How to improve work trust

How to improve work trust

Most people face a stressful work context every day. When the work is very overwhelming for a person with little confidence, facing those high levels of stress may seem adequately. Low levels or absence of trust make it very difficult for the person to assume leadership or appropriate participation in certain work or duties and independent decision -making. All this can lead to great difficulties in progressing or promoting at work, it can even favor a job decline. For all this, building good self -confidence is essential for the workplace. In this Psychology-online article, we show you some tips for Improve work trust.

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  1. Insecurity at work: consequences
  2. Some causes of low work trust
  3. Improve trust in work: tricks and advice

Insecurity at work: consequences

One of the main obstacles to economic success is low self -confidence. Low levels of trust in ours. At work, people who have this problem usually do, unconsciously, behaviors that go against their success, moving away from job opportunities or promotions.

Low self -esteem is problematic for various reasons, but one of the main problems is that it can be quite striking. People notice the low self -esteem immediately and, unfortunately the classmates, bosses or clients form negative opinions about people who show behaviors related to low self -esteem, since there is a general belief that low self -esteem is closely related to incompetence and apathy.

From a general point of view, it is better to have self -confidence and high self -esteem. But, ¿What happens in the workplace? These are some of the consequences of low self -esteem and little confidence:

1. Lower salaries

A study concluded that those who presented good self -confidence and self -esteem had higher salaries than those who had low self -esteem. This was visible in all social classes.

2. Labor inactivity

There are times when we have good business ideas, but we are afraid to carry them out. The lack of trust usually blocks the implementation of these ideas and leads to business inactivity. It is clear that people with high self -esteem tend to start new adventures and enjoy their jobs and job responsibilities.

3. Less economic risks

Those people with low self -esteem do not want to risk their money. Instead of investing some of your money they prefer to reserve and save it.

These are just some of the consequences, but there are many more. Each case will have their own. Low self -esteem can be an obstacle to many aspects of life, but it involves high costs in professional life.

Some causes of low work trust

There are many reasons why a person may not have confidence at work. Among them, we highlight the following:

  • Maybe the person does not have the skills necessary to perform work or sufficient experience.
  • The person is New in the company or she feels worried about her ability to achieve success.
  • The person feels threatened by his co -workers, he is afraid of losing his job or is very Self -examination.
  • Humiliation and public errors can be another reason

There are some experts who indicate that the most common cause is the Bad relationship with the boss. Insecurity at work will last while the relationship does not improve.

Improve trust in work: tricks and advice

Some steps you can follow to improve work trust are:

  • Prepare for work by developing the necessary skills to perform a good performance. To do this, you must identify necessary skills for that job and the appropriate skills to deal with the boss, customers and co -workers. If there is any skill you do not have, it is important that you promise to train it until they acquire it. In this way, you will avoid stress produced by these insecurities.
  • Identify your strengths. Make a list with the qualities you have and that can be very good at your job. Recognize the areas in which you are better to others and apply them to your work. Knowing your strengths and weak can positively affect your work helping you improve the level of trust. You will put the strengths into practice to improve your work and the weak will train them to improve them.
  • Establish reasonable goals or objectives in the short and long term. Short -term objectives are leading you to those in the long term. Celebrating each of those little goals will help you improve confidence as you progress.
  • You must accept that there will be times when trust in work is threatened. That is something that will happen and it is normal to happen. If you have made a negative or malicious comment, take a time of a day or two to recover before answering or making important decisions.
  • Establish new challenges It can be very positive. Doing things that you thought were impossible will help you improve your trust. Look for projects that give you the opportunity to use your strengths. If at first something seems very difficult, divide it into small steps or objectives, that way you will get it more easily.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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