How can coaching help you

How can coaching help you

To understand how the coaching It is necessary to know the origin of this word.

Its origin comes from the fifteenth and sixteenth century, an era in which the means of transport began to be called in the same way as the Hungarian Kocs city, cars, As recorded by various investigations.

Then, cars were excellent to transport a person from one place to another and, at present, A coach -term taken from its English evolution-, It does precisely this, take a person from the site where he is to that place he wants to reach.

Coaching can be considered as a tool that allows people to discover more about themselves, Starting from their own resources to achieve extraordinary results, according to the inquiries in this regard.


  • When can coaching help you
  • What is not a coach
  • What should you expect from a coach?
    • Bibliography

When can coaching help you

There are different types of coach, However, we will tell you some of the situations in which this professional can help you:

  • If you are going through a situation that is new to you, the panorama looks uncertain and you need to draw a plan to continue.
  • If you feel with mental block or in some area of ​​your life.
  • If you want to develop new skills or skills to achieve a new goal.
  • If you want a change in your behavior.
  • If you are going through a conflict, caused by an unexpected change in your life (in any area: work, as a couple or other).
  • If you think you can't face a situation in your life.
  • If you have a low self-concept.
  • If you have low self -esteem.
  • If your thoughts have become a brake to achieve your purposes.
  • If you want to discover what your gifts or talents are.
  • If you want to adapt to the environment of a new company.
  • If you want to improve your communicative skills.

As you can see, coaching can help you in your professional or personal field, but, There must always be the commitment on your part.

It is best that with a coach, you can save time and money, because you will not have to attend long talks, seminars, classes, or similar, because, The coachs do not exercise the role of teachers, or mentors, but it helps you to be you who discovered aspects of you that you used to ignore.

With the help of coaching You can use your own resources, or skills, to resolve conflicts in your life, But you must take into account what does not do a coach.

What is not a coach

Professional coaching, as we have mentioned, It will not be your teacher, mentor, counselor, or psychologist, but it will only accompany you, through open questions, towards your own interior. It will be a self-discovery trip.

Therefore, a coach:

  • He is not a psychologist (although a psychologist can take training as a coach).
  • The coach It is not a service to vent your sorrows.
  • The coach is not a mentor that will give you the answers you need in your life.
  • It is not a seminar or a Masterclass.
  • It is not someone who will solve your problems or tell you what to do.

The coachs They should not indicate to any client what they should or should not do, but, rather, ask the questions that allow the individual, or Coachee, generate the answers that will help you reflect to implement changes.

The coach makes use of techniques so that the Coachee He is responsible, empowers and confronted his situation.

An important detail is that A coach will never make judgments about his Coachee, So no person who comes in their support must be judged.

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What should you expect from a coach?

Which You can wait for a coach is to give you accompaniment To discover your potential and that you know all the tools you have to achieve your goals, and so far you could not know.

Some coaches are focused on the organizational field, while others work more with personal aspects.

For example, if an executive looks for a coach, he could, after the session, learn to better manage the situations that stress him, improve empathy with his team, have better communication with the other employees, among others.

In the business field, coaches are highly requested because They contribute to internal communication to improve and all are directed towards compliance with objectives or the actions required in the company And, as studies demonstrate, it works as a strategy to train professional skills.

A coach can help you improve your attitude and better develop your skills to be a better version of yourself.


  • Hague, h. (1975). Coaching. Industrial and Commercial Training. https: //
  • Hackman, j. R., & Wageman, R. (2005). A Theory of Team Coaching. Academy of Management Review. https: //
  • Naudé, J. (2016). Coaching and mentoring. In management and leadership skills for medical faculty: A practical handbook. https: //
  • IVES, and. (2008). What is 'coaching'? An exploration of conflicting paradigms. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring.
  • Fillery-Travis, a., Lane, d., Linley, p. TO., & Harrington, S. (2006). International Coaching Psychology Review. International Coaching Psychology Review.