How to improve work well -being

How to improve work well -being

The fact that companies provide Welfare to your employees It is not just a moral obligation, but also practice. Happy people increase their productivity and, therefore, help improve economic benefits. To deepen this statement we will talk about some investigations that validate it, that is, they show evidence that they prove that employee happiness favors the growth of the company.

In this psychology-online article we will talk about How to improve work well -being

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  1. Personal relationships in the company
  2. How are efficient equipment
  3. Harvard research
  4. Conclusions

Personal relationships in the company

The importance of personal relationships and I will Q12 survey. About ten years or less Gallup introduced a last question in the survey, specifically question number 10 that says: ¿You have a close friend at work?

Gallup surveys are surely the most widespread worldwide, a reference in HR. Introducing this question caused great controversy because we all know that for a long time there has been a certain controversy with respect whether personal life and working life should be related or, in other words, if a person is a person at work and another person is a personal life and that these should not be mixed, or that personal life It should not be mixed or affecting the professional. This is a very controversial issue, especially where the limits are.

The responses to the Gallup Q12 survey clearly show that in the companies where there is affection between people, that is, in which esteem or friendship relationships occur, they are companies where productivity is also greater. When there is relational well -being in companies, People give up professionally And, therefore, the company earns more money. It is demonstrated that it works significantly, therefore, favoring it is also morally an obligation, a good decision.

How are efficient equipment

The second reference I want to use is an internal investigation on the configuration of efficient equipment What did Google and the one called Aristotle .. ¡You can look for her on the same Google!. The investigation tried to find a pattern that defined which teams were the most efficient, the most productive.

They thought of many factors, for example, complementary skills profiles (skills), a combination of men and women or at different professional levels. But none of the apparently more obvious reasons was the answer and the only conclusion they could reach was that the two factors that determined which teams work best are those in which people have good communication and confidence between them.

Harvard research

The investigation that made Harvard University In 1939 in the Western Electric it is tremendously relevant in the history of psychology and labor relations since it is the first whose results were conclusive and, in addition, it was a paradigm shift: the employees for the first time were treated as people and not as productive machines.

The research tried about how the level of lighting in people's productivity influences. ¿What did you do? They put an initial lighting level and measured their productivity, lower the level and measured, rose the level and measured ... thus many iterations.

¿What happened? It turned out that the workers did not behave with any pattern with respect to the level of light, but surprisingly, as the study advanced, they were more productive. ¿Why the result was this? Because the relevant thing for the people who participated in the study was the consideration and affection they received from the research team.


If you want to have companies where people are productive, treat people well and esteem and encourage good relationships. This has to do directly with the concept of psychological security, a concept that is spoken a lot. A person has psychological security at work when he is not afraid of raising his hand and expressing his opinion.

They are companies that face innovation better, which consider that learning is important, that accept employee failure as an inevitable part of personal growth and company and that even encourage them to make mistakes. A company in which its employees are afraid to make mistake.

For fear of having some bad personal relationships With his classmates and with his bosses. Hide those mistakes or opportunities for improvement because in this way the company.

Finally, a brief summary of what three relevant investigations conclude: to promote good personal relationships and individual and corporate well -being, in addition to the impact on employee's happiness, it also derives in more productive employees, more cohesive equipment and therefore, therefore, The company will benefit in its results.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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