How to talk about your defects in a job interview

How to talk about your defects in a job interview

A job interview is a very important test in the professional environment since it is an opportunity for knowledge between the company and the candidate. In this interview, the candidate answers different questions related to his career, his experience and training. But, also, with his way of being.

Some of these questions may be more uncomfortable, for example, those that are destined to deepen the possible defects or defects in professional practice. ¿How to talk about your defects in a job interview? In Psychology-online, we give you the keys to face this situation with emotional intelligence by increasing your options to achieve that job.

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  1. Tips for talking about your defects and weaknesses
  2. Turn your defects into an opportunity: positive defects
  3. How to overcome your personal defects at work

Tips for talking about your defects and weaknesses

These ideas will help you overcome this moment with more confidence in you and have a positive attitude in a job interview:

1. Test planning

From your experience in interviews of this type you can identify usual questions that are repeated in the selection processes. In that case, prepare your answers before the test. That does not mean that you have to say a memory script, simply, by imagining yourself verbalizing these messages you prepare to face that moment naturally when the situation comes. You can perform a playing role exercise, a simulation dynamic on the job interview itself.

2. Complement your defects with your virtues

When you list a defect, you can then reinforce the message through the expression of qualities and virtues with which you can overcome this difficulty that, in no case, should be a point that affects your own personal brand or your professionalism. For example, you may not be satisfied with your English level, however, you can explain that you are studying at the language school to correct this point as soon as possible.

That is, you can put your limit with your own desire to overcome. For example, if you did not like to speak in public before, you can express that you have overcome that difficulty through experience. Defects in a job interview acquire their true meaning when they are interpreted from a global point of view.

3. Avoid giving manual answers

Interviewers ask so many questions to different candidates that it is a mistake to repeat common answers about this issue. For example, it is little original to resort to perfectionism as a form of defect that in turn is a virtue. Actually, try to enhance your introspection to give an answer with which you feel identified, but also, with which you feel comfortable at that time.

4. Share your desire to learn

A candidate wanting to continue working, learning and evolving shows through his attitude that in a natural way he is a resilient person capable of overcoming his own difficulties through the development of new skills. Therefore, this desire expresses at some point in the interview.

5. Self-esteem

Not only do you express information about yourself when talking about your defects, but also, in the way you do it. Do not talk about yourself through self -pity, victimhood or guilt. In fact, do not recreate at this point for the interview to continue its course with other conversation issues.

Turn your defects into an opportunity: positive defects

The moment in which you ask what mention your own defects is one of the most stressful for a candidate who fears not being chosen by this point, however, in reality, you should observe this information as an opportunity since the coach is set in many important details through your answers. It is a mistake to believe that the curriculum is the best representation of your capacity because in reality, You are your personal brand. Your way of being, your social and emotional skills are also significant at this time.

Around this issue, when answering this question you also demonstrate Your level of self -knowledge By showing that you are a person who knows yourself well thanks to introspection. In addition, you also put into practice a virtue as important as the sincerity to show yourself as you are.

This expression of defects is also a clear Humility lesson for you. In turn, you demonstrate your communicative skills around this matter. For this reason, when you think at that time you have to answer this awkward question in the job interview, observe all what your answers contain even if it is not explicitly. That is, your answers say more about you what I would have imagined at first.

How to overcome your personal defects at work

  1. Awareness of What are your limits, that is, identify in what aspects you would like to improve. Change the concept of defect for weakness. Just as your virtues are your strengths, your defects condition you.
  2. The defects are not immovable. When you talk about yourself, avoid the prejudice of believing that you are like that and you can't do anything to change. No matter the age you have, you can continue to evolve so that these limits affect you less and less.
  3. ¿How to do it? Through an action plan that integrates the steps aimed at promoting your Personal development in front of that limit that you have previously identified. Start working in an orderly manner, that is, it begins with a specific point that you would like to improve.
  4. Personal coaching process. Coaching is an increasingly present discipline in the work environment. The key to its success is that it positions the client in a role of the protagonist in which he assumes responsibility to generate significant changes in his attitude.
  5. Stay Open to constructive criticism and suggestions by the work environment. Receive those comments as an opportunity to improve when you realize aspects that you may not have perceived until that moment.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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