How to know if it's love or love

How to know if it's love or love

Love is one of the strongest and most intense feelings that we can experience. However, it is also very complex, so it tends to confuse us. Therefore, although love and love go hand in hand, sometimes we misunderstand a simple gesture for someone, having found the greatest love of our life. The ideal is to know the characteristics of each of those feelings to be able to assertively identify what we are experiencing actually.

In this psychology-online article we will give you all the information you need about How to know if it's love or love. In this way, you will know that you can feel affection for different people, but that does not mean that you truly love them.

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  1. What is love and love
  2. You can't stop looking at that person
  3. You are looking for excuses to be close to him/her
  4. You imagine, imagine, imagine ..
  5. You are afraid to think about you from you
  6. You feel security with your company
  7. You live more exciting experiences
  8. You change your look and improve your appearance
  9. You are interested in your life
  10. You project the future together
  11. You feel jealous
  12. Your heart accelerates

What is love and love

First of all, Love is a deep feeling which is associated with a wide variety of emotions such as happiness, love, tenderness, among many others. It is a strong feeling of affection for another individual. You can feel love for your family, your partner, your work, a pet, among many other things. Also, this feeling is dyed for understanding, tolerance, respect and other positive feelings that make you wish for everything good for what you love.

Besides, The love is associated with mutual affection and with the pleasure for something or someone. You can feel it for the person you love, but the process does not happen, since not necessarily the love is synonymous with love. For example, it is usual to feel affection for a neighbor, a co -worker or even for the plant you like most about your home and that does not mean that you love them deeply.

Now that you know what each of these feelings are, let's see how to know if it is love or affection with the following signs:

You can't stop looking at that person

One of the first classic symptoms of love is to go into the eyes of another person. That is, you can't stop seeing your eyes while you are close. In fact, when something is observed with great insistence, it is a clear indication that There is a strong attraction. That's why really in love couples "only have eyes for them". That is, if you can no longer see that person constantly, a feeling of love is growing within you.

You are looking for excuses to be close to him/her

Another signal to know if it is love or affection, is that you will always look for a way to be close to that person. It does not matter if it is a casual conversation, by messages on social networks or by a spontaneous invitation, since any excuse is good to promote an approach. In other words, You will want to share your time with that being Who are you already starting to really love.

You imagine, imagine, imagine ..

To know if what you feel is love or affection, just remember all the moments of the day you thought about that person. For example, when you go down the street and see something, immediately remember it; If you listen to a song, look like your partner and want to have it/close.

In short, if most of the day That person dominates your thoughts, It is not very difficult to guess that it is no longer about simple affection.

You are afraid to think about you from you

¿How to know if it's love or love? One of the characteristics of true love is that we always want to be close to our loved being. Therefore, by imagining that you can leave you or move away, an alert reaction is immediately triggered that becomes fear. That means Don't imagine a life without that person, since affection was transformed into love.

You feel security with your company

Another of the main features that it is about love and not affection is that Your company causes security and trust. Therefore, when you are in the presence of your partner, you have no trouble telling you your things, showing your weaknesses and even looking for your advice, since your words comfort you. That is, it increases comfort and safe tension. However, these feelings are not only lived by feeling love.

You live more exciting experiences

To know if it is love what you feel, it is enough to experience the avalanche of hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin that your body will travel when you are close to being loved. Besides, will increase the level of happiness. Consequently, his presence makes all the experiences next to him and that time goes by flying.

Likewise, when that person is far, the hours move as slow as turtles and you will be impatient so that it is time to be next to their side.

Check our post the chemistry of love: ¿There is a scientific formula? If you want to learn more about the effect of love on the body and mind.

You change your look and improve your appearance

Although it seems unimportant detail, it is usual that when love is awakened, self -esteem levels rise and seek to improve the appearance. That is, we need to be more attractive.

That's why, We try to get attention of that person using a good perfume, a new hairstyle or a different outfit. These are different seduction strategies that will never occur to you to apply to someone who simply have a lot of love and affection.

You are interested in your life

¿You are interested in knowing another clue about how to know if it is love or love? You want to know more details about your routine, who your family is, where you live, among many other personal data, it means that interest towards that person is bigger than you imagine. Even, you can Interest in your wishes, projects and desires To try to identify if they are compatible with yours.

You project the future together

As much as you feel love to someone, that will never lead you to plan a life with that person. That is, another tip to know if it is love or affection is that, only when you experience love, you will have the need to plan a future with your partner. It will be innate and implicit that you will not be able to control.

In fact, you will imagine what your children will be like, the house you would like to have, where they will live and you will devise many future plans where both look united forever. Anyway, You want to spend the rest of your life with him/her.

You feel jealous

Jealousy is a fundamental part of real love. Therefore, it is possible that, if the feeling of love for that person has already woke up in you, you begin to feel jealous of his friends or the things that have time with you. Yes indeed, Do not fall into the mistake of becoming someone toxic that ends up removing your ideal partner.

To do this, we leave you this article that will help you with this topic: how to stop being jealous.

Your heart accelerates

¿How to know if it is love or love what you feel? It is simple, the heart does not deceive. Therefore, if that person approaches you, you feel that your beats accelerate and that your eyes light up, there is no doubt that you are facing the love really.

This occurs because in falling in love Neurotransmitters are activated Immediately, such as norepinephrine. In addition, it will not be afraid that people around you realize your feelings, since all your attention focuses on one thing: the person you feel love.

However, this post will show you the 11 differences between love and crush, so that you differentiate the state of falling in love with really love.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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