How to know if it's your soulmate

How to know if it's your soulmate

The soul is the immaterial essence that defines us as people, our most intimate being, what we are. In this sense, twin souls indicate that this essence that is within us is born incomplete and the only way to complete it is to find the other part of our soul: our soulmate. Therefore, for practical purposes, a twin soul is a person with whom you feel a deep affinity and empathy, especially in a love sense, but also applies to friendship.

Always, it has been believed or said that the search for love is the search for that other half of your soul to be able to complete it and feel full. Although this vision is increasingly disused and today it encourages feeling complete with themselves, sometimes there is still the impulse to look for that other half of your soul. In this psychology-online article we explain to you How to know if it's your soulmate.

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  1. You share the same values
  2. Instantaneous connection
  3. Great communicative capacity
  4. Disagreement
  5. Pure love
  6. Beyond distance
  7. Your silences are a quiet place
  8. Drastic changes
  9. Synchronicities
  10. Intense feelings

You share the same values

Although you can be different in the way of acting, You share the same values ​​and inner essence, So you surely have very similar objectives. In this way, although the way to get them can be something different, those same values ​​will always move you.

Instantaneous connection

When you find your soulmate, you are likely to have that deep feeling of having connected from the first moment you know yourself, you feel comfortable with each other, confess and the conversation flows. The connection is such that You can feel the pain of the other in a way that can scare. That is, the degree of empathy you have towards that person is very large and is very developed. The connection is such that you can have the feeling of listening to your thoughts.

Great communicative capacity

Another way to detect that it is your soulmate is that You have the feeling of being able to talk about everything with that person And you are not afraid of having more complicated or delicate conversations.

If you want to know more about how to improve in this aspect you can consult the following article how to improve communication in the couple.


Even sharing the same philosophy of life, You are probable that you do not agree on everything and show different opinions in some aspects. However, if it really is your soulmate you will feel that this is not a problem for you. You also have the feeling that you are able to face the unforeseen events that arise and overcome all the problems that destiny gives you.

Pure love

Between two twin souls, There is no place for falsehoods, manipulations or any other type of negative interest. People who are twin souls are able to accept themselves as they are, with their virtues and defects, without pretending to judge or change the other.

This is something that we can see above all in the negative aspects, since although at first you can think that it can be a weak point or even a Red flag In the other person, you are capable of its positive aspects. For example, an excessively organized person could be seen as someone complicated to deal with, since he can demand too much to himself and others. However, if it is your soulmate, you may see it as an excellent person who will remind you.

Beyond distance

The twin souls They are able to love each other despite the physical distance. You can spend long separate stages and, even if you find it painful, do not lose hope of reuniting again. Thinking about the reunion is what gives you strength to move forward.

On the other hand, in the event that your soul of a person moves away for circumstantial reasons, you will have the opportunity to advance in your personal learning, taking advantage of the separation for self -knowledge, healing emotional wounds and evolving spiritually.

Your silences are a quiet place

A curious aspect, and on many occasions complicated to achieve, is that feeling of peace and tranquility when you are together in silence. In this way, it is not necessary to be talking all the time to avoid uncomfortable silences, since the silences that are generated are not uncomfortable next to that person.

On the contrary, these moments transmit the peace and tranquility that you needed so much.

Drastic changes

After meeting your soulmate, you are likely to have the feeling that everything is aligning so you can get the changes in your life that you have always wanted. It seems that Everything becomes easier And it is possible to achieve everything you wanted and even that paersone may help you to pave the way to get your dreams.


In general, the encounter between two twin souls has a certain magical and mysterious touch and is usually surrounded by coincidences and synchronicities. In some cases, it may even happen that when you start talking about you realize that You have coincided in many more places Of those who thought, but it has not been until this precise moment when the universe, who had been waiting for the right time, has decided to get together for you to take the path of life together together.

Intense feelings

It may be that being close to your soulmate feelings towards him or she are more intense that with other people, both for the good and for the bad. However, in the same way that love and joy can be very intense, the rage and disappointment can also be.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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