of Mind.