How to manage anger attacks in the couple

How to manage anger attacks in the couple

The term of anger has had multiple meanings in psychological research and everyday language, referring both to body or physiological feelings and reactions, and to attitudes towards other people. IRA is understood as one of the seven basic and universal emotions that the human being has and it is completely normal to feel it in some moments, despite the discomfort that can generate and the difficulty of being able to manage it properly.

In this sense, anger have a variety of adaptive functions, such as the organization and regulation of psychological and physiological internal processes related to self -defense and the regulation of interpersonal and social behaviors. However, anger is an emotion considered aversive by the damages that can lead to its poor management at the social level. Therefore, in this psychology-online article we leave you 12 techniques/advice to know How to manage the couple's anger attacks.

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  1. Leave a time space
  2. Offers a space to express your anger
  3. Identify possible solutions together
  4. Try to talk using messages
  5. Work together for not saving mutual grudges
  6. Practice breathing exercises
  7. Do exercise
  8. Include relaxation techniques on a day -to -day basis
  9. Use empathy
  10. Increase positive social behaviors
  11. Recommend it to rest
  12. Suggest going to therapy

Leave a time space

When you see that your partner's words, actions and behaviors are controlled by anger, Effect a rest time, that can go to another part of the house or to take a walk to meditate on what he is feeling and is going through his head, as well as finding the best way to tell you.

Offers a space to express your anger

In the same way you offer a space for you to meditate on your current emotional state, also offer you a space to express what has caused him to be like this And to be able to feel that you can share with you your emotions.

Identify possible solutions together

It may be complicated that your partner can see solutions to the situation that has made that anger feel, since this emotion can cloud the senses and the possibility of seeing other options clearly. Nevertheless, propose possible solutions and assess the consequences of each of them could help this anger faded more quickly.

Try to talk using messages

Communicating assertiveness as a main tool will help you can also express How is you feeling your partner's anger in a way in which he does not feel attacked.

To achieve this, it is important that exposing from your point of view how you are making you feel and in what specific situation, as well as explaining what you would like to change and what you can do on your part to improve the situation.

Work together for not saving mutual grudges

The resentment for situations where anger has appeared in the couple will generate tension and greater difficulty in managing emotions between the two. In turn, this will generate more conflicting situations that can lead to greater resent.

For this reason, once it has been considered looking for a solution to the situation, and if you set out to help your partner to manage anger, it is important Understand that this anger was the result of its mismanagement And that, once you close the chapter, reopen it will generate greater conflict.

Practice breathing exercises

Deep diaphragmatic breathing is an exercise that Help emotional regulation From the body expression of emotions, since a leisurely breathing is incompatible with the physiological sensations of anger. Therefore, practicing these types of exercises can help your partner be faster.

Do exercise

¿You want to know another way of managing anger? The exercise is A great emotional download tool that will help your partner feel happier and restless after practicing it.

Include relaxation techniques on a day -to -day basis

The practice of Relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing or progressive muscular relaxation on a day -to -day basis, it will help control anger in future situations in which this emotion will manifest again.

In the following article you will find 9 relaxation techniques for stress.

Use empathy

Put yourself in place to try to understand what has made you feel that way will facilitate dialogue between them and the expression of your emotions.

It also remembers that being empathetic does not mean to agree with what the other person thinks at all times, but validate the emotions you are feeling in the face of a certain situation and the importance it can have for him/her.

Increase positive social behaviors

One of the points that can help anger management is the development of pleasant social activities. So so much, once you have been able to dialogue and your partner is something better, another good way to manage anger could be perform some of the activities you enjoy most together.

Recommend it to rest

When we are physically or mentally exhausted, our anger reactions and aggressive impulses are more frequent and we have less tools to manage them. For this reason, a good break, either together or separately, It will help to reduce the lack of anger management.

Suggest going to therapy

Sometimes, a bad expression of anger can be given timely by the many factors that may be influencing. However, on many other occasions the difficulty in managing anger is a consequence of the lack of tools available to the person, so It is important to go to therapy To work on it.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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