How to sleep fast and deep

How to sleep fast and deep

Sleeping is necessary for our survival and influences our mental health and our work capacity. During the dream we recover the force used during the day to get up in the morning with strength and energy.

Therefore, in this Psychology-online article, we will explain you How to sleep fast and deep To recharge batteries and you can do your best during the day. Discover the best tricks and tips to reconcile sleep and sleep well.

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  1. Puts relaxation and/or meditation techniques
  2. Choose an appropriate pillow
  3. Prepare your room
  4. Wear comfortable sleeping clothes
  5. Listen to relaxing environmental music
  6. Duchate or get down before going to bed
  7. Use the bed just to sleep
  8. Write down the pending tasks before bed
  9. Don't exercise just before sleeping
  10. Don't make a nap during the day
  11. Don't eat too much before going to sleep
  12. Read before going to bed
  13. Prepare an alarm
  14. Do not drink stimulating drinks
  15. Do not try to recover sleep hours

Puts relaxation and/or meditation techniques

¿How to fall asleep without sleeping? Relaxation and/or meditation techniques will help you relax the body and mind. Specifically, meditate It will help to reconcile sleep And it will provide you with better rest and recovery.

Choose an appropriate pillow

A very important aspect that ensures an optimal dream is to choose the best pillow. The functions of the pillow are to protect the neck, one of the body parts that accumulates more tension during the day, and Avoid cervical pain.

Prepare your room

One of the quick and deep sleep tricks is to paint the room with neutral tones, decorate it in a simple way, maintain a pleasant temperature and leave it collection and ordered before sleeping

Wear comfortable sleeping clothes

If you want to sleep well, Do not wear garments that squeeze you or that you have to be putting right every time you turn, because your rest will be affected by it. The best thing to sleep quickly and deeply is to wear comfortable clothes.

Listen to relaxing environmental music

Another factor that helps deep sleep is the soft sounds of nature or musical instruments. exist Specific reproduction lists with relaxing music that you can program to go out alone and do not interrupt your rest

Duchate or get down before going to bed

If you have difficulty sleeping difficulties, give yourself a shower or a relaxing bathroom just before going to bed, then the Sensation of cleaning And body temperature invite you to rest.

Use the bed just to sleep

¿What helps to sleep deep? An aspect that favors sleep is to reserve the use of the bed only to rest. Do not use it to watch television or work. If you see that after 15 minutes you can't sleep, it is better that you get up and try again later.

Write down the pending tasks before bed

If you do not want that nothing disturbs your mind When bedtime, one of the tricks that will help you sleep quickly and deep is to score the pending tasks you want to do the next day. The fewer things you have in your head, the less it will take long to relax and sleep.

Don't exercise just before sleeping

If you are a sports lover and want to exercise your body, but it is hard for you to sleep at night, you should know what is important Leave a space of 2 or 3 hours between exercise and sleeping time. The main reason is that exercise activates the body and that is counterproductive to reconcile sleep.

Don't make a nap during the day

If you want to sleep fast and deep, although the night before you have not slept well, It is preferable that Aguantes awake During the day and rest well at night. This advice is not applicable in young boys and girls, because they do need to rest during the day.

Don't eat too much before going to sleep

An important aspect that you should consider to be able to sleep quickly and deep is that it is not good to eat excessively just before bedtime. The full stomach prevents you from resting correctly and can cause nightmares.

The best is Deny a couple of hours before going to sleep To be able to rest well and have a repairing dream.

Read before going to bed

Reading is a quiet practice and one of the most commonly used sleeping techniques. Remember read off And before doing so, leave the room prepared to go to bed.

Prepare an alarm

Put an alarm to wake up the next day It will help you be calmer when you go to sleep. In addition, it is recommended that you get up in the first alarm touch and not hurry those five minutes that they like so much, since they give more dream and no less.

Do not drink stimulating drinks

¿How to sleep fast and deep at night? It is important that you do not consume stimulating and energizing drinks after food. So that, Avoid drinking coffee or soft drinks with caffeine After eating at noon.

Do not try to recover sleep hours

Another of the quick and deep sleep techniques is that you do not try to recover sleep hours on weekends. Try to keep your routine and not modify it in excess. If your schedules suffer many modifications, your sleep quality will be affected.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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