How to put limits on relationships

How to put limits on relationships

To put limits in relationships it is important to communicate your needs and expectations in a clear and respectful way, and establish clear limits on what you are willing to accept or not. Human beings need to relate to others both biologically and psychologically to maintain our survival, physical well -being and tranquility. However, we must bear in mind that the relationships we build must be healthy. In this sense, one of the main ways to maintain a healthy relationship is to put certain limits.

Establish limits in relationships can be a very complicated task, especially when establishing limits with our loved ones, friends, family or our partner because we are afraid to hurt them, create a conflict or lose the relationship. In this Psychology-online article, we explain to you How to put limits on relationships.

You may also be interested: how to have a healthy couple relationship index
  1. What are the limits in relationships
  2. Identify what your limits are
  3. Communicate your limits clearly
  4. Keep the limits
  5. Learn to say "No"
  6. Stay conscious to detect alert signals
  7. Practice assertiveness
  8. Accept the consequences
  9. Take care of yourself

What are the limits in relationships

The limits in relationships are lines that we establish with others to protect our integrity physical and emotional, our dignity, and our needs. ¿Sometime have asked you to do something and have accepted when you didn't really want? ¿How did you feel?

It is very important to learn to be honest with ourselves and others to take care of our values. That is, to protect what is important for us, those who guide us to make decisions and act accordingly, but also to take care and not suffer abusive or toxic behaviors in our relationships. Thus, We will avoid situations that are harmful to us, toxic behaviors and we will surround ourselves with people who give us positive things.

Why it is important to set limits on relationships

If you want to know the importance of putting limits on relationships, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Protect your emotional well -being: When we establish limits in our relationships we are practicing self -care by communicating what makes us feel comfortable and what does not. In this way we prevent the other person can hurt us emotionally.
  • Keep mutual respect: Establishing limits is also a way of showing respect and love of others. When both parties establish limits and respect them they are taking care of the needs and desires of the other person, promoting affective responsibility.
  • Maintain balance in the relationship: If a person has all the power and control in a relationship, in the end it will end up harming both parties. Establishing limits promotes that there is a healthy balance.
  • Establish clear expectations: When establishing limits we elaborate clear bases on which to build the relationship. This contributes to no confusion or misunderstandings and helps both parties to know what to expect from the relationship.
  • Avoid emotional dependence: If we do not establish limits in relationships we can fall into emotional dependence. In other words, we run the risk of depending on the other person to feel complete or happy, something that can be very harmful to mental health.

For all these reasons, it is important to know how to communicate our limits of properly to the people with whom we maintain a relationship. For this reason, we show you some tips to help you put limits on relationships.

If you want to improve your relationships, we recommend the guidance of María Squapez, a psychologist and disseminator who sweeps the networks. With this book You will learn to put limits to your well -being and to reinforce your self -esteem. ¡Do not miss it!

Buy I love myself, I love you: a guide to develop healthy relationships ⧉

1. Identify what your limits are

Listen to your body and mind to be aware of how you feel when a person crosses your limits. Think of situations make you feel comfortable And in situations that, on the contrary, make you feel uncomfortable in order to find out what your needs are.

These reflections can be on any subject, such as what kind of relationship you would want another person.

On the other hand, if you have problems establishing your limits with your children, nephews or other infants, in the following article we explain how to give limits to children.

2. Communicate your limits clearly

When you have managed to identify your limits in the relationship, you must go to action and communicate them clearly To the other person. Speak from respect with him or her and explain the reasons why you need to set limits in your relationship.

It is also important listen to the needs and limits of the other person To be able to build a healthy and honest relationship.

3. Keep the limits

After establishing your limits, it is essential that you keep them. In this way, if the other person tries to cross a limit, you must be firm in your decision and express why this limit is important for you. If the other person does not take your limits into consideration, it is possible that this relationship is not convenient for you.

In fact, when we let someone cross our limits once, I can probably do it again in the future.

4. Learn to say "No"

It is important Learn to say "no" To establish limits, protect and take care of your resources. Saying "no" helps you to prioritize your goals and needs and avoid going through uncomfortable or stressful situations. Therefore, although saying "no" can be difficult when we want to please others or avoid conflicts, it is certainly an essential ability to maintain a healthy balance in your life.

5. Stay conscious to detect alert signals

Being aware of alert signals in relationships helps us Identify behaviors or situations that can harm our well -being. Some alert signals include jealousy, control or possessiveness, physical or verbal abuse, manipulation, respect of respect, lies, among others.

When we are attentive to these signs and detect them, we can protect ourselves from situations that may be harmful to us. In turn, they help us recognize problematic patterns in your relationships and make more informed decisions about whether you should remain in a relationship or end it.

6. Practice assertiveness

Being assertive is a social skill that allows us to express that we think and how we feel in a respectful way, without aggressiveness or passivity, speaking from our "I". Assertivity is one of the keys to maintaining good communication, solving conflicts and expressing our limits clearly.

In the following article we explain how to have a healthy relationship.

7. Accept the consequences

Establish limits in relationships may have certain consequences, including having to end the relationship. Although this can be a painful process, remember that You are the main responsible for your well -being and happiness.

For this same reason, sometimes we need to say goodbye to situations or harmful people to move forward and leave space for other relationships to come to your life that can contribute what you need. If you need help with this, you may help you read the article how to learn to release the past.

8. Take care of yourself

Taking care of ourselves is essential to maintain good emotional, physical and mental health. Self -care implies take into account our own needs To listen to and satisfy them. Without a doubt, this factor is key to putting limits in our relationships.

In short, putting limits on relationships is essential to maintain healthy relationships. If you have great difficulties in putting limits, It could be beneficial to work with a therapist To improve your self -esteem and communication skills.

First of all, remember that establishing limits does not imply that the relationship must end, but that we are encouraging that there is balance and mutual respect. As we grow and evolve the limits can also do so and it is important to review them in a regular way to ensure that they continue to be adequate to meet our needs.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to put limits on relationships, We recommend that you enter our category of couple therapy.