How to handle loneliness after a divorce 11 suggestions

How to handle loneliness after a divorce 11 suggestions

Learning to handle loneliness after a divorce can be essential, since, after a long time living as a couple, when divorce ensues, the feeling of sadness.

In addition to sadness, with divorce Some links in friends networks are also broken, hobbies change, among other modifications that can generate discomfort at the beginning.

Likewise, the person must make their lives again, then, many habits that were together are lost, so it can be a difficult process to cope with and it is useful to learn to handle loneliness after a divorce, in order to recover much sooner.

Marriage and divorce

According to the western conception of marriage, this implies the idea that it provides benefits related to well -being, emotional stability, mutual care, emotional and economic support and reciprocity. This makes Marriage is considered one of the most significant couple relationships that can exist between two people.

However, when conflicts are frequently presented, many times divorce is one of the solutions that are contemplated. Although the conflict may be necessary and, in some situations, act as a growth factor, whose resolution implies a work that leads the couple to a more stable balance, this does not always happen.

The divorce process generally implements many events that those involved perceive as stressful, are factors that increase the risk of experiencing emotional discomfort, both in adults and children.

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It could be affirmed that divorce arises to the extent that the expectations of marriage are not achieved in practice, so The benefits of staying united are minor before the gain of remaining single or marry another person.

Therefore, it is possible that the loss of the couple is perceived as a traumatic event, with adverse effects on the physical and psychological well -being of those who live it. Given this scenario, it should be learned to handle loneliness after a divorce.

How to handle loneliness after a divorce

Some of the suggestions to handle loneliness after divorce are the following:

  1. Call the friends with whom there was not talk for a long time: Few people usually deny their help right now. In life it is important to have a firm support network, even if it is a couple of people who can be told what happens; It's about looking for a company in the first moments.
  2. Recognize that it is fine to experience some different feelings: either frustration, sadness, anger, exhaustion, frustration or confusion. These can be intense, but it must be accepted that over time the intensity will decrease.
  3. Take a breath: Give permission to feel and operate to the rhythm in which it leaves, it may be that at first there is not much productivity at work as before, or others are not taken care of in the same way, but no one has special powers. It is best to take time to heal and recover encouragement.
  4. Dedicate yourself to the present moment: Well, many times he suffers from anticipatory anxiety and the person begins to believe that he will always be alone. "Always" and "never" become very used words at that time. But, it is better to concentrate on the present, in those little tasks that are done daily.
  5. Create a new routine: especially at night, which is the time when relapses and calls that can then regret it happen most. At this time of the day it is good to read a little, see a series, prepare a delicious dinner or any other task that according to a new routine.
  6. Enjoy loneliness: Since this is a gift that few may have, although it is nice to be with others, it also happens that after having spent some time alone, loneliness becomes a great companion that allows personal fulfillment; In addition, it teaches to better share time with others and the time you want to pass alone.
  7. Start a new project: It does not have to be something very big, but something very personal and that is loved, something that is completely own and is not shared with others, because many people can find benefits fulfilling their dreams at this stage, which can range from Write a book to learn to paint.
  8. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically: which implies taking time to relax, exercise, eat well. Try not to make very important decisions at that time, or changes in life plans that are transcendental. Avoid drug abuse, alcohol, cigarette, among others.
  9. Remember who was before the relationship: Before the relationship we lived in a way, there were hope, dreams, places to be known, new things to prove. So it is the perfect time to register in the art workshop, return to school, take a small walk through a city that wanted to know; Finding the purpose of life can make sense of the new person who is reconfigured today.
  10. Celebrate singleness: There are many people who really love to live alone, and singleness has its advantages: you don't have to share the bathroom, you can stay awake late without disturbing anyone, always cooking what you want to eat, spend money as you prefer, Spending time as best pleases, among other benefits.
  11. Time heals wounds: So it is necessary that this elapses to be able to attenuate the pain and, over time, the memories will be less frequent. This moment is important to also seek professional help and receive therapeutic support that will better learn to handle loneliness after a divorce.

Learning to be alone with yourself is one of the best gifts that exists, then, it teaches the person how it really is; It is no longer necessary to wait for another person to eat, modify the way of behaving, nor expect calls, but simply the person feels comfortable in their personal space.

Every day there are more people who begin to know the value of loneliness and enjoy it, knowing that it is the best time they can give themselves. So the best thing to do is learn to handle loneliness after a divorce.

Why loneliness is good: 10 reasons


  • Cervantes-Pacheco, e. Yo., Villaseñor-Guzmán, o. TO., Campos-Soto, e., & García-González, C. (2013). How do couples face the divorce process? Qualitative study from psychological resources. Uaricha10(21), 28-43.
  • Gómez-Díaz, J. TO. (2011). Divorce phenomenology (or the essence of separation) in women. Psychology & Society23(2), 391-397.
  • McKay, m. (2000). The divorce book and separation. Robinbook editions.