How can I recover my partner?

How can I recover my partner?

Is the relationship you had with your partner ended, but do you think You should try to recover it? Many people have ever met in that situation in their lives, and today, we tell you how you can achieve it.


  • Do you really want to do it?
  • Steps to recover your ex
    • Be critical with yourself
    • Retur is two of two. You can only work in you
    • Talk to your partner
    • Work in you

Do you really want to do it?

The first question that should be asked, naturally, It's if it's really worth it and you want to return with your ex. And, to answer this question, you should wait a season.

After a break, it is normal for the fact of separating from the dear person does not make you see things with enough clarity. That is why you should give yourself a few weeks to rethink the situation and, already calmly, value whether it is worth returning with that person or not.

It should be considered if love is really over or, simply, it has been a series of poorly managed discussions or feelings that have led to that misguided decision. If what has happened is the latter, it can be advisable to retake the relationship.

And now, after seeing if you should return or not with your ex, We can go on to take a look at the steps you should continue to return with him or her.

Steps to recover your ex

Next, we show you the steps you should follow if you want to recover your ex.

Be critical with yourself

The first thing you have to do is be critical with yourself and try to understand why the breakdown. After all, when a relationship ends, there is usually something that has been done wrong on both sides.

Even when it seems that, simply "love is over", there is usually a background reason, such as boredom, routine or distrust that makes that relationship end. Therefore, it is convenient to make a critical review of why the break was.

Of course, you must keep in mind that it is possible that your ex does not want to be with you for reasons beyond you. In that case, it is not in your hand to recover it (after all, you cannot change things that are alien to you).

If the latter happens and, in addition, he tells you explicitly, the best thing you can do is end the relationship.

Retur is two of two. You can only work in you

Due to the above, you must understand that returning or not with your ex is not something that depends exclusively on you. This is the other person, too, and if she wants to get away from you and you do not stop insisting, all you can get is that the situation is worse.

Think that not only your dignity is at stake (which should be enough), but you will be bothered. And, probably, if you are annoying it and you don't mind doing it, maybe you are a bit selfish and you are not so interested in the well -being of that other person, don't you think?

Therefore, if the other person gives you signs that it may be possible to resume the relationship, go ahead. But otherwise, be prudent, do not drag and not insist.

Talk to your partner

But, despite the above, the circumstance may also give that you want to come back, But both have too much pride. You can, in that case, try to talk to her in a serene way (And, of course, face to face, even more difficult).

In this case you can appeal to pride or fear, and say that you are too or have it, but that what you had can be worth trying to have it again. These types of approaches usually work because they put you at the same level as the other party.

Work in you

In the end, the best thing you can do to recover an ex is to improve what is in your hand. I mean, become a better person and improve your appeal. Over time, the other person can see that you have changed, and make it herself wants to approach you again.

Keep in mind that, if the relationship has been positive and has ended by minor issues, it is possible that the flame of perviva love for years. Yes, months after the breakup, your ex sees that you have changed in some relevant aspects, it will be normal for meant to return.

So, if the above does not work, perhaps, simply, it is too soon. Try to separate you a little, give time and space, and start improving as a person. Surely, after a while, you can try again (or even your ex who approaches) may be.

As you can see, Recover your ex is not simple, But, following these Tips on how to recover your partner, You will be a little closer to achieving it. So ... we hope this article has helped you and you can return with that person you want so much!

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