How to improve memory to study

How to improve memory to study

The study is a project that in many cases is part of the lives of people in the different periods of time. Training as a basis for professional preparation and, also, to reinforce one's enjoyment in the discovery of new ideas, is frequent in lifestyle. To involve you in the study you need an action plan, time, and also, internal resources such as the reinforcement of motivation and memory. Next, in psychology-online we tell you How to improve memory to study. In addition, you will find the best exercises to improve memory and concentration.

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  1. How to create a habit to improve memory and concentration
  2. 5 exercises and tips to develop memory in the study
  3. Six leisure plans to improve your memory in the study

How to create a habit to improve memory and concentration

Memory is strengthened through constructive habits oriented to the achievement of the specific purpose. ¿How can you create a habit to study? Next, we offer you 5 exercises to improve memory and concentration:

1. Work space

Choose one zone with a comfortable desktop, located in a well -lit and silent place. You can also combine the study at home with moments in the library of the neighborhood or in the University if you are studying there.

2. Plan the schedule

The construction of a habit also part of the anticipation of agenda planning. Make a calendar that is flexible with your life circumstances to reconcile the study with your present reality.
Regularity is key in study planning to avoid postponing the preparation of an exam until the days prior to the planned date.

3. Memorize concepts

Although the study starts from the understanding of a topic through a preparation that allows you to express in your own words what has been learned, it is impossible to make a complete argument without the memorization of key concepts, dates and names of authors, for example. Repetition is essential to memorize concepts. Discover how to study by heart in a short time.

4. Brief breaks

The motivation of a break Brief in every time of study is approximately an incentive of concentration. During those brief breaks do not consult the news of social networks or WhatsApp because you run the risk of the pause to extend more than you had planned. A practical solution to avoid distractions is to leave the mobile in a different room.

5. Ask yourself questions

If you want to know how to concentrate to study and memorize, have an active attitude to the study, ask yourself questions and find the answer. Through this internal reasoning you also increase your involvement and, therefore, your concentration level.

5 exercises and tips to develop memory in the study

There are different study techniques to improve learning capacity. Next, we will advise some exercises that you can do to improve your memory:

  1. Expresses aloud what you learned. You can do it before another person or before yourself.
  2. Work in team. For example, it helps a partner who has difficulties with a specific issue and, in other cases, you receive this external support. This constant collaboration improves the concentration before the study by observing knowledge as a good that increases when shared.
  3. Use encyclopedia To find information to document you on specific topics and the printed dictionary to consult the meaning of the terms you do not know. You can also use new technologies with a pedagogical approach, but do not make the technique an end that absolutely replaces other traditional elements.
  4. Know yourself. The study not only part of the attention to an external good but also of its own knowledge. For example, if you know that when you are left with a partner to study in the library you distract yourself talking about other leisure topics, avoid that plan. Likewise, if you feel mentally exhausted for an afternoon after an intense schedule of study, make an exception during that day and take a break.
  5. Take advantage of classes. To improve your concentration before the study it is recommended that you begin to improve your attention in classes. To do this, take notes and ask the professor for the teacher. If you are in college, choose a seat in the first ranks of the classroom.

Six leisure plans to improve your memory in the study

As important as the study effort is having a creative leisure. ¿How can you feed your mind through the activities you organize in your free time?

  1. cultural tourism. Not only can you enhance this discovery of the environment on a trip, but also, in the place where you live and in the surroundings through the offer of museums, for example.
  2. Memory games. The game is a hobb.
  3. Create a blog On a topic that you like. If there is a subject that you love, maybe you can turn that issue into the plot thread of a blog in which you publish articles written by you.
  4. Learn a new language or improves the level you have already reached. Thanks to this, you increase your vocabulary and salts outside your comfort zone in the study.
  5. Reading. Reading is part of the study as an essential step for understanding a text. However, reading is also an incentive of free time through the reading habit of who integrates this literary component in his lifestyle. If you wish you can be part of a club of this topic to comment on a group work.
  6. Sport. Another of the routines that you can integrate into your lifestyle is the realization of a sport that motivates you and that you really like. A sport that drives you in the desire to practice personal overcoming.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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