How to recognize the first signs of depression

How to recognize the first signs of depression

The Depression is a disease that affects the mind and body producing changes at sleep level, appetite and perception we have of ourselves and the world in general. Depression is not a sign of weakness nor is it a personal choice, this goes beyond normal suffering.

If you are depressed you will have some signs and symptoms that can last weeks and years if you do not follow the proper treatment. To know that we really suffer from depression, it must be carefully set not only in its psychological symptoms but also in physicists.

Different studies warn that depression will affect 40% of Spaniards at some point in their lives, but that only half of them will be correctly diagnosed and treated.

But why don't we go to professionals? Dr. Marisa Navarro, therapist and author of the books "Emotional Medicine" and "The Tarta Effect", says we live in a competitive society, in which we do not allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and in which mental illnesses are not accepted. Even those who attend the psychologist or psychiatrist continue suspicious.

Many of us believe that it is a normal part of our life, being sad or going through a stage of sadness. This expert also explains that the way in which we have been adequate affects that it is on all men who see it in this way.

However, it is important that before going to the specialist, you should know? Many depressions begin with the suffering of a picture of sadness, anxiety or stress, generated by some certain circumstance or simply because in life it is normal to go through different states in our emotional plane, and by not attending them they end up suffering a severe psychiatric depression or problems.

"Mental and psychological health problems have to be addressed, properly and like any disease, As soon as possible because, in addition to complicating, they expand as an oil stain, causing other health conditions in general, such as digestive, dermatological, cardiac problems ”, The health expert commented.

On the other hand, the United States National Library of Medicine makes a thorough distinction in its definition of depression: "It can be described as the fact of feeling sad, melancholic, unhappy, dejected or collapsed. Most people feel that way from time to time for short periods, says Dr. Marisa, also revealing that clinical depression implies that all these feelings interfere with your life for a period of a few weeks or more.


  • 10 signs of depression
  • Types of depression
  • Never self -medicate
    • Bibliographic references

10 signs of depression

According to mental America Health, the symptoms to which you have to be very alert are the following:

  1. Persistent sad mood, feeling of anxiety and that Nothing makes sense
  2. Changes in sleep habits, Sometimes much sleep or difficulties to reconcile it
  3. Decreased appetite and weight loss or Increase in appetite and prolonged weight increase
  4. Dissatisfaction and disinterest for activities that I enjoyed before, including sex
  5. Restlessness, irritability
  6. Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as chronic pain or digestive disorders
  7. Difficult to focus at work or to remember things or make decisions
  8. Loss of energy or constant fatigue
  9. Feelings of guilt, uselessness, hopelessness
  10. Persistent suicide or death thoughts

If you suffer or notes that someone in your environment has some of these symptoms, it is recommended to attend the doctor as soon as possible to comment and determine the possibility of suffering depression.

Types of depression

According to the National Medicine Library of the United States, the most common depression is one known as major depression, And it is the one in which Feelings of sadness, loss, anger or frustration interfere with daily life for weeks, or longer periods of time.

On the other hand, Persistent depressive disorder It is a depressive mood that lasts two years in which the patient can have moments of major depression along with times in which the symptoms are less serious.

However, there are other forms of depression, such as postpartum, with symptoms of major depression; Premenstrual Dysphoric (TDP) or depressive symptoms that happen a week before menstruation and disappear after menstrual.

Seasonal affective disorder (TAE), this is presented more regularly during autumn and winter stations, most likely due to lack of sunlight, the major depression with psychotic characteristics, that occurs when a person suffers from depression with a lack of contact with reality and, finally, bipolar disorder occurs when depression is alternated with mania known as maniacodet.

How to get emotions not control your life

Never self -medicate

The expert recommends Never self -medicate or try to look for drugs online that can help fight that situation. The specialist points out that medications should always be prescribed by a professional, but this is something that is almost never done.

What can we do to prevent negative moods? The most recommended for when you feel depressed is to exercise, eat properly, relate to people who make us feel good and get away from those toxic individuals, learn to revitalize things and always request help when needed.

Bibliographic references

  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), Depression: (Alliance for support to those affected by depression and bipolar disorder [DBSA): General information on depression, including access to help phones (lines of crisis) and support groups