How to mount and manage a psychology cabinet

How to mount and manage a psychology cabinet

¿You have finished your training as a psychologist and you want to take the big step? There are many outings after making a career centered on mental health, you can manage organizations, make oppositions for a public square and, of course, you can open your own psychological office.

It may seem an impossible task at the beginning, it is about undertaking a business from scratch and organizing everything with the tools we have by hand, thinking about whether you are going to work as a team or autonomously, manage legal licenses, look for potential patients ... in Psychology-online, we want to help you learn How to mount and manage a psychology cabinet. For that reason, we offer you this article.

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  1. How to open a psychological consultation
  2. Management strategies of a psychological consultation
  3. Requirements to open a psychological cabinet

How to open a psychological consultation

The first step to work as a psychologist in your own consultation is to start the project and make a objective list. It is difficult to follow a scheduled path and even more if we are not used to undertaking a business, to know how to mount and manage a psychology cabinet, you can follow the following steps:

1. Finish and complement your training

In most cases, A university degree is not enough to exercise as a health psychologist. In Spain, for example, you must make a specific master's degree and access the Official College of Psychologists. In the event that you decide not to make a master's degree, keep in mind that you will not be able to exercise a health profession. In any case, your consultation could be aimed at the educational, social or labor field.

Training can also understand a period of practices to take experience and know how to treat your patients, think you are working with people who deposit their mental health in your hands.

2. Look for a place and enable space

Psychotherapy sessions can be online or face -to -face, it is usually recommended to do them in face -to -face mode, since communication is more fluid and connects better with the patient. In this case, you must find the ideal place to mount your psychological cabinet. There are premises for hours and rental offices, choose the option that best suits your business idea.

3. Think about forming a team

Mental health improvement is a approach job Multidisciplinary, This means that other professionals can intervene in the patient's improvement and stability process. Your psychological cabinet can be formed by other specialized psychologists in different areas, psychiatrists, speech therapists and even alternative therapists.

Think about whether you want to form a team or, on the contrary, you prefer to work alone and avoid responsible for the labor management of other people. Any decision you make has its pros and cons, the choice in this case must be consistent with the expectations you have about your consultation.

4. Start the procedures

Before launching a business, you must have all the Licenses in order, whether they are the personnel who prove that you are enabled to exercise as legal and economic licenses. If you are not a person with experience or knowledge about bureaucratic procedures, it is better to leave it in the hands of a management office.

5. Find your target audience

For a consultation to work, you need patients who come to it. You must be clear that your main objective is to be able to offer help and support for people who need it. Your clients are patients and are individuals who will need therapy, under that premise, think about the audience you want to attract, what kind of therapies are you better to exercise and what services you will offer in your cabinet.

Management strategies of a psychological consultation

If you want to open a psychological cabinet, you must keep in mind that one of the most important added values ​​in an office is the management capacity. While it is true that with patience and organization you can carry all the elements manually, there are Specific management tools For a psychology cabinet.

These management programs for psychologists, such as the Bewe offers us.IO, they have the main objective to help us organize all the elements that our business contains: agendas management, history file, patient monitoring and even provides us with tools to improve the image for the general public in the general public.

It is advisable to use management software if you want to provide a quality service. Thanks to the rise of new technologies, we have such useful tools at our disposal and we must make the most of them.

Requirements to open a psychological cabinet

Once you have clear all the steps to follow to have a consultation, you should know what requirements you need to finally open your own psychological cabinet:

  • Accreditation: As we have mentioned above, the practice of psychological therapies is very regulated to prevent it from being performed incorrectly. That is why each country has specific practices licenses that you must consult before exercising as a psychologist.
  • Motivation: It will be hard at the beginning and that is something that you should take into account, when we open a cabinet and we start a business from nothing, it is difficult to balance the initial economic investment, you must have patience and motivation to be able to see how your project takes off.
  • Customers: An indispensable requirement for psychological consultation to work is to get clients who come to it. Not only because they give you economic support, having many clients will make you gain personal experience and, in this way, you can improve as a professional.
  • Management Capacity: Once we have the business in progress, if we do not want to lose everything we have mounted, it is necessary to maintain a certain order. It is not easy to be able to manage the agendas, the patients, the inventory or the marketing of your company, for that reason, a good management of your psychological office will be added value. If you want to optimize this requirement, you can use a management software as previously commented.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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