How to protect yourself from envy at work

How to protect yourself from envy at work

Envy is one of the most harmful feelings in the professional environment since companionship is real when a person is glad for the successes that happen to others. On the contrary, envy shows the disgust and sadness that the one who lives the brightness of others as a threat to his own personal excellence feels. ¿How to protect yourself from envy at work?

In psychology-online we give you ideas that can help you create a positive climate in the office, minimizing the risk of feeling affected by the vision of jealousy since you can transform this point of view by an attitude of admiration that is more resilient.

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  1. Tips not to feel envy at work
  2. What to do when they are envious at work
  3. Causes of jealousy at work

Tips not to feel envy at work

  1. There are always people with better preparation and qualification and that should not be a reason to distrust the potential itself. Simply, there is an inexhaustible source of talent in a society that stands out for the qualification of the most specialized profiles. Therefore, Do not obsess With the idea of ​​being the best because this affects your own well -being.
  2. Labor success is not measured in relation to the qualities of other colleagues but with human resources by Competencies. That is, the most appropriate profile for a job position is not one that has more titles in the curriculum but the one that best fits the skills that the employee must have to perform the tasks of that specific job post. For this reason, a curriculum may not be chosen in a company, however, it is the one that stands out the most in another company.
  3. Each person has their own difficulties, therefore, when you envy other classmates if you really know all the information of their situation to have a objective vision of their circumstances. For example, you may not consider professional disappointments, hours of effort, constancy and overcoming invested in a goal.
  4. Change the focus of envy by the admiration. When you have envy of a person you position yourself before her as if it were your enemy, on the contrary, when you feel admiration for another person it becomes a reference to follow. Envy clouds your gaze and does not let you learn, on the contrary, admiration is an ingredient of mentoring.
  5. Invest time in training Because this preparation is the best option to opt for better jobs with better salary conditions. When you feel envy of another infraval person your own reality, on the contrary, when you put into practice your personal improvement you adopt a different luck concept by influencing your destiny on what depends on you.
  6. When you feel envy for a partner try to have empathy With your position. Imagine that it is you who has achieved that goal. ¿How would you like people to react with you in that case? This imagination exercise can help you put yourself in the place of the other.

What to do when they are envious at work

However, envy is a feeling that you can not only experiment as the protagonist, other people can also envy you. Obviously, you do not have control of the situation when it comes to preventing anyone from feeling in this way with you. However, you can influence Create healthy links of companionship and learn to deal with envious people:

  1. Do not change in your treatment towards others even if your circumstances change. This is one of the most important premises. Perhaps you have achieved success, however, your personal core remains the same because your value as a person transcends this specific fact. When humility and simplicity In the treatment of others describe your way of being, then, these qualities are really admirable.
  2. Help others and consult your doubts when you need it. In relation to the previous point, a natural consequence of humility is to have a Active disposition to collaborate by sharing one's knowledge, but also, to have the interest of obtaining new ideas thanks to the point of view of the others.
  3. Be careful with the desire for prominence at meetings or teamwork. You have your space, but you also have to respect that of others. Use your own common sense by not monopolizing the word shift in any context. Learn to listen.
  4. Try to remain oblivious to any conversation in which the issue of it is a destructive criticism of someone who is not present. That is, I know a transparent person in the treatment so that others perceive the authenticity in you in your behaviors.
  5. If you have the opportunity to present innovative ideas to improve the work in the company, then, it raises solutions that can be a general improvement for you and your colleagues. Beyond any type of individualistic vision, it also finds space for the common good.
  6. You cannot like everyone, therefore, when a partner feels envy for you do not enter the game of believing that you have to do something to change this situation. Try to treat that person with cordiality And focus your main attention on those colleagues who are your main support.

Causes of jealousy at work

To understand envy and know how to protect yourself from it, it is also advisable to understand why it occurs, that is, to diagnose the reasons that accompany it:

  1. Favoritism. When employees observe visible differences in the treatment received by the organization, when many of them feel in the background in the face of the frequent prominence of one or more colleagues, then this unequal treatment must be corrected by the Human Resources Department.
  2. Internal deficiencies. Employees also transfer to their daily work in the company the insecurities that accumulate around their own professional performance or to the way they perceive themselves. Low self -esteem raises the risk of envy at some point in the professional career because the affected is constantly compared to others. Envy is a consequence of this tendency to comparison.
  3. Psychological game. Some people love to presume their merits, they put their value in their own desire to feel admired by others. It is the profile of the vain person. That is, they seek constant recognition of the other. But, without a doubt, in addition to admiration they can also arouse envy.
  4. Absence of teamwork. A group of people does not constitute a team. When there is an environment of individualism and rivalry in a company, while a human environment drives its members to give their best, on the contrary, an environment marked by these emotional vampires produces the opposite effect.
  5. Be very Far from that ideal state that one day you dreamed. Have the feeling of having stagnated at a point in your path. In that case, this frustration can also increase the risk of jealousy towards those people who have achieved this goal.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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