How to identify a psychopath features and characteristics

How to identify a psychopath features and characteristics

Let's memory ... how many times have we heard in the news: He was a seemingly normal man, who also enjoyed a good reputation and who had never raised suspicions, and suddenly you see him detained and accused of a series of crimes that neither his closest ones would suspect that he would be able to commit. That is, someone totally integrated into the community that becomes, From overnight, In a criminal.

Do you want to know how to identify a psychopath? Continue reading!


  • Important initial clarifications
  • What are personality disorders?
    • Antisocial personality disorder
  • How to identify a psychopath?
  • Is a psychopath a mentally ill?
  • A psychopath regrets?
  • Manifestations in Childhood: Prevention
    • Resources

Important initial clarifications

First, I must clarify that, While psychopaths do not have to commit criminal acts or crimes, it is true that because of their characteristics they are prone to break the rules of coexistence.

Neither all psychopaths are murderers, nor are all murderers.

However, most of them are people integrated into society that are hidden among normal people, because, Although a psychopath looks like a normal person, it is not.

As Robert Hare indicates: "Not all psychopaths are criminals. They are in business, government, academia and the media. You will find a lot of these people, but they are not committing criminal acts. They will take advantage of people ".

Secondly, it is also important to clarify that, While there are psychopathic women, the percentage is less than in the case of male psychopaths (for example, Patrick Nogueira), so I will use the male gender based on this clarification.

Soon we will see the so -called “Patraix crime” case, where María Jesús Ruíz represents a clear example of a psychopathic woman.

What are personality disorders?

The personality disorders They are characterized by A rigid and inflexible functioning pattern, as to experiment adaptation difficulties in the environment (Social, family, academic or work area, etc.).

The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (APA, 2013) DSM-V defines the general personality disorder as a enduring pattern of internal experience and behavior that deviates significantly from the expectations of the individual's culture.

This pattern is manifested in two (or more) of the following areas:

  1. Cognition (that is, ways of perceiving and interpreting oneself, other people and events).
  2. Affectivity (that is, amplitude, intensity, lability and suitability of the emotional response).
  3. Interpersonal operation.
  4. Impulse control.

He enduring pattern is inflexible and dominant In a wide variety of personal and social situations.

Besides, Cause clinically significant discomfort or deterioration in the social, labor or other important areas of functioning; It is stable and long -lasting, and its beginning can be traced at least to the adolescence or the early stages of adulthood.

Finally, it is important to indicate that it is not best explained as a manifestation or consequence of another mental disorder; and that the enduring pattern cannot be attributed to the physiological effects of one substance or other medical condition.

Following the classification proposed by the DSM-V, it includes a total of 10 personality disorders divided into three groups:

  • Group A: Paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal.
  • Group B: antisocial, limit, histrionic and narcissistic.
  • Group C: evasive, dependent and obsessive compulsive.

Antisocial personality disorder

When we talk about psychopathy, we are referring to antisocial personality disorder, diagnosed in adults.

As a diagnosis we can find it in the CIE-10 (International disease classification, WHO 10.ª edition), in Chapter 5, in the F60.2 like Antisocial personality disorder; While in the DSM-V It is found in group B of personality disorders.

Each personality disorder has its own set of diagnostic criteria and antisocial personality disorder (DSM V) It is characterized by a dominant pattern of inattention and violation of the rights of others, which occurs from 15 years of age, And that manifests itself by 3 or more of the following facts:

  1. Failure to comply with social norms Regarding legal behaviors, which is manifested by repeated actions that are a reason for detention.
  2. Deception, which is manifested for repeated lies, use of aka or scam for personal benefit or pleasure.
  3. Impulsivity or failure to plan in advance.
  4. Irritability and aggressiveness, which is manifested by repeated fights and physical aggressions.
  5. Reckless neglect of own security or others.
  6. Constant irresponsibility, which is manifested by repeated disability of maintaining coherent work behavior or complying with economic obligations.
  7. Absence of remorse, which manifests with indifference or rationalization of the fact of having injured, mistreated or stolen from someone.

In addition, for the diagnosis of this personality disorder the person must have at least 18 years, although There is evidence of the presence of a behavior disorder with start before the age of 15.

The brain of a psychopath is different

How to identify a psychopath?

When we talk about normal, It is possible to differentiate three types:

  1. The one that refers to The idea of ​​the common or frequent, that is, what is statistically common in relation to the phenomenon we are studying;
  2. Which refers to moral scope, that is, it is abnormal that which repudiates our morality and that offends our sensitivity;
  3. The doctor, psychiatric or psychological. In this case, normal refers to a person knows what he does and wants to do it.

Taking this into account, psychopaths differently differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, But they do the same because they feel above the demands of respect and human treatment that are imposed on all people for the mere fact of being born people and growing in a society.

It is not assaulted by the fault if it transgresses the rules of coexistence that all people assume.

Psychopaths usually lead a seemingly normal life, although sometimes they leave that normality to star in criminal acts that can reach the level of aggressions and even murders.

Ironic, many psychopaths see themselves as the real victims of the situation they live, either due to their problematic childhood or other circumstances of their life. The truth is that nOr there is anything in the background or experiences of a psychopath to push him so to speak, to evil.

When they choose evil, they choose it perfectly knowing what that means and the consequences that it entails.

Besides, A psychopath is characterized by showing behavior that does not recognize another ethical than the own. It acts to obtain what he pleases, regardless of the suffering (or death in the worst case) that imposes on his victims.

What differentiates this disorder from others is their symptomatology, the features it presents, and the fact that The person enjoys doing what he does, Well, a psychopath does not see any reason to change.

From the point of view of the relationship with other people, psychopaths They are arrogant, superficial, misleading and manipulators. Regarding its affective world, His emotions are hollow, without depth and volatile, being unable to develop solid links with people because They lack empathy, anxiety or feelings of guilt. On the other hand, regarding your behavior, They are irresponsible, impulsive and have the need to look for new sensations.

There are two specific qualities that make the psychopath a dangerous person: concealment and simulation, because they are able to pretend what they are not and to appear purposes and emotions that do not possess.

Is a psychopath a mentally ill?

The antisocial personality disorder is a diagnosis, but it is not synonym for "mental illness" so to speak. If we understand that person who loses contact with reality, the psychopath is not, because he knows the difference between good and evil.

But it is important to note that advances in neuropsychology have allowed them to verify that they present certain dysfunctions in your nervous system.

However, taking into account this:

What makes the difference between those who live a life without committing crimes and those who commit them?

There is no doubt about enormous importance of the environment, medium. A social environment where violence and emotional hardness can be learned can lead a person prone to psychopathy to be a dangerous criminal, while a compensating and orderly medium can make social deviation moderate.

So much so could be assured that they exist Two fundamental causal elements:

  • A Psychophysiological alteration, Possible nervous system damage.
  • The set of family, educational and social influences that the person receives throughout his life.

Finally, it is important to emphasize in the case of psychopaths who commit crimes that the existence of this type of cerebral anomalies related to psychopathy It is not a cause of criminal exemption.

A psychopath regrets?

A psychopath Do not regret it Because it does not have the ability to regret. If you ask forgiveness, it's a forgiveness without feeling. They do not experience any concern about the consequences of their actions in others And sometimes they clearly manifest it.

When they say they feel it, it is nothing more than to offer a good image, in addition their previous and subsequent words as well as their facts often contradict that regret.

They are people who lack moral conscience Since they live under their own values ​​scheme, doing what they consider necessary to meet their needs.

In Dubio Pro reo: Almonte's double crime

Manifestations in Childhood: Prevention

As we have seen, there is evidence of the presence of a behavior disorder with starting before the age of 15, so The best way to try to prevent is to intervene during childhood because it is the time when personality is being created.

Some advisable guidelines are:

  • Notice to the minors and Pay a lot of attention to their emotions and feelings, as well as their actions and the consequences of them.
  • Show Rigor and a always respectful behavior, not skipping the rules or limits (which must be captured by minors clearly). Children learn seeing their fathers and mothers, and that is why it is important that they always contemplate a correct attitude.
  • Teach not being vindictive and Do not use lies as part of your usual repertoire.
  • When it hurts someone or an animal, you have to make him understand that he has done it wrong, that is not admissible and emphasize that It must apologize as it matches.

Finally, If the worrying behavior is repeated, it is necessary to resort to psychological care to be able to stop a problem that can become very serious in the future.

In the search for a treatment plan, "early intervention has really been the only thing that has proven to be effective," explains Matt Logan, a leading researcher and former penitentiary psychologist.


  • CIE-10
  • DSM-V