How to improve work environment

How to improve work environment

In labor organizations, the motivation of individuals is an important part of subject's performance and reaching the goals proposed in productive activity. An aspect that contributes to motivation and productivity is the perception that individuals of the treatment provided by the organization within which we develop our activity.

In this area, the organizational justice construct (or organizational) is used, which plays a mediating role between how the worker himself feels with respect to the company and its members and (in many cases linked to the well -being of the workers and their self -perception in Terms of health, well -being and prestige), the results of the company and the job that runs (in terms of productivity). Therefore, in this Psychology-online article, we will see How to improve the work environment in a company And how to motivate workers through fair treatment.

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  1. Labor motivation
  2. Factors that influence the work environment and motivate employees
  3. Actions to favor the work environment and motivate employees
  4. Benefits of justice at work
  5. Workers' needs depending on age

Labor motivation

It is plausible to think that as time runs, people are changing our perception of the contribution to the group and The rewards we receive for our contribution (too often, we think that they are in imbalance, being older the first than the latter - we put more than we receive, or that bias we tend to perceive -). This social dimension of work, in terms of reward and its balance, is what we will try to analyze below.

The work has a social dimension, since in the performance of our work we have to participate in groups and, sometimes we manage to identify with the work and the rest of the people who participate in the task that various problems perform or may arise, both individual , as groups.

Besides, It is necessary that group members are motivated And finally, there must be an organizational or recognition justice that goes beyond the agreed economic remuneration. This last factor, that of distributive justice, is the one that concerns us and worries, at times as delicate as those experienced in a process of change like the one we experience today. In continuity we will see how this justice should be to favor a good work environment and motivate workers.

Factors that influence the work environment and motivate employees

According to Nordhall et als. (2018) The psychological construct of organizational justice, throughout literature is associated with results, both individual and organizational, to the extent that it affects in various dimensions. Among organizational, it has an impact on aspects such as: job performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, counterproductive behavior, the intention of rotation or abandonment of the organization, behavior in accordance with the organization.

Among the individual repercussions have been collected, among others: health-related factors such as disease decrease, problems related to work stress, cardio-vascular problems, burnout and emotional exhaustion, anxiety and depression. At the experimental level, factors referring to confidence in the supervisor or organization, equity and equality perceived within the organization, needs, labor security, complexity and status within the group have been considered as predictors of organizational justice, the moral and ethical standards, perceived organizational support and the expectations generated.

Actions to favor the work environment and motivate employees

Let's see some strategies and activities to improve the climate work and promote the motivation of workers through justice.

  • A procedural justice or the internal procedures of the group when working (reward or correct behaviors). It requires wide perception of equity. This requires that The opportunity to "express" each other's opinions and concerns, When so you need to do it. This is not possible if there is no coherence, correction, absence of bias and precision when assessing a given behavior.
  • A distributive justice that supposes the perception of equity Regarding the distribution of money, rewards and time. This is encouraged when the results are consistent with respect to equity and equality and when personal effort relationships coincide and are comparable with the same dimensions of other important people.
  • An interpersonal justice that entails perception of supervisors' behaviors adequate in terms of courtesy. It assumes that sometimes decisions can have negative consequences for the receiver, which does not mean that they cannot be perceived as fair if the individual recognizes that the supervisor treats it with due respect.
  • An informative justice that implies that the quantity, quality and opportunity of information received For the employee. It must be accompanied by periodic opportunities to receive relevant and adequate explanations and arguments (for example., compensation decisions).

Commonly and, it is understandable, we find constant comparisons of the perceptions of organizational justice among individuals (for example, when we look and compare ourselves with people of the same category, seniority in the company, or with diversity in these circumstances, especially if we leave harmed in this comparison). An especially relevant aspect is that of the absence of work and, specifically that related to medical casualties, subject to greater legal control (by the company, mutual, social security and medical services). Part of this aspect, is what we will try to illustrate below, closely linked to absenteeism.

Consequently, with the above, it seems clear that people are sensitive to the decisions adopted in an organization and, in addition, to the procedures that lead to the taking of the same and to the way they are treated by those who adopt them ( Bies et als., 1986).

In conclusion, to improve the work environment and motivate workers it is necessary to apply organizational justice: allow expression, offer information, practice equity and courtesy.

Benefits of justice at work

Ybema et als. (2016) observed that greater distributive and procedural justice, in terms of greater appreciation of the worker, influenced productivity, improving it, while The loss of productivity and absences due to illness decreased; While, on the contrary, an unfair treatment of the employee increases the loss of productivity and absences due to medical problems (depression, less well -being, among others), especially among older workers. If employees appreciate that the efforts invested are not rewarded, the balance in terms of productivity tends to be restored (lower workplace performance and with their reflection in a lower appreciation by the organization, both harmed).

An absence due to illness is even more harmful to the company, since labor relations are more erosion (that is, less recognition, greater incidence in the organization of the task and greater absence of the employee). To the loss of productivity, the fact is added by which the partners observe that the disease is used as an unnecessary absence of work, the absentee the absentee worse seen than when it is present, and he reaffirms in the right of his given reaction that he is impelled by the repercussions on his health and he still erodes more his appreciation among his classmates.

This effect is especially pronounced among workers with older and older. Although there are experiences that showed how despite the perception of interaction justice, employees with disease absences returned to work after an important event, leaving a longer period if they perceived that the perceived interactional justice was low, in front of those who They perceived interactional justice was medium or high.

Workers' needs depending on age

The group of older workers, It constitutes a very relevant group, since they have a greater need to remain at work, seeing their retirement, which makes them more sensitive to organizational justice.

On the contrary, The youngest, Although they are also sensitive to this aspect, however, in front of the most veteran who value the possibility of a decrease due They are provided.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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