How is addiction treatment in specialized centers

How is addiction treatment in specialized centers

Drugs, alcohol, game and, increasingly, new technologies. The list of addictions - new and new - is long, both as detoxification treatments are sometimes. When you take the initiative to abandon an addiction, The path facing the person is difficult, but it is possible to reach the goal.

On that path, the patient can have support of a very diverse nature, however, The cornerstone is psychosocial attention. An attention that in a Addiction treatment center Not only is it more intense, but it offers an added advantage: to remove the addict from an environment in which a small frustration can cause a relapse.

Comprehensive care in three steps

In the treatment of addictions, comprehensive and personalized assistance provided by specialized centers such as More ferriol is essential. Each patient is different and as such should be treated, But from the common base of the need to address issues that range from psychological or behavior aspects to social relationships or behavioral problems.

Beyond outpatient treatments, which in some cases are enough to treat some addictions, The approach to the disease in a specialized center goes through three phases:

  • Detoxification: The objective is to help the patient overcome withdrawal syndrome in the best conditions, usually with the help of pharmacological treatment, in addition to psychological support.
  • Deshabitation and rehabilitation: It is a period dedicated to reinforcing what has been achieved so far, to adjust treatments, to start working in the physical aspect, to learn to manage and channel emotions, to recover social skills and to promote family relationships, among other issues. The adoption of healthy routines and habits, as well as group therapies, are fundamental.
  • Maintenance and reintegration: After the first weeks of treatment, the patient already uninhabited is ready to return to his environment and resume a relatively normal life. It needs, however, a control and monitoring to move towards full reintegration and, especially, to help you overcome inevitable moments of crisis.

A 'relative' normality

The fundamental aspect, once the addiction is over, is to take into account that The person becomes a chronic patient that, in most cases, it can lead a relatively normal life both in the social and labor aspect.

However, as in any other disease, there is the possibility of relapses, hence any therapy, even in the same treatment center, also work with the family environment. An environment that sometimes suffers very hard the consequences of the addiction of a loved one, but that is an indispensable pillar in its reintegration and willpower to stay away from what caused that addiction.

Another important issue is that the center represented a 'safe environment' that the patient loses when recovering his previous life. That's why, It is important that you have support groups and always have professionals and therapists close. The usual thing is that, except very strong relapses that force new income, psychosocial assistance can already be carried out in an outpatient manner.